Young Friends
It’s a funny old world. I had anticipated Saturday and Sunday as being days when I’d hopefully see some sexy fun with Mary, but with…

It’s a funny old world. I had anticipated Saturday and Sunday as being days when I’d hopefully see some sexy fun with Mary, but with Simon’s intervention on Saturday and Katie deciding her horse needed a day off on Sunday nothing transpired.
With that in mind, I adopted a mindset that Monday would be of the same ilk. Wrong. In spades.
Sunday night I got a text from Katie:
Hi, T. Hope you don’t mind me asking but if you’re coming to the stables tomorrow can I introduce you to a friend? I told her you were a XXXXXX (redacted — I’m not divulging my profession) and she’s just got her A level results and is hoping to study XXXX (redacted) at uni and would like to hear what the real world work’s like.
I texted back saying I’d love to help and I’d see them in the morning.
I wasn’t early at the stables, I knew it would be busy, everyone sorting out from the previous day when we’d held the under 10s gymkhana, or using the bank holiday to enjoy their horse some more, so I doubted I’d get the opportunity to do anything sexy.
I finished my ride, put Jack back in his paddock and found Katie and her friend, but no Mary.
“She dropped me off,” Katie explained when I asked, “Dad wanted to take her to test drive a new car he’s buying to make sure she can, given her shortness! This is Debs, the friend I mentioned who wanted to meet you.” I looked at Debs and smiled. “Nice to meet you, how can I help?”
“It’s nice to meet you too. Katie told me that you are a XXXX (redacted) I’ve just finished A levels and am thinking of doing that as a career and would love to ask you some questions if I may.”
Debs was medium height, and slim but curvy. Her hair was cropped short, pixie style, almost a boy’s cut. But it was her eyes I noticed most. They danced and laughed. She wasn’t glamorous in the way Katie was, but had a sexiness about her. A naughtiness.
“Of course, that’s no problem. Did you want to ask me now?”
“If it’s not too much trouble. I don’t want to stop you riding.”
“No, that’s okay, I’ve just got back.”
“Oh, well, if you were going home and it would be easier I could come back to your house?”
“How would you get home? Is it far from me?” I asked looking at Katie, as I assumed she’d know where her friend lived. “Debs is only a couple of streets away from you. The walk will do her good. She’s a lazy so and so.” Debs playfully punched Katie on the arm. “Rubbish, I get as much exercise as you, just in a different way.” They both laughed. Obviously, some joke they shared that they weren’t going to divulge to me.
“Okay,” I said, “We’ll go. Are you alright to get back Katie?”
“Yes, Mum said she’d test drive the car up here and pick me up.”
So we left Katie grooming Rebel and I drove home with Debs.
She was very animated, chatting virtually nonstop. I just drove and listened. No. Not true. I drive listened and snatched glances to fuel my imagination.
Those thoughts were not wholesome. Very sexy though. Debs was wearing a vest style top. Thin straps going over her shoulder, large armholes giving interesting glimpses. No bra that I could detect although her breasts certainly warranted one. She was in a skirt. Short. Mid-thigh length. Tight. Pencil skirt tight. The whole appearance was ‘chav’ but she spoke well and otherwise from what she’d been saying I’d have described her as middle class. She was definitely dressed down.
By the time we got home, I knew she was one of four children, all girls, she being the youngest, her parents were still together and happy, she’d just got her A level results 2 A* and an A in subjects well suited to my profession. She’d accepted a place at university. A good university for her subject. She was excited to be going away from home and looking forward to the challenge and freedom.
She was open and candid and there was something else, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on but that something made me tingle.
God, what was I thinking? An eighteen-year-old girl! But so what I told myself. Only a year younger than Katie and my lustful thoughts about her certainly weren’t tempered by age.
We got back home. I made some coffee but Debs said she didn’t drink caffeine so had water. We sat in the lounge and talked about my profession. She asked intelligent questions. About how the day-to-day work compared with the perception, how bad the pressures were, what were the rewards, financial and otherwise. She impressed me. They were good questions and she’d prepared for meeting me. I used the time to admire her body. At least what I could see of it. Which was quite a lot. She’d kicked her shoes off and tucked her feet up under her. Her tight skirt had no option but to ride up her legs. You guys would have been in seventh heaven, a large pale blue triangle shouted out from just under her skirt hem. By the time we’d been talking for an hour, I’d decided she definitely had lesbian leanings. I mean, I’m such an expert in the field now! I think it was the obvious lack of concern about her looks (she wore no makeup) and the cropped hair that shouted the loudest but her mannerisms were also not totally feminine. Difficult to describe but plain to see.
We reached a point where she had exhausted her questions.
I had no reason to suppose this meeting was going to be anything but what it had been, but sixty minutes of looking at this bundle of energy had me determined to find out for sure.
“Would you like to stay for lunch? Have a drink? I assume you’re old enough to drink?” A stupid question really but I wanted to steer the conversation in another direction.
“Oh yes, I’m old enough to do lots of things!” The intonation in her voice left no doubt about what she was referring to. I couldn’t let the opportunity pass.
“Lots of boys in your life then?”
“Mm, lots! And girls. Including Katie!”
Wow. More openness. I played dumb.
“Katie? I didn’t know she had girlfriends. I mean, well, intimate girlfriends.” I was nonplussed and didn’t quite know how to phrase it.
“No, but it’s because of you.”
“Me?” I continued to play the innocent.
“Yes, you Ms Parker (she made it sound as if she were addressing a school teacher.) She told me she’d opened up to you about boys and you’d suggested she give girls a try.”
I tried to keep it light. “It’s so nice when people take one’s advice. Something you’ll learn is not always the case in my profession.”
She laughed. “Sex counsellor too then are you?”
“Very amateur. I’m better at the practical than the theory.” I sipped my wine and watched her reaction. She took it all without batting an eyelid.
“In that case, you’d better show me.”
How on earth should I react to that? Ninety-five per cent of me was for leaping up and getting to grips with her, but the other five per cent was banging a warning bell.
“I doubt there’s much I could teach you. You’re probably more experienced than I am.”
“Let’s find out!” With that, she leapt out of her chair came over to me and kissed me. Open mouthed. The five per cent surrendered and joined their ninety-five mates.
Fuck. Pardon my language. I’d lusted after Katie for weeks. Partly because she was gorgeous, but I have to be honest, partly due to her age. I wanted to experience that youthfulness. Now I was. Twenty-five years my junior but a generation older in experience I suspected. She wasn’t shy! She’d pushed me back into the sofa started tongue lashing me and groping a tit while straddling me. The time for introspection, for deciding if I was doing the wrong thing, was not now. I joined in wholeheartedly.
I got my hand between her legs, pushed my fingers into her skimpy knickers. She was natural, felt as hairy as I had been. She was already wet. My finger slid in. I heard a moan escape. I followed it with another finger. She started riding them. Somehow she managed to keep her lips connected to mine as she bucked on my fingers, a hand still clamped motionless over my tit.
I was doing very little. Apart from enjoying her closeness. Before I realised it she was coming. A huge groan, her head thrown back and a final hard thrust down on my hand.
“God, I needed that.” She sounded more like a thirty-something frustrated housewife than a randy eighteen-year-old. She still straddled me and pushed my tee shirt up with my bra and began massaging both tits.
“I knew we’d end up doing this. Just knew, so I didn’t frig myself off this morning.”
Blunt and descriptive!
“Your turn.” She undid my jeans pulled them and my knickers down as far as she could without dismounting and sunk her head between my legs. There was a raw urgency there. Not the finesse of Jane or Mary but an urgent need to seemingly devour me.
It had the desired effect. She nibbled at my clit. Her tongue explored as deep as it could into my pussy. All the while her hands were kneading my breasts. I lay back watching her head between my legs. It didn’t take long for me to join her in coming.
She stood up. I briefly thought that might be it and she was leaving but she stripped off. Everything. Stood naked, legs slightly apart, fingering herself looking at me.
“What we going to do now Ms Parker?” The formal use of my name made me wonder if she wanted to do a teacher/pupil thing. After my recent experience of role play with Carol and Charles, I was certainly not averse to the idea. Should I ask or just do it? Just do it I decided. She could always say stop.
“I think we are going to chastise you for being so naughty.” She didn’t say anything so I swung my legs off the sofa, grabbed her wrist and pulled her over my knee. She still said nothing. I rubbed my hand over her cheeks. So soft. I raised my hand and slapped one. I had no idea how hard I should be. Jane and I had done a little BDSM but I’d not learnt much.
No reaction. I slapped a little harder. A slight gasp and a slight leak. A third slap. Harder still. A sharp intake of breath. A further leak. It was interesting. The power aspect. I hadn’t expected to get any reaction from my body doing this but I most assuredly was. My leak was as bad as Debs. I decided on one more slap. Not as hard as I could, but I wasn’t sure I’d have wanted to be on the receiving end. Judging by Debs reaction though she did. A long moan rather than a cry and a gush of juices. My jeans were now soaked. I pushed her legs apart and was going to finger fuck her but the closeness of her puckering arse changed my mind.
I ran my thumb down the crease of her bum to her hole. I put pressure on it. Waited. No reaction one way or the other. I pushed with my thumb. Easy access. Comparing her reaction to Mary’s she’d had things up there before that’s for sure.
“Bugger me Ms Parker. Please!” My thumb was in up to the knuckle. I pushed a little more. “Oh god yes! Yes!” Her hips started gyrating. She was screwing my thumb. I slipped my free hand under her and inside her vest. Her nipple was hard. She seemed to enjoy pain so I squeezed hard. Another low moan. I pushed my thumb further. God! Then the eruption. A gurgle, her hips thrust high then crashed into my knees. Her head back. Her scream. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Yesssss!”
The whole dynamic of this meeting was totally different to those I’d had with the other three women in my life. Those were of equals. This one wasn’t. I was the elder, the one doing the dominating. But it didn’t feel like that. Debbie had instigated the sex, instigated the role play, if you can call it that. it was Debs that somehow was controlling the scenario. Was that a problem? Not really I suppose but I felt a little inadequate being led in that sexual way by a girl so much younger than me.
She rolled off my lap crashing into the floor but it didn’t seem to bother her.
“Thanks, Trace. Katie thought you’d be good.”
Gone was the Ms Parker but what excited me was what Katie had said.
“You discussed me?”
“Yes, after we screwed the first time. She said you’d suggested she try a girl. She said she knew you did girls and thought you were sexy.”
“Did you tell her you planned this?” I was interested to see how she answered. I was fairly certain she had, that it didn’t just happen.
“No, I didn’t want her getting jealous.”
“Of you with another woman”
“No. With you. She’s obviously got the hots for you.”
Weird is not the word for that conversation. There was me, sitting on my sofa, pretty much dressed, if a little disarrayed, soaking trousers, looking at this young girl naked on my carpet gently rubbing herself talking about her friend, my friend's daughter, having the hots for me. Is weird strong enough?
I needed to take some initiative. It was embarrassing feeling so inferior, unworldly compared to this teenager.
“Is she good? In bed?”
“We didn’t get to bed, but honestly? Not really. She was too reserved. Wouldn’t let herself go.”
“Not at all like you then?” I wondered how kinky this girl was.
I stood up, divested myself of my jeans and knickers, stood astride Debbie and pulled my pussy lips aside. “Fancy a drink?”
Part 2 follows