Win some, Lose some
If you want to catch up on my adventures to date, you’ll find the list of all 115 blogs here:

If you want to catch up on my adventures to date, you’ll find the list of all 115 blogs here:

While Lizzie was returning to earth, Chris went to get another round of drinks. When he was gone, Lizzie looked at me. “What I told you wasn’t quite true.”
“About what?”
“About Chris saying I could do whatever I liked.”
“In what way?”
“He was more… more persuasive than that. We were quite, shall I say, excited when we were discussing it, and he actually challenged me.”
“To do what?”
“Anything you told me to do.”
Was she going to tell me she hated what she’d just done? From her reaction and the look in her eyes, I didn’t think so, but asked, “And?”
“I’m glad he did! When you were taking my nix off, I would have said no. I’d have made you stop, but I had accepted the challenge! Childish really. I could have ignored it, and I don’t think Chris would have been angry. Disappointed perhaps, but not angry. But I’m glad I didn’t. That was genuine. What an orgasm. Just from his fingers! Why I’m telling you is,” she swallowed the remains of her wine, “I’m in the mood. Short of physical contact with anyone else, I’m yours to direct.”
I examined her eyes. They sparkled. Her breathing was still a little staccato. I believed her. This rather changed my ideas. If I didn’t need to construct scenarios and tease her, life would be easier. And sexier.
Chris arrived back with the drinks and a huge grin. “What are you so happy about?” his wife asked, “apart from the obvious?”
Chris sat down, bent his head in, in a conspiratorial way, and said, “You see the old boy at the bar? With his back to us?”
“Yes,” we both responded.
“Look at the back of the bar in front of him.”
We did as directed. I couldn’t see the point Chris was making at first, it was the area where they kept the spirits and optics. Then it dawned on us both. “The mirror!” we exclaimed in unison.
“Yep. When I went for the drinks he said, ‘Lovely pair of friends you have,’ and nodded at the mirror. He saw everything!”
This was exciting news! I needed more detail, but Lizzie got in first. “What on earth did you reply?”
“Something to the effect that, yes, they are, but quite a handful.”
“Did he reply?”
“Yes, said if I needed a hand, he was more than happy to help.”
“Oh my god!” said my friend. “To think someone, a stranger, saw me do that! How embarrassing!”
“Is it really?” I asked. “Don’t you feel a tinge of excitement? A bit turned on by the thought of that old boy going home and wanking over what he’d seen?”
“Oh, that’s gross!” Her face screwed up in disgust.
“Is it? I’m not asking you to fuck him or even let him waggle his cock at you, but think about it. You turning a man on simply by letting him see things in a mirror.”
She was silent for a moment. I was relieved that she was taking the time to think about it.
“I suppose so. I think a teeny-weeny bit. Mind you,” she said, a smile crossing her face, “I’d be a lot more turned on if it was the other two guys who had seen.”
That was a brilliant response as far as I was concerned. It showed she was on board with what we were doing and without much in the way of reservations. I had an idea. I hadn’t so much as displayed a bit of stocking top. That needed correcting.
“I’ll be back,” I said and stood up, grabbed Lizzie’s knickers from the table, scrunched them up in my fist, and walked to the bar. I’d never done this before, but having watched Lizzie’s performance I was hot and aching to do something extreme.
I went and stood next to the old man. Invaded his personal space. Close as I could be without touching him. He looked about eighty, reasonably fit for his age, not much hair left, and a beard or at least a few day's growth of whiskers. He didn’t smell and his clothes were clean, if not smart.
“Hi,” I said, mainly to check if my vocal cords would work. I’d never spoken to a member of our audience before. Not that he was a member. He was the entire audience! Although I hoped to change that. “I understand you liked my friend's little show.”
My directness embarrassed him and he mumbled a reply. “Er, yes Lass. Been a while since my loins been stirred.”
“Fancy a closer inspection, then?” I pulled my skirt up slightly to reveal a suspender. I noticed I’d attracted the attention of the two gym guys too, which was good.
My old man looked long and hard at the metal clasp I’d unveiled, then up to my face. “Gawd, love you trying to give me a heart attack?”
“Perish the thought. Come over to our table and we’ll reveal all!”
“Christ on a bike. You are trying to kill me. No way love. What I’ve seen so far is more than enough excitement for one evening.”
“Oh, I thought you said to my friend if he needed any help you’d be happy to volunteer.”
Saying and doing’s different luv. Specially at my age. A willing mind and all that.”
I could see he meant it and I certainly didn’t want to hospitalise him so said, “Okay, sweet dreams.” I leant forward and gave him a peck on the cheek and turned to the other two, who were now fully concentrating on me after my leg display. “Good evening gentlemen, did you catch my friend’s display?” They both wore wedding rings, which was reassuring. Not sure why, but I thought that might make them both keener for some fun and more controllable. That was my hope anyway. They looked puzzled, glanced at each other, and admitted they hadn’t.
My heart was now beating so hard I was sure they’d be able to hear it in Norfolk, but I’d come this far. I had to go through with it.
I laid Lizzie’s white satin knickers on the bar. “My friend just took these off. Like me to do the same?”
Both sets of eyes latched on to the garment and then each other again.
“It’s not a dream guys, nor candid camera. Quick answer or I’m off.”
The barman, who was returning from the restaurant area, looked to be a surly character and I doubted he would approve of my doing a striptease in his bar so I snatched the knickers up into my hand and looked at the two who hadn’t replied. Most disappointing. “Last chance guys,” I repeated my action with the old man. Inched my skirt up over my stocking top. The action was out of the barman’s view. There was nothing wrong with the men's eyes. An optician could have used my action to assess their pupil's reaction to stimulus, but their vocal cords seemed to be unable to function. I assume they thought either I was mad or after money for some service or other. I turned to walk back to our table, hoping they’d call me back. Silence. Oh well, win some, lose some. I walked back to my friends, seriously in need of some sexy action. I hoped Lizzie was still horny enough to provide it.
To be continued.