Time to get deviant
If you’re not up to speed with my afternoon with John and Debbie, best start here…

If you’re not up to speed with my afternoon with John and Debbie, best start here: https://medium.com/@TracyTrouble/john-debbie-and-a-day-of-revelations-145ba710ac1e
Debs wanted to be dirty. I was sure I could oblige! First, though, we needed to catch our breath, especially John. I decided we’d use the time to see how Debs reacted to John's incestuous thoughts.
I started by asking her, “So this has cured your boredom?”
“Ha. Yes. Can I move in? My parents are not prudes but they’d never let me have anyone round to have sex with.”
“Do they still fuck regularly?”
“Christ, no one’s ever asked that before. Er, I suppose so. Why?”
“Just wondering because John’s parents do as he can tell you and I’ve been with them both.”
Debs looked from me to John, whose face had turned slightly pink but I could see there was excitement in his eyes at the mention of his sexy mother. He was quite relaxed, sitting naked, a leg draped over an arm of the chair his flaccid cock on full display.
“You’re a right dirty bugger, aren’t you? Think you and me should get along.”
“Yeah, probably, but that’d be good.”
“Have ever fancied having sex with either parent?” I casually asked Debs.
“Fuck no!” She again glanced at John. “Shit. We’re not just talking about getting turned on by listening to them bonking are we?”
“No,” I replied.
“You said you wanted to be dirty!”
“Yes, but with you two, not with my dad.”
“I think it’s different for boys. What do you think John?” He’d been sitting quietly but joined in.
“No idea. I just think my mum is sexy and I guess I kinda like older women, like Tracy.”
“Here,” I said to Debbie as I grabbed my laptop “look at John's mother in action.”
I played the video of her flashing at the pub.
“Shit. Yeah, she’s sexy. I can see why you fancy her.” I wasn’t sure if the remark was addressed to me or John.
“How about you? Fancy a sexy evening with him and his parents? His dad fucks well.”
I was being deliberately direct. I wanted both youngsters horny.
“Christ. What me fucking his dad while he fucks his mum?” There was incredulity in her voice but also a hint of excitement.
“Well, yes to you and Chris but in not sure Lizzie would fuck John. I was really thinking same room but with me or another friend.”
“A proper little orgy then. You're leading me astray,” she said with a broad grin.
“Perhaps, but I think you are happy to be led.” I didn’t wait for a reply “Time to be dirty. Follow me. John, bring Debbie's knickers.”
Various items of our clothing were scattered around the room and John eventually found them. They weren’t sexy just white cotton bikini style, but these suited my idea and if it went according to plan I doubted John would be too disappointed.
I led the way upstairs, like the pied piper, to the bathroom
“Okay, Debs by the look of him John still needs a bit of help. Give him a blow job but don’t make him come.”
Both young people were happy to oblige but looked a little puzzled. If I told them what I had in mind I doubted either would be over keen so I needed to surprise them. If either said stop I would but hoped that in the ‘heat of battle’ they’d be turned in enough to continue.
Debs knelt down in front of John and started sucking. (Interesting thought, why's it called a blow job and not a suck job?) I sat on the edge of the bath beside them fingering myself and massaging a tit. John's eyes wandered from the young girl sucking his cock and massaging his balls to me. His cock was soon erect again. Time to see what would happen. “Keep sucking Debs,” I said as I stood up and moved beside them my legs apart, my cunt inches from them. John put his hands on Debbie's head. Holding her in, stopping her action. He was close to coming. What I did next would either trigger him, or shrivel his cock dramatically. I thrust my hips forward and let go a stream of piss. Aimed at John's cock. It took a second or two to produce a reaction. Debs let go of John's cock. Looked up at me. “Fuck! That’s gross!” She fell back on her heels away from John. I kept the stream on his cock. His cock stayed rampant. “Hold her knickers out,” I ordered. He was dutifully still holding them and did as told. I soaked them in pee. “Stuff them up her cunt.”
He did. Without objection from the young lady. In fact, she opened her legs to allow it. The knickers disappeared. “Turn over onto your hands and knees, Deborah.” I used her full name and was sharp in my command. Directing these two like this was a huge turn on.
She did as ordered. “Use your mouth on her.” He was equally compliant.
I gave him a minute or two. “Okay, pull her knickers out, give them to me then fuck her.”
When I got handed her knickers I sniffed them. Partly for effect but mainly to absorb their aroma. A gorgeous mix of pee and juice. John wasted no time in entering her again and I knelt down next to her head. “Open wide,” I said with a wicked (or perhaps manic was closer to the mark) smile on my face as I let the knickers dangle from a finger in front of her face. She could have little doubt what I intended but her mouth opened. I stuffed the piss soaked knickers in.
“Enough! I dtol John. “My turn,” I got myself on hands and knees and felt John’s cock slide in.
His thrusts were hard and urgent. I had little time to enjoy his cock but it was sufficient. I came moments before he did. A satisfying detached coupling.
Debbie was still on the floor beside me but she had taken her knickers out of her mouth. “Tidy me up,” I told her. She replaced John behind me and with a combination of her knickers and tongue did so. Not that it felt as if there was much of John's semen to clean up.
When we’d all finished and were sat around the bathroom recovering I looked at her and asked, “Was that dirty enough?”
“Fuck yes. Ten times too dirty. You’re fucking insane!” She smiled as she said it but I wondered if she was right. The evening might provide the answer.