Three Play
We had our own cars so Mary and Katie were there before me. Mary opened the door with a smile. “That young man may have done you-us-a…

We had our own cars so Mary and Katie were there before me. Mary opened the door with a smile. “That young man may have done you-us-a favour. Katie seems in urgent need.” She stood aside and let me in. There was Katie sitting on the stairs dressed only in stockings fingering herself. So surreal.
“Trace, I’m so hot. Come on quick I need you doing things.” With that, she scampered up the stairs. I looked at Mary, “ You think we should let her calm down?”
“Good lord no. She was wittering away all the way home. ‘Bloody men. Can’t wait for Tracy to show them.’”
“Better not disappoint then,” I said as I followed her daughter up the stairs.
I’ve said it before, Katie is weird. Now I mean that in the nicest possible way and let’s face it I have some unexplainable hang-ups myself, but she does seem to blow hot and cold. I know flashing is not everyone’s ultimate sexual release but when you’re as hot as Katie obviously was, being so averse to joining in with us seemed strange.
Anyway, I wasn’t going to waste her current mood. I divested myself of my suit and blouse as I went through the bedroom door. Katie had adopted a star shape on the bed, a small mischievous grin having replaced the teen scowl of earlier.
“What we going to do Tracy?”
I didn’t reply but simply pulled her down the bed until her pussy was as the foot, pushed her legs wide, and sunk my head between them. She was on heat alright. Already saturated. My tongue was instantly greeted with a deluge which I devoured as best I could. I introduced fingers. How many? Two, no three, she was pliable so took them, albeit deliciously tight. That gorgeous feel in my fingertips of the inside of her cunt. My own juice making doubled production. I realised why. Mary was doing to me what I was doing to her daughter. I’d been so engrossed in violating Katie I hadn’t noticed. I slid a hand under the teenager's bottom. Felt her anus. Felt her flinch as my thumb pressed into it. Heard her gasp as I used my index finger to enter her. I knew I was doing something right. Her juices continued in a torrential flow. Mary’s head was rammed into my crotch. She was using her tongue flicking it across my lips. Her technique had improved so much in the few short weeks of our arrangement. I left my tongue working Katie’s clit and used my spare hand to squeeze a nipple. An already hard nipple. Katie was now whimpering, her body starting to convulse. Her head went back and she screamed A magic moment. Simon had provided the family with a large house. A detached house. A house surrounded by a large garden. But I wondered if the neighbours heard Katie coming. I didn’t stop. My tongue flicking her clit. My hand squeezing her nipple and my finger up her arse. I let them all carry on working until her climax subsided. I was on the verge of exploding myself. Partly from the effect Katie was causing, but primarily from what Mary was doing. I didn’t want to come. I wanted to save it, to repay Mary and come in unison with her but in the end I couldn’t resist any longer and followed Katie’s example.
Katie was lying back on the bed panting. I was crouched in a heap on the floor at the foot of the bed. Mary was kneeling behind me.
“You want more?” The question was from Mary addressed to her daughter.
“Yes” came back the breathless reply. Mary was already down to her underwear and climbed on the bed.
There followed the most horny sex I think I’ll ever watch. Back a couple of weeks the two of them had engineered a sexy interlude at the stables. I was convinced they’d set this up as well. Not that I had a problem with it. Far from it. It was clear they didn’t need, or want, my intervention. That this was a show, a floor show almost, for my benefit. I’d perhaps find out why later. For now, I’d just enjoy it. And enjoy it I did.
It was difficult to remember their relationship. The sheer passion was off the scale. Perhaps it was because of that relationship. Depraved, debauched. With me certainly the more deviant the action the hornier the feeling. So it seemed with them.
Mary had clambered onto the bed but Katie took control. She pushed her mother flat and knelt astride her, dropping her head to Mary’s and not holding back in the kiss. The noise, the wet slurps, could in other circumstances have been amusing. In the atmosphere of that bedroom, they simply multiplied the libido rating.
Katie’s hands alternated between her mother's breasts and her clit. Mary’s were firmly clamped on Katie’s small tits, her fingers flicking her nipples.
Then it was Mary's turn to take the initiative. She shuffled out from under Katie leaving her kneeling, dropped her head to her bum, and started licking her anus.
What I would have given to join in but something told me they wanted to keep this a family matter. I was wrong.
Mary's head moved to the very wet vagina that was presenting itself. More noise. The sucks. The gulps. Mary had a river to drink. She turned to me. “Help me.” I needed no second invitation. Our heads met under Katie’s pussy. Our lips and tongues touching each other. Her juices tasting divine. Our fingers delved deep into her cunt. Sometimes alone. Sometimes together. Katie seemed perpetually on the verge of an orgasm. Her legs were shaking. Her arms had difficulty supporting her body. In the end they failed. She collapsed. Her arse still stuck in the air. My finger didn’t hesitate. I used her juice to lubricate the area and pushed my finger in. Not that it needed much effort. Katie’s moans were now continuous. Her whole body racked with the orgasm that was desperately trying to leave. Eventually it did. The scream from earlier was matched. Her legs shot out so she was flat on the bed. Her head came back, her eyes unfocused. Her hands grabbed a pillow and clenched it as if her life depended on it.
Eventually she subsided. We all did. We owed Mary. My mind was hazy as if I was high on drugs or alcohol but I couldn’t recall if Mary had come. I thought she hadn’t. That had to change. I went to push my head between her legs but Katie was speaking. “Shit. That was serious shit. Fuck. Let’s do something outrageous.” Given what had just transpired I wondered what she had in mind.
“ I know you want to do mum Trace, but can we do it somewhere else?”
“Why?“ both Mary and I asked in unison. “Because it would make it so much naughtier. Let’s do it in Dad’s den!”
I’d never had a tour of the house, I was just aware that it was big, at least five bedrooms and several living rooms, one of which was clearly Simon’s study. My earlier comment about being high was right. It was no skin off my nose, but I could see huge downsides to doing anything sexy in Simon’s private room. But as when drunk, things seem a fun idea, so the two of them concluded this would ‘serve the bugger right.’
Simon's study was much as I’d expected it to be. Meticulously neat and sterile in design. He had a bookshelf that seemed to contain a few technical tomes, a desk and chair, the desk minimalistic, the chair a high backed swivel executive special, a sofa, and an upright dining chair.
To my alarm the carpet was white. Anathema for me, a house with horse owning owners does not do white carpets. But more to the point — our juices! I had to say something. “You sure about this Mary? Anything we spill is going to be hell to clean out.”
“Oh Bugger him, it’s my house as much as his. If there’s any stain left I’ll just say I spilt some coffee when I came to dust.”
“He’ll be okay with that?”
“Hardly, I’ll get a mouthful of abuse about being useless, but I can hardly tell him it’s a result of an orgasm with his daughter. Anyway, I’m sure it will clean out.” We left it at that as mention of his name magicked him up. The phone rang.
“Hello darling, how are you? Missing you,” she lied. To emphasise how much she was missing him she leant back against the desk, opened her legs and started fingering herself.
“No, usual boring evening…” I heard a faint giggle from Katie who put herself next to Mary and replicated her mother's actions.
“… l have been taking some exercise though.” That was too much for Katie who burst into laughter. Her mother playfully slapped her on the arm and held a finger to her lips.
“No, that’s Katie. Haven’t seen Tracy for ages.”
“Hi dad,” Katie shouted down the phone. “You should watch next time we exercise. Do you good to join in.”
That was too much. Given I wasn’t there according to Mary I daren’t laugh out loud. I clamped my hand over my mouth and moved to the other side of the room.
Luckily Simon decided he’d had enough of their frivolity so said goodnight and hung up.
“You two are pushing the boundaries.”
“You don’t know him. It would all have gone over his head. Talking of head…” Mary advanced on me, took my hand and pulled me over to the sofa. She lay back on it, one leg up on it knee bent. The other foot firmly on the floor. I could take a hint! My tongue was provided with enough juice to fill a lake. I so love the noise that slurping a wet pussy makes. It’s one of the most erotic sounds imaginable, especially when accompanied by the level of moans Mary was emitting. I alternated my fingers with my tongue and paid attention to her bum too. She’d practiced with a butt plug and now relished my finger invading there.
That’s when Katie joined in. She came up behind me and her head went between my legs. A mother-daughter sandwich. Reversed to how we’d started the evening. Her technique was also sublime. She pulled my lips apart sinking her tongue deep while rubbing my clit. I mirrored her actions on Mary. I felt tremors in her legs. I felt tremors in my legs. It was tempting to stop sucking on her and simply enjoy Katie’s attention but the added turn on of watching, feeling, hearing the effect I was having kept me going. I managed to outlast her. Her orgasm was violent. Not as volcanic as Katie’s but her body thrust into the air, and her cunt erupted with its firehouse impersonation. I took it in the face. Gorgeous. So like having a pee stream engulf me. It triggered my own eruption.
Did mine compare? Difficult to say. It felt huge. It felt satisfying. What more did I need?
So there we were. All three of us collapsed in a heap on the floor of Simon's study. A large damp mark (or two) evident on the carpet. Three women exhausted from multiple orgasms.
Katie was the first to speak. “There’s not really a contest there is there? Comparing a quick cock suck of a guy who thinks more of himself than me which is over in thirty seconds to the multi orgasmic event we’ve just completed in…” she looked at her watch, “…nearly two hours. Bye bye, men! I’ll give your friend Charles a try but really, hello lesbian world!”