Three go for a Drink
With the three of us out together I wondered how it would go. Would Katie’s presence inhibit Mary? Would Katie hate the idea of being rude…

With the three of us out together I wondered how it would go. Would Katie’s presence inhibit Mary? Would Katie hate the idea of being rude in public? I was about to find out.
I’d come straight from the office but the other two had dressed for the occasion. Nothing outlandish, but both in sexy stylish skirts and tops and both wearing nylons. Stockings I assumed and hoped I’d soon find out.
We’d chosen a different location. A bit more upmarket than usual. we were one of three groups in there.
I was last to arrive and went over and kissed both fully. I knew Mary would have no problem, but wondered about Katie. It seemed not. She returned my kiss with an energetic tongue working hard.
The two of them had drinks and I was about to go to the bar when Mary stopped me. “It’s waiter service,” she announced.
“Ah, well, I think it’s only for selected patrons. Unaccompanied females!”
Before I could reply a young man was standing next to me awaiting my order. I looked at him. One of the few remaining east Europeans by the look of him. Rugged and quite handsome and I think he knew it. I ordered my tonic water and waited till he’d left. ”Should we have some fun?” I directed the question at Mary.
“My thought exactly.” I glanced at Katie who seemed a bit nonplussed. “Okay?”
“I suppose so. I’m still not sure about this.”
“Just sit there then; let your mum and me do it, then join in if it turns you on.”
“Okay.” She replied, seemingly without enthusiasm.
Katie was still this enigma. Considering what she’d happily done with the two of us I’d have thought she’d be up for this as it’s such sexy fun, but then it rather hit me. That word fun. Katie was a lovely girl and I had seen her smile but only occasionally. Her default facial expression was close to a scowl. I know she’s only nineteen and technically still a teenager and scowling is their default expression, but this was something more than that. Mary had emphasised how deflated she’d become under her father’s controlling ways and I guessed this was its manifestation. I hoped we’d move her out of his controlling orbit.
Anyway back to our waiter.
We were sitting at a small high round table although the chairs were faux leather bucket seats rather than dining style chairs. I pushed mine back so my legs weren’t under the table, turned ninety degrees, and crossed them, hitching my skirt up as I did. I was wearing a business suit which has a knee-length skirt so it sat nicely halfway down (up?) my thighs across my stocking tops giving a peek to a suspender clasp.
I’d timed it right as our waiter returned with my drink on a tray. He was trying to impress. So was I! I made sure he was looking at my legs as he approached and exaggeratedly uncrossed them. I was fairly certain my white knickers would have been displayed given his eyes quadrupled in size. Perhaps I shouldn’t have left my knees a foot apart. Most unladylike but then I’m not, am I? A lady that is.
He put my drink down and asked pointedly, “Is there anything else I can give you?” Whether ‘give’ rather than ‘get’ was due to his lack of English, a Freudian slip, or meant, I have no idea, but it’s a miracle we didn’t burst into laughter. Mary actually replied, “A packet of nuts would be good.” I had to bite my tongue! “What type madam?”
“Something salty.”
He nodded and went to fetch them while we released the pent up laughter.
I noticed Katie’s eyes follow the waiter back to the bar. “He’s quite dishy,” I offered. “Yeah,” came back the noncommittal, dreamy reply
Mary took the opportunity to unbutton her blouse, pulling the tail out of her waistband and ensuring it gaped revealing one of her super sexy bras. One that tried but failed to keep her nipples tucked away.
It had been a few weeks since we’d had a chance to get out and exhibit ourselves and that was plainly evident in how we were behaving.
On his return this time the waiter was caught in two minds. As he approached his eyes were on my open legs not realising he had other delicacies to view and it wasn’t until he went to hand over the peanuts he saw Mary's display. The peanuts halted their journey midway. He imitated one of those statue actors you see in the street, everything frozen. Mary even ran her finger around one of her bra cups popping the errant nipple back in. The other still well on display. She smiled at the waiter, “Thank you.”
The poor lad. He came back to life and realising Katie was sitting there, he looked at her expectantly. “Anything I can get you.” He seemed too preoccupied with what his eyes were feasting on to think of his language slip again.
Katie, of the three of us, was the only one actually interested in fucking a man, at least I assumed she was, and he was certainly presentable enough so I wondered if she would do anything.
She was sitting demurely, legs not crossed, knees tight together, ankles crossed. Unlike the two of us.
She returned his smile. “Can I see the cellar?” Unmistakable connotation to the question, but Mary looked slightly puzzled.
A widesmile crossed his face. No, more a leer. “Give five minutes. Meet through that door,” he said in broken English pointing at a door marked private. He left with quite a spring in his step! Amazingly Mary asked, “Why do you want to see the cellar?” Katie simply raised her eyebrows. “Oh. God I’m naive at times,” my friend responded. She was. I think it demonstrated how controlled she had been.
“Want to come?” Katie asked directing her question at both of us. The waiter was probably in his mid-twenties and since my weekend experience with Craig, I had been wondering if I might avoid my man phobia with young men. It was tempting to try with him but thought it might screw it up for Katie, so shook my head. Mary still appeared to be having some difficulty coming to terms with the idea of her daughter going off to screw this stranger. I wasn’t. I was finding it a distinct turn on, but then I wasn’t her mother. “Come on Mary,” I said, “think about your reservations. Bit illogical aren’t they after what we did together last week?”
She pondered for a while then said, “You’re right. Just reverting to protective mother status which probably I junked last week.” She smiled at Katie, “Go enjoy him. I’ll not come, but we want a full detailed report!” That was better. Not a normal mother's reaction by any stretch but more appropriate!
Katie just smiled and left to find her cock.
I’ll be honest. I felt jealous. God, I so want-need-cock. Perhaps I should get help, mental I mean not physical, not from you lot either, I know what you’d advise!
What to do while we waited? I looked around the room. It had filled up a bit. Not heaving, but a selection of people in every direction. The ache of knowing what Katie was enjoying had wet my knickers and when I asked, Mary confirmed she was in the same state. I’d let my legs drift together and she had tucked her blouse back in to her skirt, although she hadn’t bothered to do up the buttons.
The dilemma of what to do was solved by two couples coming in and sitting at the table next to us. Whether accidental or an intentional decision by the men I don’t know but they ended up sitting facing us while their female partners had their backs to us. They were all in their early thirties and I guess were off the train from London. The men had that air about them. Earning a fortune swapping meaningless bits of paper with each other. A bottle of something expensive arrived at their table and they began noisily consuming it. (I don’t mean slurping, just loud chatter.)
I glanced at Mary. She leaned across and whispered, “Yes quite agree. Sort that Simon would want to ingratiate himself with. Type I can’t stand. Let’s give ’em the works!” I hadn’t said a word, but Mary had read my face accurately. I nodded, crossed my legs and propped a foot on the chair opposite. The angle of my thigh was steep and my skirt slid down. On its own. Honestly. I didn’t help at all. Honestly your honour!
Mary subtly rearranged her blouse back to its former revealing location and eased a nipple out.
It took nanoseconds for our two city boys to spot the show. Knowing the type I might have been concerned about being so blatant if they were on their own but given they had their partners with them I felt we were safe from being molested. The feeling was delicious. I could read their thoughts and they were not clean. Their major problem was to avoid staring too hard and have their partners realise what they were doing. We both kept shifting our position slightly to reveal more and they were becoming more and more uncomfortable, their trousers filling up!
I was working out how I could slip my knickers off without too much attention when I noticed the cellar door open and Katie emerge.
I know time flies when you're enjoying yourself, as I was displaying to these guys, but it struck me she was back rather quicker than I would have anticipated. Her expression remained ‘petulant teen’.
She resumed her seat which meant I had to take my feet off it but the rather unladylike way I did it seemed to please our voyeurs.
“All right darling?” Mary asked, the concerned mother. “I suppose so. What is it with these boys? I’d have been happy to do him properly but he just wanted a blow. I’m fed up being left wanting. If the next one I go with is as useless I’m going to stick to women.” She smiled at us. “I got a lot more from you guys. I’m really frustrated now. Can we go and do it?”
“Perhaps you need someone older,” I suggested.
“Yeah, perhaps you’re right. I’d better advertise on Tinder.”
“I’m sure Charles would help,” I offered. “He’s over sixty so meets your criteria.” I said it in a jovial way, not thinking she’d be interested in the slightest but, “Who’s he? Not that I’m bothered. I’d try anyone. Yeah. You being serious? When?”
My. She was clearly frustrated by her blowjob. I wanted to know more as did her mother apparently. “So didn’t he do anything for you darling?” she asked.
“Nope. Not unless you count a quick tongue kiss and tit grope. As soon as he’d shot his load he buttoned up and mumbled about getting back to work.”
“Ungrateful young man!” Her mother snapped. I wasn’t sure where Mary was in this. She’d obviously been a bit nonplussed when Katie had gone with him, and initially, I thought she might be relieved he hadn’t actually fucked her. Apparently not, but I thought I’d better get parental permission for my idea regarding Charles.
I answered Katie’s question as to who Charles was, and then said to Mary. “You don’t have any objections do you?”
“No, why should I?”
“Oh, age difference, me pimping?”
She thumped my arm. “No, to use a modern term I’m cool with it.”
I had a thought.
“Why don’t we have a group session? Invite Carol and Charles round next Wednesday?”
Mary looked at me then at Katie, “Wow that could be fun! Would you be okay with that?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“WelI I thought perhaps it might prefer to have Charles just on your own.”
“Sounds cool. I’d have been okay with you two down in the cellar. In fact, it would have made it more interesting, so no, I’ve no problem with that.”
“Me neither,” said Mary before I could ask. “It’s funny I’ve been wondering if I shouldn’t try it with another woman.” She issued her signature giggle. “Okay pimp set it up. In the meantime let’s go and get laid!”
Part 2 to follow