The Story behind the Picture
I meant to post this a couple of days ago but events conspired against me. but hey, better late than never!

I meant to post this a couple of days ago but events conspired against me. but hey, better late than never!
The story behind the picture.
I had said I’d treat all my Twitter followers to a photo and by lunchtime, I had a need to be a little bit naughty. It’s a pain doing selfies. I can’t stand these shots where the camera is held at arm's length above head height and I know that’s not the angle you guys want. Unless it’s down my blouse!
So I decided to pop out at lunchtime and devote a little time to something a little more inventive.
I had a place in mind and luckily there was a spare space where I needed it. Our car park has a footpath running down the back of it and is separated from it by a low brick wall. I moved my car next to the wall. I hadn’t brought my camera or the little tripod thingy I use so was limited to the phone. My idea was to stand it on the top of the wall, which would have been easy if I’d had the tripod. Without it I had to hunt around for something I could use, eventually discovering half a brick in a dirty corner of the car park.
I propped the phone up, opened the passenger door, undid my blouse a little, set the timer, and sat down awaiting the shutter.
I checked the result. Lovely shot of my head, little else. I tried again, still missing the important part of me. I hit on the idea of doing it on the selfie mode so I could see what I was doing, but the app I was using wouldn’t let me use that and without it, I couldn’t use the timer. At least I couldn’t find out how to. So I tried again adjusting the camera slightly. Almost there. One final attempt I thought then I’ll give up.
I’d just sat down, and opened my legs when a man appeared walking down the footpath. Buggered if I was going to close them for him given all the effort I’d put in. He glanced in my direction. I smiled. His face didn’t change expression. His eyes certainly saw what you can, would have had a delicious view of my knickers, but not an iota of reaction. I wasn’t expecting him to necessarily get a hard-on but even a grumpy “You slut” would have at least been an acknowledgment. Amazing how unobservant some people are. Anyway, I checked the camera. Success! And it seems to have been appreciated! I’ll do it again sometime but make sure I have the tiny tripod with me. Also perhaps without the knickers. That might invoke a reaction! xx