The Office Party — Part 3
Wow. I suppose this is one way to celebrate the New Year. This is my 200th blog! Difficult to imagine that I’ve written so many words…

Wow. I suppose this is one way to celebrate the New Year. This is my 200th blog! Difficult to imagine that I’ve written so many words about my boring life! The last month has been hectic and dramatic in multiple ways, what with Mum's problem and Christmas, but I hope things will settle down now.
Mary is also at a turning point from what I hear, so it could be exciting for her too.
I’ll write further about all this, but for now, here’s the last part about the office party. I’ll then tell you about my Christmas with Kaz and Craig and my New Year’s Eve with Lizzie and Chris.
Love and kisses to you all. XXXXX
My attention had been solely on Susie, so I hadn’t noticed what Helen and Jason had been up to. When I looked around to see, it was still going on. Or in, perhaps I should say.
Helen was face down, bent over the boardroom table, her skirt pushed up over her back, her knickers around her ankles and Jason’s cock rhythmically pounding her cunt. Evidently, this twenty-something had no hang-ups about fucking a woman nearing sixty.
Susie seemed mesmerised by the action and stood still with most of her clothes on the floor, watching her lover pound this other woman.
I’d held my orgasm back, unlike Susie, so wanted more action. I sidled up to the pair, dropped to my knees, and pushed my head up between the two. I could lick his balls while his cock serviced my friend. Mm.
I’ll never learn, will I? Or perhaps do better in finding men with a modicum of control. The touch of my mouth around his balls triggered him. A shouted, “Oh fuck!” and his cock rammed hard up into Helen’s body while he deposited his seed in her. Shit. Bang goes my fantasy.
He’d pulled out of Helen but had stayed where he was. Giving her tits a good groping, I imagined. His cock dangled down inches from my face so I could clean it up and his cum was dripping from my friend’s pussy too, so at least I had the satisfaction of tasting that and her juices.
Helen hadn’t come when Jason had shot his load, so was ecstatically enjoying my ministrations.
I’d finished sucking his cock clean, and he stepped away from us.
I glimpsed Susie. She’d moved, so she had a good view of the action, hadn’t got redressed, and was idly fingering herself while watching me kissing and licking Helen's cunt.
“Come do me,” I implored her as I took a breath from my oral attention of Helen. She hesitated. It may have been because she didn’t want to, or was embarrassed by the group action.
But Jason prompted her. “Go on Sus. See what it tastes like.” I had assumed that the two of them having a bit of sexy fun was the result of the Christmas party, but the comment made me wonder if things had been going on between them for a while. Not that it affected anything. For now.
His comment encouraged her to move.
As she approached, I opened my legs, and she kneeled between them. Then hesitated again. This time, I prompted her. “Go on. You’ll love it.”
I sunk my head back between Helen's thighs and for good measure started rubbing her arse hole with a moist finger. I thought it would either galvanise Susie into action or make her run a mile. It was the former. A pair of hands slid up my legs. A head jammed into my crotch. An urgent tongue lashed at my pussy lips. Boy for a novice she had a devilish tongue. I forgot my disappointment at Jason’s early eruption and soaked up the sexual feelings his girlfriend was generating while relaying the sensation to Helen.
The sight must have been a turn-on, with the three of us linked as we were. Susie had the short straw as she was giving but not receiving, but Jason filled the gap, so to speak. A human chain. Helen draped over the boardroom table. My mouth plugged into her cunt. Susie’s into mine and Jason’s into hers. I’d love to report that the three of us came together, but it didn’t work out like that. Helen was first and her trembling body coupled with Susie's gorgeous tongue up me brought me off shortly after but that left Susie. Jason was working hard on her cunt with his mouth, but from my new young friend’s face, he wasn’t doing an outstanding job.
“Move over Jason,” I said in my sternest voice. “Let Helen taste her.” I think Jason was still concerned about having been discovered as he immediately relinquished his spot. Helen needed no prompting and was soon showing Susie how satisfying a woman could be. I attacked the other end and kissed her open-mouthed. She responded instantly, and our hands grabbed each other's tits, massaging and pinching nipples. That’s when I discovered Susie had a pierced nipple! I wondered what that conveyed about her sexual drive. I’d never fancied the idea but dropped my head to it to see how it felt on my tongue. Perhaps I’m odd, but it rather detracted from the buzz I get from sucking teats I’m afraid, so I went back to her mouth. Or at least would have done if she hadn’t at that moment cum. It didn’t rack her body, just a minor tremor, but then she’d already had a tremendous orgasm earlier.
Jason was standing around watching and idly wanking, but his cock was showing no signs of getting stiff again. I had this feeling he was nervous. Perhaps thinking his adultery might be revealed? I’ve no idea,’ but I decided I’d find out in the new year when back at work.