The Office Party — Part 2
I found a mirror and cleaned my face, but left the couple of globules in my hair alone. Rather fetching, I thought! In fact, I doubted…

I found a mirror and cleaned my face, but left the couple of globules in my hair alone. Rather fetching, I thought! In fact, I doubted anyone would notice knowing how unobservant most folk were and, given the amount of booze being consumed. But it would be fun watching for anyone who did see it and realise what it was. So I set off on my cum walk!
I’d only just entered the room when Helen appeared with Peter. “Back already?” she enquired.
“Yes. Only a blow job. But he’s quite good, so perhaps he might get another go sometime. We off for a conference meet?”
“You’re ready?” asked Helen.
“Can’t wait. You coming, Peter?”
“Oh no. Some of us have principles, you know.” He said it with a smile, so I didn’t take offense.
“Suit yourself,” I huffily replied, “don’t blame me when you realise you missed the fuck of the century.” I took Helen’s hand and led her out of the office and up the two flights of stairs to the boardroom.
It was eerily quiet up there. No sound of the party reaching that far, but as I went to turn the handle I heard a noise inside. An unmistakable noise. One similar to the one I’d made earlier in my office. I glanced at Helen and we giggled. I’d said our office parties didn’t turn into orgies but perhaps times were changing!
What to do? Helen and I had a hurried, whispered debate. Should we just tiptoe away and leave my fantasy unfulfilled? Or burst in and hope they fancied the idea of a foursome. The latter certainly appealed, but we had no idea who was in the room. Initially, I was worried it might be a senior partner, perhaps with his secretary — or someone else’s — and he might not take kindly to being discovered and bang goes my career. But then, on the other hand, as when Peter had met me at the adult party, he would be on the back foot. All our senior partners were married. Perhaps having discovered something like that my career might even advance! Helen solved the problem. “I’ll open the door. See who it is. There won’t be any comeback on me. Very few MPs (managing partners) know me.” She held a finger to her lips and opened the door. There was a major shuffling of bodies and a crash as though someone had knocked a chair over. I heard a muffled voice from inside but couldn’t recognise it but then Helen laughed and said, “Don’t worry, we’re here for the same reason. Mind if we share the space?” Again, a muffled response. Helen stuck her head around the door. “All okay. Group fun awaits.”
I went in. I didn’t recognise either of the people in there, but then our departments don’t mingle much. I did though like what I saw! They were probably in their late twenties. She had long hair, a good figure, and bust and I thought was wearing an ultra short skirt but she tugged it down as we entered. He was okay, too! Quite tall, with wavy brown hair. They both wore wedding rings, so we’re unlikely to go talking to others about anything naughty that happened.
I wasn’t sure how far they’d got. The sounds as we approached made me think she was being stimulated, but whether with fingers or cock I had no idea. But I was horny. And they looked guilty and were clearly wondering what I was going to do despite Helen’s cheerful ‘group fun awaits’ comment.
What I did was, you may consider, despicable. Perhaps it was, and perhaps if the reaction of the two young people had been different, you may have been right, but as you’ll hear the next thirty minutes or so were unbelievably horny. I must have had a premonition when I’d said to Peter he was going to miss the fuck of the century.
I guess as I’d strode into the room I had an air of authority about me and the man started apologising. “I’m sorry, I think we got a little …” I held my hand up to stop him.
“You realise it’s against company policy for you to ‘fraternise’ with each other?” It was typical of our firm to use a word like that and I air quoted it as I said it.
“Yes, I’m sorry. I can assure you it won’t happen again.” His voice was on the verge of breaking. Whether he was worried about his job or his marriage, it was hard to tell, but neither would suffer due to me.
“Won’t happen again?” I asked and went and stood in front of the young woman, who was looking more relaxed than he was. “That’s not very complimentary, is it?” I asked her. “Just because a miserable old battleaxe (you don’t have to agree with my description of myself) turns up and interrupts. Do you want to carry on?” She glanced at the man for support but got none. She turned back to me and smiled. “Well yes. It was frustrating getting stopped.” I got a vibe from her that she was up for fun of one sort or another, so said, “I’m sure it was. Your friend here seems to think you should stop though, so why don’t we bid him goodnight and just the three of us have a good time?” She giggled. She’d had plenty to drink, but she wasn’t drunk. “If you like, although I’ve never done things with women. Not seriously.” It was my turn to laugh. “The thing I have in mind is serious all right,” I said and leant forward and kissed her on the mouth. I’d decided if she reacted at all negatively, I’d back off and we’d leave. But she didn’t. So I didn’t. The kiss wasn’t returned. She didn’t open her mouth for our tongues to dual. She simply let me kiss her and breathe in her scent, which did nothing to reduce my bouncing hormones.
I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. Yes, she was up for it. I turned to the man. “Still want to leave? Swear to the gods of Venus you won’t do it again?” I stepped over to him. “Or…” I grabbed his crotch. His swollen crotch. Watching his girlfriend snog an older woman had turned him on. “…join in the fun?”
He gulped. “Yeah, if you don’t object.”
“I’ll only object if you fail to satisfy all three of us, so you best make sure you can.”
During this exchange, Helen had been leaning against the wall watching, an amused grin on her face. I then recalled a conversation with her and Peter about them always doing things together. I didn’t want to cause problems so asked. “You okay with that, Helen? Peter not being here?”
She smiled. “You gave him the option. His choice. His loss. Especially when I describe our young friend.” She pointedly looked at the girl.
Helen had a lot more experience than me in these situations but I found myself taking control. Correction. I found my libido taking control. I turned back to the girl. “Time to get serious,” I announced and resumed my kiss and felt a tit. She didn’t respond at first but stood still letting me massage her breast while I savoured the taste of her lips. I felt her hand on my shoulder. Pulling me into her. Her lips opened and her tongue met mine. I moved my hand from her tit to her waist, pulled her blouse out of her skirt, and ran my hand up inside it, back to her tit. Her bra didn’t feel sexy, but so what? I pushed my hand inside and found that her nipple was hard. And huge! I mean really! 12mm? 1/2”? Something like that. I had to suck it. I pushed the blouse and bra up and clear of her breast and dropped my head down, flicking the enormous teat with my tongue and then sucking on it. Why I enjoy sucking another woman’s breasts I have no idea, but I find the turn-on almost as great as sucking on a cock. It did things to Susie (I found out her name later) too. She started moaning. That gave me the all-clear to go south. My hands went behind her. Found her skirt zip and undid it. The skirt dropped to the floor, and I ran my hand down her stomach over her thong. It felt silky and was damp. I couldn’t hold back. I slid my hand under the thong, found she was natural, and pushed a finger into her. That was accompanied by a sharp intake of breath.
She still hadn’t moved her hand from my shoulder, so I encouraged her. I took the hand and bypassed my tit, pushing it firmly into my crotch. Left it there. Interested in seeing how proactive she would be.
Her fingers pushed between my legs. My skirt was made of thick wool, so she wouldn’t be able to tell I was knickerless.
I now had two fingers working her and as best I could, my thumb on her clit. It might have been the first time for her, but like me all that time ago, she was relishing the touch. It encouraged her to reciprocate. Her hand bunched up my skirt until she could get under it and found my pussy lips. My sodden pussy lips. There was a momentary hesitation as she discovered my lack of pants, but then she was in me, following my lead with her fingers and thumb. A perfect mutual fucking. Two knee tremblers! If we’d been able to collect our juices, I’m not sure who would have won for producing the most. I do know who came first, though. Her moans grew louder, and she let out a high pitched shriek as the orgasm arrived. Thank god we were two floors up from the party.
As she came down from her high, she smiled at me. “I’ve always wanted to do that. Thank you.”
I didn’t come. I’d managed to hold myself in check. I wanted my fantasy to be fulfilled.
A postscript to this. We exchanged phone numbers and I have had conversations with Susie. She loves the idea of what I’m doing and gave permission for her photo to be used here. She may be willing to do more!