The Future
I’ve mentioned before my purpose in coming on to Twitter was to try to get my life back on track. I hoped to find a dozen or so like-minded…

I’ve mentioned before my purpose in coming on to Twitter was to try to get my life back on track. I hoped to find a dozen or so like-minded souls to have a bit of virtual sexy fun with.
That soon proved to be a monumental miscalculation. At the time of writing, I seem to have acquired over 900 followers. Not that I’m complaining. Far from it, but it puts me in a dilemma.
My job is such that it would be a problem if I’m discovered. (Understatement). If I had those dozen followers the chances of one being someone who knew me would be minimal. With 900 and rising the odds move in the wrong direction. Proof of which I got this morning in the form of a DM from someone who knows me! Luckily only vaguely, and nothing to do with work.
The other thing is I’d like to make the content a little more ‘interesting’. You know I’ve only recently discovered watersports and there are so many aspects of it I’d like to try, but even writing about it as I have could cause my company to have a fit.
So what to do? The easiest course of action would be to simply close the account. (Don’t panic! that’s not an option. I’m having far too much fun!)
So what options do I have?
- Continue as now and keep my fingers crossed that no one from work stumbles across my account.
- Restrict what I post on Twitter and post the interesting bits on my blog
- Come off Twitter entirely and simply post the blog.
- Put the harder content behind a password/paywall.
- Blur out my face or cut off my head (!!)
- Stop posting photos and just write the blog
Options 1 and 2 leave the risk to my career exposed, albeit with different odds.
Option 4 I suspect means I’d lose many of you as for various reasons you wouldn’t pay.
Option 5 I don’t favour. Seems a bit of a cheat somehow and reduces the sexual thrill, for me at least.
Option 6. Be a bit like going from being a Sun reader to the Guardian, wouldn’t it? Would you bother?
If I went for option 4, I’d use a website so I could combine blog and photos. Any of those photos I’ve posted are one of many and I could post them all, I’d set the fee low $3-$5. I wouldn’t be doing it to make money.
My favoured alternative would be Option 3 to post the blog and come off Twitter. There would still be a risk but much smaller. It would restrict the number of new followers, but do I really need thousands?
I’d like to know your thoughts on the options.
Alternatively, any other ideas are welcome.
Do comment; below, or in my Twitter TL or DM as you prefer. XXXX