The Corruption of Elizabeth 3
If you want to catch up on my adventures to date you’ll find the list of all 111 blogs here:

If you want to catch up on my adventures to date you’ll find the list of all 111 blogs here:
Best to start here if you haven’t read the story so far.
“You want me to do what?” I repeated what I had said although there was no way Lizzie hadn’t heard me the first time.
“No way!” An emphatic response accompanied by a swig of her drink. Not that orange juice was going to fortify her.
“Oh come on. It’s not as blatant as what you had me do.”
“Huh.” Silence. There was however a hint of a glint in her eye. I needed to push.
“Which bit of it are you not happy with?”
She looked at me as though I’d asked her to explain Einstein’s theory of relativity in Gaelic.
“Which bit? All of it. Except perhaps the bit where I stand up from this chair.”
I laughed. “I could make that interesting too.”
“I bet you could. And I don’t want to hear how!”
Now I was certain her eyes were sparkling. That she was inwardly turned on by the thought of doing what I’d suggested.
“Come on, I did my challenge without all these dramatic gestures.”
“What dramatic gestures?”
“All this pretending youre not going to do it.”
“I’m not going to do it!”
I got my phone out and started scrolling through my contacts. She eyed me suspiciously. “What are you doing?”
“I was going to phone Chris. Tell him how you made me show my pussy to the barman and are now refusing to do a simple task in repayment.”
“Whoa! There are so many things wrong with that statement.”
“Such as?”
“Such as I didn’t make you flash your pussy, I suggested it and you leapt at the idea. Such as what you are suggesting is not a simple task. Such as there was never any talk of me having to do something… something so… so blatant in return.”
“Okay, okay. Look. Let’s make it less blatant. You can keep your knickers on.”
“Oh thank you, your ladyship, your bounty knows no bounds.”
I could tell by her phrasing and tone she’d do it and that was so exciting.
“My pleasure. So you’ll do it?“
“I didn’t say that.”
“No, but you will won’t you?”
Lizzie issued a long exasperated sigh.
“It’s the only way I’m going to shut you up isn’t it?”
“God help me. Alright.”
With that, she abruptly stood up. I needed to seize the moment so stood up too and looked at the three men. The three men who had failed to react to my display earlier. The three men who were about to be treated to a floor show they certainly wouldn’t have expected. The three men who seemed more interested in football and cars than two exhibitionist middle-aged women.
The scenario I’d suggested was simple and hopefully, we’d be through the door before the men realised what had happened. But then as they say no plan survives engagement with the enemy.
I walked around our table, took Lizzie’s hand, and led her across the bar. The three were all in their mid-twenties, one wearing a wedding ring. They were casually dressed, tee shirts, jumpers and jeans. It wasn’t a long walk but I wondered how my friend felt. A walk to the gallows? Or a walk into a new era? The next minute or two would decide. I was excited. Partly for Lizzie but also for myself. I’d not been this brazen with a group of men. Sure, I’d shown more but not this up close, this personal. I was asking a lot of Elizabeth.
They were laughing at something one had said when we arrived at their table. They looked up to see who was intruding on their masculine bonding. No smiles, but one of the unmarried ones undressed us with his eyes.
I spoke. “Sorry to interrupt guys, but I was sorry to see that you missed my display at the bar. My friend here wanted to give you a consolation prize.”
It’s now or never Lizzie I thought. Don’t hesitate. I glanced at her. She returned my glance with a smile, looked back at the men. said, “I wanted to show you a present my husband bought me.” Bent forward. Grabbed the hem of her dress. Raised it can-can style. Said, “Pretty aren’t they.” Dropped the skirt and headed for the exit.
I said, “Night guys. Think what you missed when that was a consolation,” and followed Lizzie out. She was standing in the porch, a huge smile on her face and a tremor running through her body. “Shit! What a fucking turn-on! I’m dripping.” I went to check on the veracity of her remark but heard chairs scrapping back in the bar we’d just vacated. I suspected they’d reacted and wanted more. Not in the script guys! “Come on,” I said, “let’s get in a car. Let you recover before we drive home.” We didn’t sprint for the cars, no way could I run in the heels I was wearing, but it was only a small car park and the car was close. Even so they were out of the pub before we were safely in the car. They saw us get in and were having a discussion but turned and went back inside. They seem to have realised we weren’t interested in furthering our acquaintanceship.
Lizzie sat in the passenger seat staring into the night but with a contented smile on her face. I just sat looking at her. I dearly wanted to attack her, to drop my head into her lap. Taste that delicious cunt I’d fingered but just as I was going to she turned to me. “God Trace, you witch!” She leant over and took my head in both hands and kissed me full on the lips but not open mouthed. She broke away. “That was the most thrilling, naughty, sexy thing I’ve ever done. Ever! Thank you. I’ve got to tell Chris. I’ll text you about next week. God can’t wait to do it in front of him!” She kissed me again and was gone. I hoped she’d be okay driving, she was on such a high. As for me, I was somewhat frustrated that I hadn’t got to taste her but that was being plain greedy and there wasn’t a shadow of doubt in my mind it would happen. Perhaps with Chris watching.
With that warming thought I drove home to my hot water bottle and hot chocolate!
PS Bless her she texted me when she got home to confirm she had made it okay.