Super D-Uber taxi home
Best start here if you haven’t read Part 1!

Best start here if you haven’t read Part 1!
We had twenty minutes to wait for the taxi. Felixstowe is not London!
What to do while we waited? Yep. Why not?
It was mid-evening and dusk was encroaching but given the mood we were in I doubted our actions would have been any different if it had been mid-day.
The action inside the pub had been horny and fun. The cum on our faces was drying but it seemed the place to start. We found a shop doorway and Mary leant against the shutter while I molded my body into hers and commenced cleaning her up.
By the time we’d both finished the cab arrived and we clambered in the back high on booze and sex, giggling like two school girls.
No sooner had we sat down and confirmed the address to the driver than we restarted pawing each other.
Mary led. She was several rungs higher than me. Led by her desire to punish her husband for being such a shit no doubt. Fuelled by the wine. Supercharged by the handjobs we’d given in the pub. What happened next came as no surprise. Not to me. I can’t speak for the Uber driver.
I was repaying Mary for giving my tits a thorough sucking my going up her skirt and licking her cunt when I heard her say, “We don’t mind you watching, but you ought to be keeping your eyes on the road more. It’s making me nervous. Why not pull over? You can watch and wank then.”
“Sorry,” came back the reply. “You mean it?”
“Definitely. I’d happily give you a hand too rather than risk getting killed.”
He didn’t need any more persuading and within seconds we were in a layby.
It was now dark so the traffic streaming past would be oblivious to what was happening which was a shame, but our driver would have a ringside seat.
I sat up from munching Mary’s clit and looked at our driver properly. His accent was local but he was of — as the current correct terminology goes- of south asian descent. Indian in other words. Our first encounter with a non-white cock. I had no doubt given our mood matters were going to progress beyond him wanking himself. Especially for Mary.
He switched the interior light on and turned in his seat, a leer on his face. No other description for it.
Mary reached up her skirt and divested herself of those skimpy red knickers and tossed them to him. “Here. Wank into them if you wish.”
She parted her legs and pushed my head down between them. I resumed kissing duty. Whoever followed us as a passenger was going to find they had a very wet seat. I did my best to drink it all but Mary’s leak was too severe.
I’m not complaining, but having my head rammed between my friend's thighs meant I couldn’t see what was happening with our driver and had to rely on Mary's chatter.
“Oh my. Quite impressive.” This followed the sound of a descending zip.
“I love seeing my knickers wrapped around a cock.”
“Shall I give you a hand? Excuse me, Trace.”
I pulled my head up out of her lap and she leant forward, arm extended. She was right. He was quite impressive. Not enormous but certainly a C+ or a B on the scale of things. I was content to watch. I’d pushed my limits already and didn’t want to risk awakening the dragon. Watching my friend wanking him was aphrodisiac enough for now.
As I suspected Mary wanted more. Her head went down He shuffled around kneeling on his seat, andpushed his cock between the front seats but even so MAry could only just get her lips to it.
“Come in the back,” I said. “I’ll make room.” I opened the door and got out. I was naked above the waist and on the passenger side so could have simply gotten in the front passenger seat but walking around the car to the driver's door was so much more fun. At least three sets of headlights picked me out of the gloom. Our driver seemed reticent to get out, but I guess that was because of his raging hard seven inch rigid cock standing at attention, so he climbed over the seat into the back.
Mary had told me about her recent encounter with the rather stout waiter. This guy was at the other end of the scale. Small and wirey so he managed to do that easily. I took his place after waving to a couple of passing cars who had tooted their appreciation of my naked breasts.
What followed was a bit of an anti-climax. Saying that I think especially for Mary, using the term ‘a bit’ was a huge understatement. I could embellish it, make it sexier and kinkier, but I prefer telling it as it was.
By the time he’d clambered over and I’d got in Mary had rearranged herself on the back seat. Propped in the corner one leg hooked over a front seat the other along the rear passenger seat. No doubt what she was wanting. He didn’t have doubts either. No preamble. His cock straight in. She didn’t need lubricating that’s for sure. I suppose it was inevitable. The atmosphere was electric and Mary's entities, “Give me a hard fucking. Ram it up me!” were too much for him. He barely had his cock into her when he grunted and came. I don’t think he even made two strokes. Poor Mary. So frustrating. He was apologetic and Mary said the usual thing, you know, “It doesn’t matter.” It clearly did. At the time I didn’t realise it, but that frustration would lead us into new areas.
Author’s note: Medium has changed the way they calculate the amount they pay us authors for what we post. I’m hardly a J K Rowling but what I did earn kept me in new knickers. Now those earnings have dropped to 10% of what they had been. (To 10%, not by 10%) And we were told it was for our benefit! I don’t like being ripped off, but will for the time being keep posting to see if I can recover those few £s. So please, please if you have enjoyed this little blog, do clap and/or leave a comment. It helps the little algorithm thingy think I’m human. XXX