Sunday Stables
I get lots of tweets and DMs asking if I feel sexy or how I’m dressed at the time. I think much to the disappointment of many I answer…

I get lots of tweets and DMs asking if I feel sexy or how I’m dressed at the time. I think much to the disappointment of many I answer truthfully, so if you don’t want to know I’m wearing an old football shirt dirty leggings, and fluffy slippers best not to ask.
Likewise, I’m not horny 24/7. Who is? Having said that I’m probably horny the majority of the time which pre-Twitter certainly wasn’t the case.
This wittering is leading up to me saying that when I woke up on Sunday morning I felt incredibly horny.
A hangover from Friday I assumed and relief that my black dog was safely locked away, at least for the time being.
So what to do? Sundays as you know, or at least should know if you’ve been paying attention -yes you boy! At the back! — is the day I regularly go to the stables to ride. Amongst other things. I decided the ‘other things’ were high on the list of priorities. But what to do? After last weekend's open day it would probably be quieter than usual so I hoped I’d have a chance to indulge myself. I hatched a plan. It would be dependent on a number of things coming together, but sometimes it works doesn’t it?
I did my ride as usual, got the horse groomed, and took him back to his paddock. The first piece of luck fell in place. There was no one around as I walked him back. That bareback ride is so sensuous. I’ve improved my seat no end! I might even buy some thinner jodhpurs to increase the feeling. The rhythmic toing and froing sends waves of sexy feelings around my whole body. I arrived at the field gate still undisturbed and sat for two or three minutes gently rubbing my pussy up and down his back. Magical. My mind started drifting. The orgasm came. Slow but powerful. What a gorgeous start. I pulled myself back to reality realising that was how I’d been caught before. But then look at the consequences of that! Naomi introducing me to Jane! Perhaps I should allow myself to be spotted again.
I decided not though, I had other ideas.
Piece two of the puzzle failed to fall in place as I walked back into the stable yard. Jane wasn’t there! She had been unsure whether she’d make it today so I’d have to do things alone. A bit of a nuisance but never mind.
I returned to my car and took out the overnight bag I’d packed.
I was going to take some photos in the stables and had brought a set of clothes so if I was spotted I could say I was changing. Always have a feasible reason available as a defence, someone I have huge admiration for once said!
I’d decided to do it in an old stable building now used as the hay and straw store. Given the time of year, most horses were out and it was reasonably quiet but not so unattended as to not provide an adrenaline rush at the risk! If caught doing some of the poses I had in mind my ‘feasible reason’ would be stretching incredulity to its limit. And beyond.
I’d wanted Jane to operate the camera but in her absence, I was going to have to do it myself. Finding a suitable place was difficult as I needed somewhere to prop up the camera. I could have brought the stand thingy, tripod, that’s the word, but that would be so obvious. I hoped just the camera tucked into haybales might escape detection if I had to use my ‘feasible reason’. Eventually, I settled on an area that was out of a direct line of sight with the main doors so if someone did come in I’d have s few seconds' warning. I hoped.
As is becoming the norm, when I started to strip off the sexual urge coursed through me at breakneck speed. I got my jods off and was about to start taking photos when I heard voices outside.
One was definitely Jane’s. I went to the barn doors and slid one open a crack and called out to her. Her face lit up when she saw me, which I found so comforting and she came over. I ushered her into the barn, closed the door and we kissed.
She looked at me, “Were you expecting me or are you waiting for someone else?” I’d forgotten I was naked from the waist down! I explained what I was doing and asked if she’d be an angel and take the pictures.
“You really are incorrigible aren’t you?” she said. “Have you no concern about getting caught?”
“Masses, but that’s the turn-on,” I replied.
“I’m not sure, I know it’s you that will get the attention, but if someone sees me too I’ll be guilty by association.”
“Jane, please, but if you’re unsure don’t do it.”
“Mm, I’m not sure, but then it was my thoughtlessness that created the problem the other night so perhaps I owe you.” She was silent for a while then, “Yes, alright I’ll do it. On one condition. No two.”
“What are they?“
“First, if anyone comes, I’m doing a runner and you’re on your own.”
I laughed, “Fair enough, what’s the other,?”
“That you pee in front of me. I’ve been thinking about this and wondering if it might be a turn-on. I know I said I wasn’t into it, and I’m not, but I’d be interested to see if it does anything for me.”
This was a real bonus. If Jane got keen on peeing I could picture the fun we could have. “No problem on that score,” I replied.
“Good. So what do I do?”
That’s when I found out Jane was more of a technophobe than I am. After a couple of minutes, I gave up trying to explain the camera functions even though I’d set everything to be as automatic as possible and suggested she used her phone. That turned out to be from prehistoric times but unfortunately I didn’t notice at the time.
We started taking photos in various poses around the building.
Jane soon got in the mood and had me rolling in the straw, and climbing beams, talked me into taking my bra off (not that I needed much encouragement), and eventually “How about peeing Trace?” For that I needed no encouragement. I’d decided over breakfast I wanted to do this and had drunk copious glasses of water. The need to pee was by then urgent. I obliged. Standing on a beam I let go. Blessed relief and horny as hell. I stopped the stream mid-flow, climbed down, opened my legs, and started again. I kept an eye on Jane, trying to judge her reaction. She certainly wasn’t recoiling but didn’t appear to be getting turned on. I sat on a wall and let more piss escape. I had to ask.
“Neutral,” she replied, “didn’t exactly cause me to orgasm, but on the other hand it was quite horny watching it gush out. Bit like squirting but longer.”
“Think we could try it? Peeing over each other?”
“Whoa, no, I don’t think so!”
“If you don’t fancy that then how about you just pee over me?”
“Mm. That might be a possibility, mightn't it?”
I decided to strike while she was in the mood. The thought of anyone peeing over me had been consuming me for days, weeks! “Need to go now?” I asked hopefully.
“What? Here? Now?”
“Why not? No one’s been in yet and I should think most have finished mucking out.” Jane was silent for a minute. The boot really was on the other foot now compared to last Friday. I was leading her into new territory.
“Okay, but look don’t you want any more photos? Wouldn’t you prefer to do them not soaking in my urine?”
Jane was playing for time. Either hoping we’d get interrupted, or I’d forget about it. I couldn’t control the first but knew the second was not going to happen. However, I humoured her.
“Okay, let me change. I want some in lingerie and I’ve brought a sort of hill billy skirt I thought would suit the location. (Getting quite the professional model aren’t I?)
While changing I looked at the photos Jane had taken. Oh dear.
The light in the barn was abysmal, the few windows hadn’t been cleaned for years and I hadn’t dared suggest we use the flash for fear of attracting attention. My pitiful lack of knowledge and Jane’s out of the ark phone had produced images, but they weren’t going to win any technical prizes. Looking at the content though I thought they might raise a few appendages!
I looked around the barn. The area near the large barn doors was a lot lighter than where we’d been shooting. A lot riskier too. So that was a bonus on two fronts!
Jane was aghast when I told her we were moving to that end of the building. I explained why and said we’d come back to the dingy spot for her peeing.
She reluctantly agreed so we started shooting in one of the disused stalls near the door. If someone came in, no way would I not be well and truly exposed. In more ways than one. But that was a huge turn-on. I’d said I wanted some lingerie photos so I’d put on stockings, suspenders and flimsy knickers but I needed to be more brazen. The knickers came off. My legs spread and I made sure Jane was getting plenty of close ups of my pussy. I could tell it was getting to her too. She was almost licking her lips at the sight in front of her. Then I let go of the small amount of pee I still had in me. Each shot, each pose, was turning me on more. I wondered if we’d end up having the proverbial ‘roll in the hay’. I decided if I could choose, and only have one, I’d settle for Jane peeing over me. A new experience to add to the long list of the past few months.
We’d taken plenty of photos so I ventured, “come on Jane, let’s go back and see if you peeing on me turns you on.”
She replied with a sheepish “okay.” A total reversal of roles from last week. It’s amazing what being in your comfort zone does for one’s confidence.
We went right to the back of the barn, I took my top and skirt off and lay down in a pile of straw. I’d didn’t notice the prickling, I was too turned on. I’d drunk Charles’s pee but never had a proper golden shower. The anticipation was killing me. Jane looked around again, checking no one could see. Where we were you’d need a searchlight to even spot us!
She pulled off her riding boots, undid her jodhpurs and divested herself of those and her knickers.
“How do you want me to do this?” She asked.
“Stand astride me, start on my tits, then down to my pussy and up to my face. If you haven’t got enough just my face.” I said it with a confidence as though this was my hundredth shower not my first.
She stood over me, and pulled her lips out of the way. God, what a view. Then it started. A few drips onto my tits then full blast. Oh my god! Down to my cunt. Sweet divine feeling. Then finally up my body to my face. Jane had a full bladder! Glorious. Gorgeous. Sublime. I don’t know how to describe the feeling. Both beautiful and depraved at the same time. I opened my mouth and let the nectar flow in. I swallowed. That seemed to surprise Jane. We hadn’t actually talked about what I did or wanted to do with the pee, just that I enjoyed watersports, so I suppose it was understandable.
Eventually, the flow stopped, Jane wiggled her body to shake off the drops and stepped away.
I looked at her. “Oh boy. Thank you. That was sublime. Did you get anything from it?” She didn’t answer, just knelt down beside me and gave me a long hard erotic kiss. I assumed that was a ‘yes’ but our lips parted. “No.” She replied, “sorry”.
“Don’t worry. I’d do it again, you so obviously loved it,” she said touching my soaking pussy.
“Do you want to…?”
My unfinished question was interrupted by the barn door screeching open. Jane hastily grabbed her clothes and started dressing while trying to remain quiet. I didn’t move. That gorgeous feeling swept through me. Would someone discover me like this? I so wanted them to. I so didn’t!
Whoever it was found what they wanted at the other end and quickly left. My previous indecision was answered. I was massively disappointed I hadn’t been seen.
We were both in a partial state of dress and it would have been tempting to recommence where we’d got to but it had broken the spell, especially for Jane. “I said the other night you’ll be the death of me. I’d meant it figuratively but after this it might be literal, at least socially.” I laughed but guessed she was right. I didn’t want to push too far or too fast.
Reluctantly I followed her lead, got dressed, and bade her adieu.
A Sunday morning for the memory.
There are some photographs that I can’t show here. If you would like to see them and haven’t had an e-mail from me make sure you are registered here to receive e-mails when I update and then write to me at asking for them and I’ll send you a link. XXX