Simon’s ‘Gathering’
I can’t say I was looking forward to the gathering at Simon’s and Mary’s. It didn’t bode well that he was pretentious enough to call it…

I can’t say I was looking forward to the gathering at Simon’s and Mary’s. It didn’t bode well that he was pretentious enough to call it that rather than a party or even a social get together.
I didn’t arrive early. I wanted to avoid having to talk to Simon if at all possible as I wasn’t sure that I would be able to avoid telling him what I thought of him and his treatment of Mary, but I’m not sure that did me any favours as after Mary had let me in and given me a glass of wine she introduced me to dear Zoe. For those of you not up to speed, Zoe is the wife of Simon's business partner. I’d never met her, but Mary had reliably informed me I hadn’t missed anything. It soon became obvious she was right.
The conversation went something like this:
Mary: “Zoe, can I introduce Tracy. She’s a very good friend of mine.”
Zoe: “Really? Good to see endangered species surviving.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. That was not the sort of comment I’d expected. It was more appropriate for a bad episode of East Enders. Mary looked at me, surprisingly there was a hint of a smile on her face. An expression I took to mean ‘Give her both barrels for me Trace’.
“I’ll leave you two to get acquainted,” she said, turned, and walked away.
I’m not one who enjoys confrontation. Actually, in a way that’s not true. I hate the thought of confrontation. Life’s too short. I’d already had enough to last me a century, but I did find a certain satisfaction in entering a battle and coming out victorious. It was one of the things that made me vaguely successful at my job. So I took a large swig of wine,checked the shotgun was loaded and tuned back in to what Zoe was saying.
“Given you’re supposedly such a good friend perhaps you can explain her strange utterings.” Mary had told me about her comment to Zoe at their staff party, but to open a conversation like that with someone she’d not met before was clearly designed to put me on the spot. If I didn’t ask her what she meant she’d know Mary had told me which would indicate it was a big deal. I didn’t think we wanted that. So I asked.
“Strange utterings? That doesn’t sound like Mary.”
“Perhaps you’re not such a good friend then and don’t really know her.”
Oh boy.
“Well, perhaps you’d like to enlighten me?”
“We were in the ladies…”
“Oh, I didn’t know you and Mary were that close. Fun was it?” It was a calculated gamble. If by the time I’d finished she went rushing off to Simon and told him what I’d implied, I guessed the worst would be that he barred me from the house.
“Oh, you mean you were just there for a pee? Sorry, misunderstood. Carry on.”
As I’d hoped it had wrong footed her.
“Er, yes, well she said something about finger exercises.”
I looked as blank as I could manage.
“Yes?” She’d have to work for this.
“Well, you know.”
“Do I?”
“Yes, er personal, you know.”
“No sorry, the only finger exercises I know are related to piano playing .” I continued to try to look naive (stop laughing the back!). “I assume you don’t have one in the ladies.”
“Oh for god's sake! She was intimating she’d fingered herself off.” She hissed it at me in a whisper. I was getting her embarrassed. Result.
I looked around as if searching. “We are talking about the same Mary? Our hostess?”
I creased my brow. “The one you’ve long described as a dowdy pathetic unimaginative mouse?” I was paraphrasing what Mary had told me she’d heard, but by the look on Zoe’s face it was an accurate summation.
“Well, I er…I don’t see that as relevant.”
“Have you never done ‘finger exercises’” I did air quotes for emphasis.
“Oh come on,” I decided to go for broke, “I hear you’re the company bicycle.”
She looked truly puzzled. Perhaps the expression was only common among the horse fraternity. I explained. “Company bicycle-anyone gets to ride it.”
Her face! She said no more but turned on her heel, and stormed off, sought a refill of her glass and more amenable company.
As I said, I don’t like confrontation but like a mother hen if it’s defending my chicks/friends watch out.
I guessed she was unlikely to become by bestie friend.
The event had set my adrenaline running and I needed a use for it. Mary would suffer-in the most pleasurable way-for landing me with that. I seem to remember she’d wanted me to find out if Zoe was actually ‘the company bicycle’ Guess that was unlikely now!
I looked around for Mary but couldn’t spot her so latched on to a group that looked halfway human. I hate going to parties where I know no one but all the other guests know each other. I always feel an intruder.
The reason I decided on that particular group was simply that I liked the look of one of the women! She was in her fifties I guessed. Not fashion magazine sophisticated like most of the others, she was short and plump but exuded a fun personality. Definitely what I needed. If she was interested I most certainly was but I suspected I’d used up most of my luck in meeting the right people for a while.
She acknowledged me as I joined the group too. Which is more than can be said for the rest of them. “I don’t know you do I?” She asked as she looked me up and down. “Not as far as I know,” I replied, “I’m Tracy, a friend of Mary’s.”
“Ah good. She’s managed to smuggle you in has she, amongst the plastic dummies that masquerade as real people.” She had ushered me away from the others before she made this comment. I laughed. “Haha. Yes a lone voice in the wilderness,” I replied.
“Well don’t expect any high jinks or a decent floor show, Simon would never permit it. If you want action you need to make your own.” I looked at her.
“You sound as though you’d rather be someplace else.”
“Any place else. Can’t cope with conversation that majors in who has the most expensive dress or wallpaper!”
“Mm, I hope I’m not speaking out of turn but Simon isn’t exactly the most charismatic of people so I suppose he’s going to attract the same; like-for-like as they say.” I realised I’d just insulted her!
“Oh my, sorry I didn’t mean you! Obviously an exception!” She laughed.
“No he isn’t and he’s getting worse. I should introduce myself, I’m Caroline, Simon’s elder sister.”
“His sister? I didn’t realise he had siblings.”
“No, he tries to keep it quiet. He’s got two sisters. Never to meet. We can’t stand each other. He invites me to these shindigs and his other sibling to Christmas lunch so we don’t meet and start world war three. Regards me as the black sheep of the family . Chalk and cheese you see. I’ve no social graces. Say it as I see it. Simon says it as he thinks his listener wants to see it.”
“Black sheep? Care to divulge why? Sounds interesting” It was presumptuous of me to ask but I felt lucky!
“Not really. Oh please, don’t apologise for asking, I’m the one that mentioned it. Perhaps I’ll tell you when I’ve known you a bit longer. Say after the next glass of wine!”
With comments like that she was definitely on my wish list. I wondered if she was available.
“Are you here with your husband?” I asked as she was wearing a wedding ring.
“No. I’m not married now. Long story but he’s ancient history. And one of the reasons I’m a black sheep. I wear the ring to ward off bounty hunters.”
“Ah,” I said, “a rich beautiful divorcee who prefers the single life.”
“Wrong on three counts there my dear. I’m not rich, comfortable but hardly rolling in it, not like Simon. Nor am I beautiful, even if it is in the eye of the beholder, so stop trying to butter me up. And finally, I don’t prefer the single life. It’s to deter men, not everybody.”
Well, well.
“Ah, I’m with you there.”
“Anti-men too?”
“Sort of. More pro-women really. I’m divorced too.”
“Say no more, my dear. Come on, glasses need recharging.”
We spent the next twenty minutes huddled in a corner ripping to shreds our Ex’s. You might not think that was a jolly subject for a Christmas party but it had us in hysterics. The bottle of wine which Caroline had purloined from the boxes behind the buffet table helped. It was a turning point for me. As far as I can recall the first time I could talk about HIM and laugh.
There was a gap in the conversation so I decided to take a chance.
“So given you’re off men, like me, are you into women? Like me?”
“Is that a proposition?” Her eyes were twinkling.
“If you want it to be.” I smiled back at her.
“Don’t know. Uncharted waters. Tell me the advantages.”
“Can’t get pregnant. One cum doesn’t end the evening. No male ego to satisfy. For starters.”
She roared. “Persuasive arguments. Each and every one. Apart from getting pregnant. That’s off the menu. So you are offering?”
I tried to keep it light but could only manage a mumbled, “Yes.”
“Tempting. I’ve thought about it a couple of times but never knew where to start to find someone.”
At that moment Simon turned up at our side. His timing! Grrr!
He was smiling! It made him look almost normal. He was also drunk. He must have been as his first words were, “Hello Tracy, so glad you could make it, it’s good for Mary to have her friends here too.” Thunderstruck! I was lost for a reply but it didn’t matter, he immediately turned to Caroline.
“Sister dear, can I drag you away from Tracy? I have a couple I want you to meet.” Fuck. Damn the man. I looked at Caroline who smiled. “Must obey the Commander dear, perhaps we can continue this conversation another time? Blessed Day” She winked and she was gone. Bugger the man.
“Hello, enjoying yourself?” A voice behind me. I turned to face Mary. “You look livid what’s up?” she asked. I explained.
“My sister-in-law was talking about…” she looked around to ensure we weren’t being overheard, “…the possibility of trying lesbian sex?” Her face was incredulous.
“Yes, you look shocked. How do you think she’d react if I told her about us?”
“You didn’t, did you?” There was more than a hint of panic in her voice.
“No, of course not.”
“Thank god. She’s not always the most discreet of people but I take your point. Well, well. Good luck if anything comes of it, but please leave me out of it.”
“Of course I will. Talking of lesbian sex though…” I raised my eyebrows which produced one of her signature giggles. Another look around the room. “Meet me in Simon’s study in five minutes.” And she was off to chat with some other guests
I knew Simon's office. It showed no signs of the fun we’d had in it a few weeks previously. I assumed Mary was confident no other guests or indeed Simon himself would be coming in so I decided to give Mary a small surprise when she did arrive.
I slipped my dress off, removed my knickers, sat in Simon’s office chair and propped my feet, wide apart on his desk. I’m sure you get the picture. It got the adrenaline running. A sort of Russian roulette. Who would come through the door first? Mary or some lost guest? Or Simon wanting some papers? I shouldn’t have done it but I was feeling frisky. If it wasn’t Mary first, god knows what the ramifications would be. The tension and excitement were huge. I couldn’t stop myself fingering my pussy and clit. Five minutes can seem an hour in those circumstances. Then I heard footsteps. They sounded feminine but I wasn’t sure. I was tempted to take my feet off the desk. Hide as much as I could. I didn’t. Sod it. Live dangerously Trace, I told myself, or don’t bother. The footsteps stopped outside the door. I heard a man’s voice but it sounded down the corridor. Definitely Simon’s. I didn’t move. Foolhardy bravery or frozen by fear? A woman’s voice replied. Outside the door. Mary’s! The handle turned. She came in. Stopped dead when she saw me. Looked anxiously at the door, closed it and turned the key. “God Trace, you do like living on the edge don’t you?”
“Life’s too short to be dull.” I made no attempt to move. My fingers were working hard. The adrenaline pump from the voices had me on that edge, part of me regretting it hadn’t been someone else through the door. A guest. Carolyn. Simon even. The next few minutes reversed that idea. That there were thirty people on the other side of the door excited Mary too. She came over to me crawled under a leg, knelt between them, and started kissing me. She started on my thigh north of my stocking. Not a kiss. A love bite. A hard suck. Then a move closer to my pussy; another bite. Then again. Until she reached her destination. Then more sucking. Gripping my lips pulling them between her own lips. Holding them wide. Probing with her fingers. Then sucking my juice. A deliciously erotic noise. I was in no hurry to come, but my body had other ideas. If I carried on like this I was going to find it necessary to be gang banged by a group of women. A succession of them willing to replace the one before, drowning in my copious discharges.
It was probably a good thing this time, Mary shouldn’t disappear for too long so I hurriedly returned the favour. I didn’t undress her, simply stuck my head up her dress, pulled her knickers aside, and set to work in her soaking cunt. Fingers, lips, and teeth joining forces. Licking, sucking, nibbling. Her moans grew in intensity, their volume increasing with each nibble. I slide a hand under her, found her arse hole, and fingered it. No lubrication. No time. She gasped but took it. Only my little finger. It was enough to push her over the edge. The circumstances, the risk, brought a heightened climax for her. As it had for me.
We straightened out our clothes and rejoined the party. No one appeared to have noticed our absence.
I was still hot as I’m sure Mary was. These quick fumbled sessions were great fun, a real turn-on, but not as satisfying as a long drawn-out session in bed. I went in search of Caroline. I doubted I’d get her to repeat what I’d just done with her sister-in-law but I hoped I might be able to arrange a meeting for after Christmas although I didn’t even know if she lived locally.
I found her in conversation with a couple of men. She looked as though she could do with rescuing so I sidled up to her, put an arm around her waist as if we were bosom buddies, and said, “Sorry, guys, I need to whisk this delectable woman away for an urgent chit-chat.” It left the two men somewhat surprised but a whispered “Thank you,” in my ear confirmed I’d done the right thing. I led her out of the room into the hallway and didn’t remove my arm until we were away from the crowd. It hadn’t bothered her it appeared. “God, why do men think we women might be interested in the machinations of different car racing teams? Idiots. Anyway, I’m glad you found me. We were having such an interesting conversation until my dolt of a brother arrived. Let’s continue. As I recall I’d just admitted I didn’t know where to go to start a lesbian affair and I suspect you were just about to impart the answer.”
She took a sip from her glass and looked me in the eye, awaiting my reply. “I’d be happy to introduce you to the idea if you are interested,” I offered, “I’m new to it myself, but have had a few good teachers.”
“Mm. Thought that might be the answer. I’ll think about it. It’s a sexy fantasy, but I’m not sure if it will convert. Give me your number. I’ll give it some thought.” Not the reaction I’d hoped for and a bit stilted it seemed. Perhaps she was fighting her conscience. She didn’t have anyone to consider but given Simon's attitude to sex, I wondered if there was something in their background. Anyway, at least it was a possibility.
All in all an interesting evening!