I was going to spend the day with Mary and Katie. That was the good news and, had that been all the news, I would have been keenly…

I was going to spend the day with Mary and Katie. That was the good news and, had that been all the news, I would have been keenly anticipating it and hoping for some snatched sexy fun with Mary. As it was there was more news. Simon would be joining us. To check me out. To confirm I wasn’t a man. To confirm his wife wasn’t cheating on him. To find out why suddenly she was happy!
Mary had told me he’d found out she’d gone out the evening of our last meeting. She’d told me, as had Katie, that he was controlling and I had suspected he’d checked her location with a phone app but on reflection, I didn’t think that was the case as she’d spoken to him from my bed and said she was in her own. From what she’d told me and she obviously knew her husband, his attitude was one of doubt rather than certainty.
Anyway, I’m no Sherlock Holmes. He wanted evidence of who I was so I’d provide it.
I had briefly considered the idea of setting a honey trap for him. Wear a sheer blouse over my tightest jodhpurs, (Ha! Re-reading that makes my outfit somewhat peculiar but I assume you know what I mean). Lacy bra showing via an unbuttoned blouse. Lure him into the horse box. Get his trousers down and let Mary walk in on us. A delightful fantasy. I’m sure you can see huge problems with that not least my aversion to men followed closely by his lack of sex drive (according to Mary)
I suppose if this blog were just erotica that’s the route the story would take but it’s not. This is true life so from here on it gets to be a boring tale. Almost.
I met Mary and Katie at the stables as on our previous outing sans Simon.
“He’ll join us later,” Mary informed me, “no way would he want to get involved with the preparations.”
We traveled to the event in the lorry again with Katie in the middle. Now that I knew Mary had no major hang-ups about Katie and me having some sort of liaison I wasn’t so reticent about looking at her and admiring the sheer sexual attraction she held for me. That attraction didn’t preclude my lust for her mother any more than my attraction to Mary precluded my sex exploits with Carol and Jane. I most definitely didn’t want a monogamous relationship with anyone. I wanted to be promiscuous. Needed to be.
I hope I’d sown the idea of having a girlfriend in Katie’s head some while back but didn’t want to broach the subject in front of her mother so our conversation was very much horses and the coming trials.
We arrived at the venue in good time, got ourselves organised and Katie went off for her early warm-up to stretch the horse's legs.
Last time Mary and I used the time for a quick fondle. This time there was the spectre of Simon looming so we had a quick kiss in the horse box and left it at that.
“How do you think he knew you’d been out?” I asked.
“I’m pretty sure it was from the car mileage. I know he checks it. I told him I’d come to you and had a coffee with you early evening. Remember I was in bed when he phoned.”
“It’s true, you were.”
“Yes, but yours not mine,” she replied with her signature giggle.
“I’ll remember,” I assured her.
I’d dressed down for the event. I had on my baggiest jeans, a high-necked jumper, an old bra that did nothing in the way of uplift, and a pair of Bridget Jones Knickers. Not that I thought there was any chance of him seeing them but they helped me feel dowdy. Unsexy.
Katie’s first round went well and it looked as though it would be a long day again but I enjoyed their company on many levels so it was hardly a hardship. Frustrating in the extreme but I could live with that.
Mary had told me Simon intended to arrive at midday and as the time approached I began to get nervous. I’d had my fill of controlling men and didn’t need another influencing my life, all be it remotely by affecting my friend.
Simon’s penchant for punctuality was demonstrated by him turning up on the stroke of twelve.
It’s strange, isn’t it, how one forms an impression of someone in one’s mind? One decides how they look, walk, and talk without being given any information. Mary had never described her husband and I had no interest in asking but from her description of his attitude to various things I’d formed a picture in my mind. A forty something, tall compared to Mary’s, shortness, receding hairline, slightly overweight, and lacking in social skills. I did know he was a successful businessman and I guess my mental picture of him was conjured up from similar men I knew through work.
As he strode across the field towards us (it was obviously Simon, for a start, he was inappropriately dressed in chinos and a flashy shirt and black shoes) I realised I was somewhat wide of the mark.
He was short for a start. Not as short as Mary but shorter than me. He had a full head of black hair, smarted back in what I’d describe as a 50’s teddy boy style. He was overweight. Not slightly though as I’d imagined. Grossly. I’m not making judgments, just describing him. Put it this way. I’d rather ride him than take him missionary style! He arrived at our little group, totally ignoring me he addressed Mary, “It’s a long walk from the car park.”
“I told you I’d get you a pass to come in here, but you said not to bother.”
“I didn’t realise it would be so far.”
Oh boy. This was going to be a long day. He was lucky the ground was so dry. His black brogues would have been useless in most instances.
“This is Tracy who is helping us,” Mary said waving a hand in my direction.
“Helping? I thought Katie did everything. She said she would when I bought the thing.”
Oh boy. I was really going to fall in love with this guy.
Mary patiently explained why I was there (the horse side of things!). I was a bit flummoxed as I would have thought he would have asked all this before now.
“Huh, oh well…” At that point his phone went off he looked at the screen and turned away from us answering with a curt, “Yes?”
He mumbled something else and wandered off out of earshot. I glanced at Mary and Katie. I was tempted to say what I thought but he was their husband and father and they might be supportive of him against an outsider so I kept quiet.
“Sorry about that,” said Mary, “I could excuse it and say he’s under a lot of stress but it’s not that.”
He terminated the call and came back. Stood directly in front of me. Close. Too close for a man-hater like me.
“So. You’re so bored you’ve got nothing better to do than moon around with my wife and daughter?”
Standing three feet in front of me in a power pose, legs apart, me sitting down, wearing riding boots begged for me to do only one thing and kick him hard in the balls. Somehow though I resisted the temptation. It might be one of those things I regret not doing till my dying day but I was conscious that it would create problems for my friends.
Instead, I smiled sweetly and said, “Hello Simon, nice to meet you. Yes, I have a very sedentary job and love the fresh air and exercise I get being with horses.”
Not exactly answering his question but close enough I thought to stop him pursuing the matter further. It seemed to satisfy him
“Right. As long as everyone’s happy. I need to work, I’ll see you two later.”
He turned and strode off back to his car. I looked at Mary. “Is that it?” I asked incredulously. “I’d thought he’d hang around to see more.”
“Oh yes, I expect so. He knows you exist now. His imagination is so lacking that there’s no way he’d think I’d have an affair with a woman so he’ll forget the whole thing.”
“That’s lucky.” Katie hadn’t spoken since Simon had appeared and we both looked at her.
“What do you mean dear?” Mary asked.
“Well, you and Tracy.” I looked at Mary who returned my aghast look with interest.
“Me and Tracy what?”
“Oh Mum, don’t be all naive. You and Tracy. Being a pair. It’s so obvious. You’ve been like one of my friends who’s just bedded the college heartthrob.”
Oh shit. Mary turned crimson. “Mum, I don’t mind and I’m certainly not telling Dad. Tracy spoke to me a while back and talked about me having a girlfriend so I knew she’d be up for it. I’m surprised a bit you are but what the heck. Good for you.”
“Oh.” Mary was clearly shocked. Whether that was because she’d been so obvious, that Katie had made the connection, or that her daughter didn’t have a problem with it I didn’t know.
I had mixed feelings about Katie’s revelation. On one level it was good, we didn’t need to be furtive about our fun, but on another level I wondered how it would affect the possibility of my getting to bed her. I decided to try to reduce the risk of it being an obstacle.
“It’s just a bit of fun Katie. We’re all grown-ups. It’s not like an affair. It’s just us having a good time.” I looked at Mary. I hoped to god she was okay with what I’d said. I didn’t think she wanted anything more from comments she’d made but saying something like that without discussing it with her could have been a problem, but she replied, “Absolutely. Katie, I’ve got to be honest, your Father and I haven’t er, had, er…”
“Had sex? Screwed?” Katie helpfully supplied the words.
“Oh god. Yes. We haven’t screwed for years. I needed a release. But didn’t want to do anything too catastrophic that could make your father divorce me.”
Katie burst out laughing. “Oh come on Mum. You saw how he was after he found you’d gone out without telling him. Christ if he knew you were lesing around he’d go apeshit. Just be careful he doesn’t find out okay? Anyway, I need to saddle up, come on.”
Well. This was turning into an interesting day!
I think Mary was as surprised about how supportive Katie was as I had been with Kaz’s reaction when I’d told her what I was up to. Clearly, the younger generation is far more liberally minded with regard to sex. Which was great news.
We helped Katie saddle up and she completed another clear round so we were going to be sitting around for a while. Once we got back to the box and sorted out the horse Katie announced she was going to find her friends. As soon as she’d gone I looked at Mary. “Shall we?”
“Why not? God, I missed Wednesday.”
“Me too. Let’s make up for it.”
So like a couple of randy teenagers, we leapt into the lorry with the need to fuck like rabbits!
Well, not quite, but it was a hurried, rough, no holds barred session. Or at least it would have been. We assumed Katie would be a while and given we knew she knew, there wasn’t the worry she might suddenly return. In fact, although I didn’t say this to Mary in some ways I hoped she would come back while we were still ‘at it’ partly due to my exhibitionist streak, (I love the idea of someone watching us) and partly because I hoped it might trigger her, not necessarily to join in, but at least to consider the possibility.
Be careful what you wish for.
Things were urgent. As soon as we closed the groom's door we were in a clinch, kissing hard, tongues lashing, hands desperately trying to loosen jeans. We were both wearing riding boots which made slipping the jeans off something akin to Mission Impossible so we both ended up with our jeans and knickers around our ankles acting as shackles. We tried to shuffle over to the straw bales, but were still kissing intently and ended up losing our balance and crashing to the floor. Luckily into said bales. That started Mary giggling which caused me to start laughing and we ended up in hysterics.
That’s when the groom's door opened.
Shit. I looked at Mary. We were in a partitioned off stall for a horse and couldn’t be seen from the door. Astonishingly rather than panic Mary continued giggling. She put a hand over her mouth to try and stop the noise but it didn’t work. The absurdity of the situation was infectious and I started to giggle too. The next thing we knew was Katie standing at the entrance to the stall, hands on hips with an incredulous look on her face. The next few seconds would be telling. There was a moment's silence then, “God, I leave you alone for two minutes and you start misbehaving. When are you going to act like the grown-up you keep telling me you are?” I hadn’t realised until then that Katie could mimic her mum. She sounded exactly like Mary and I suspect the words were ones she’d heard many times during her teens. She turned and stomped off in the most theatrical way and we heard the door close. Gently, not slammed. There was no doubt Katie was ‘cool’ with what she had witnessed. Our giggles subsided, but so had the ardour. Difficult to stay randy in those circumstances!
We unentangled ourselves, pulled our nix and jeans back to their allotted places, and went outside.
“Finished already?” Katie was sitting in one of the collapsable chairs drinking coffee. “Just in time before your coffee goes cold. I got you a cup each from the van.”
I wondered if all kids would be this laid back about what Katie had just witnessed. Kaz had been with me because she could see how much happier I was. I assumed the same applied to Katie.
“Thank you, darling,” replied Mary, “very thoughtful. You were very quick. We didn’t intend you to witness that. I hope you weren’t too embarrassed.”
Katie laughed. “I’ve walked in on enough of my mates, so no, and it’s not as if I didn’t know is it?”
“No, but even so…”
“Oh, Mum. Come on, it’s no big deal for me. The last couple of weeks you’ve been like the mum I had when I was ten. Whatever’s caused that has got to be good.”
Just like Kaz. Had they exchanged notes? Not possible I know, but the similarity of reaction was amazing. Not that I for one was complaining.
The rest of the day passed relatively normally. Katie again finished amongst the rosettes and we drove home all very content with the day.
Next Wednesday was going to be explosive!