Sexy Sunday at the Stables
If you want to catch up on my adventures to date you’ll find the list of all 110 blogs here:

If you want to catch up on my adventures to date you’ll find the list of all 110 blogs here:
Mary has written about Sunday so rather than duplicate things I’ll copy it here and just add a bit at the end. xx
Mary writes:
I’d been missing Tracy of late what with Simon not going to Birmingham and not having to go to the stables with Katie for her riding. It seemed ages since we’d seen each other so I decided to go up to the stables on Sunday morning and surprise her.
I knew it would cause a ruction with Simon but I was determined to do it. I was right on that score. He couldn’t understand why I needed to see the horse when we were paying for full livery. I explained I just wanted to make sure he was okay. I knew he’d be well looked after but I wanted to see for myself. In the end he gave up arguing and told me to ‘do what you like’.
So I did! Very much so!
It was jolly cold and I doubted Tracy would be riding as the ground was so hard but I knew she’d be up there to check her horse and she was.
She was busy grooming Jack in his box while he munched on his hay net when I arrived.
It was so good to see her again if for nothing more than a girly chat.
She smiled broadly as I stuck my head over the stable door and came over and we kissed. It’s surprising how natural that felt. The time when I would have been embarrassed to be seen kissing another woman full on the lips seemed a distant memory.
We talked for a bit while Tracy finished grooming Jack and caught up in detail on each other’s adventures. I can’t speak for Tracy but such talk certainly turned me on. Not that I needed much, seeing her again was more than sufficient.
Tracy finished her grooming and asked the question which didn’t need an answer, “Want some fun?” I told her that’s why I’d come!
There were no other people with their horses in the other boxes. Jack was content munching his hay so she took my hand and led me to the far corner where his new thick bed of straw was and we kissed again, long and sensuous.
What with the weather and the fact we were dealing with horses we were not exactly dressed sexily, we both had heavy top coats for a start but we wasted little time in unzipping them and getting inside each others, up under her jumper then inside a tee shirt then finally a hand over her bra. I didn’t want to grab her tit, well I did but thought my hand would be too cold! She did much the same to me but had kept her gloves on which was a strange feeling.
The passion was warming us up and we slid down into the hay and started undoing each other’s jeans. Her gloves had to come off then but by now we were either warm or our bodies ignoring the cold due to other needs!
God, it felt good having her fingers in me again. I’d not thought about it much before becoming involved with Tracy but I’d never realised a woman’s fingers would be such a turn-on and how different the feel from different women. Perhaps my excitement due to fingers was increased by my lack of cock!
We hadn’t undressed, just loosened clothes to get to each other but that was enough. Our lips were superglued and our fingers were soon soaking. Tracy came first but then she was frustrated by her lack of action with Elizabeth although from her description of the night it had been huge fun. Her orgasm didn’t stop her fingers working me and I soon followed and we lay in the straw for a while recovering.
We agreed we needed more of each other. I’m not going luvvie duvie! I don’t mean anything other than sex but there was something special about doing it with Tracy. Probably because she had saved my sanity if not my life by giving me this outlet from his lordship.
The problem was how to see more of each other. As far as I could gather Simon’s trips to Birmingham were now going to be intermittent. He had employed someone up there to manage things and he now needed less hands on, which was a disaster for me personally. With Tracy working full time it only left evenings and weekends and while I could stand the odd accusation of ‘ignoring him’ by going out when he was at home I couldn’t do it regularly. I could only join so many yoga classes!
So we were left with our candlestine meeting at the stables. As much as I’d enjoyed what we’d just done it wasn’t sufficient, let alone comfortable and warm!
I’ve no idea what the answer is but we’ll find one.
I’ll just add:
We’ve now both been playing sexy games for a while and have both widened our circle of friends but I agree with Mary, it’s like coming home to family when we meet. A time when you don’t need to act a part, both can be totally natural. I think that’s why the sex is so good. Even there, in a cold stable on a freezing January morning on a bed of rough straw.
Don’t know if you’ve tried it guys but straw is not the soft bed you think it should be and it has a nasty habit of finding it’s way to places a girl doesn’t want it to find!
After we’d finished I helped clean Mary up. If I have a bit of straw fall out of my bra when I get home it’s not a problem. We had a good laugh though trying to think of excuses if that happened to Mary and she covered the bedroom floor in wisps of straw as she divested herself of bra and knickers!
It must be nearly a month since I’d seen Mary. Far too long. Our sexual needs might be satisfied elsewhere but we both had a need beyond that. Also, I had at least two wild sessions in mind for Mary. Going out with her and Lizzie was one. Arrest almost a forgone conclusion! And introducing her to John or perhaps more correctly introducing John to a MFF threesome. Another day that would be wild.
How we’ll manage it I don’t know but needs must, where there’s a will there’s a way etc etc