Sex in Simon’s Office
I texted Mary on Tuesday asking her what she wanted to do on Wednesday. I wondered if Katie’s absence would have changed things. I also…

I texted Mary on Tuesday asking her what she wanted to do on Wednesday. I wondered if Katie’s absence would have changed things. I also mentioned I was having fun at the time leaving a gaping hole in my blouse for everyone to glimpse my bra. ( )
This prompted her to reply that we ought to do what we’d threatened a few weeks back, namely to strip off in each other’s offices. Mary in Simons and me in mine
It sounded good to me!
I nipped off a couple of hours early and met Mary outside Simon’s office block. Well, not actually his block, the block his office is in. There were, according to Mary, about thirty people working there with Simon’s two co-directors. It was late in the afternoon (about 4 pm) but Mary said the offices always had people in until at least Six. No point in doing this in an empty building! Where’s the fun in that?
Mary had access to Simon’s office and he often asked her to do work on his behalf so the staff didn’t think it strange that Mary was there on a day Simon was in Birmingham.
I could have described his office before I saw it. Minimalist. White everywhere. A couple of prints on the wall to break up the monotony clearly chosen by the interior designer, much too classy to be his choice. A clear desk. Not a piece of paper or file in sight.
We’d walked through the outer office to get to his inner sanctum and there were a dozen or so at their desks. Simon’s office had no windows looking over the main work space which I found odd, but then it was Simon’s space.
As we went in Mary flicked a switch and a discreet ‘Do not disturb’ sign lit up next to the door.
“Is that effective?” I asked.
Mary giggled, “No idea, we’ll find out won’t we?” Quite who the staff thought I was I have no idea but I was in a work suit so looked as if I could be a legitimate business associate.
We entered the office, Mary closed the door, turned and kissed me. “Oh Trace, I’m so missing you. Without Katie around life seems so empty day to day. I can’t survive just on Wednesday evenings.”
“I thought you were organising something with Carol?”
“Yes, I am. We were going out so I could do some photos but look at the weather!”
“How about doing some at her place? And you could set things in motion to complete Katie’s challenge!”
She laughed. “Yes, I could, couldn’t I? Trouble is it’s a huge step and organising it like a doctor’s appointment doesn’t get my juices flowing and I need a river of juices to take that step.”
“I can understand that. I’m sure we can organise something but for now, let’s start getting sexy and put Simon's office on the map of sexy locations!”
Mary was wearing a dress I’d not seen before. A dress perfect for flashing her legs in. A dress that showed off her figure to perfection. A dress I guessed Simon would hate. “New dress?” I asked.
“Yes, for me. I found it browsing in a charity shop the other day. Looks hardly worn. I can guess why. She stepped away from me and stood with one leg slightly in front of the other. The dress was a wrap-over design and either the designer wished to save on material or was very much a man (or woman) who enjoyed the sight of legs. The dress failed spectacularly in doing what it was designed to. Wrap over. As Mary stood there I had a delicious view of her stockinged leg up beyond the welt.
“A perfect find,” I grinned.
“I thought so,” she replied.
We decided what we were going to do As it was her husband’s office we’d do most of the shots of her and then try and rig something up for both of us to be in the frame.
Simon’s office was amazingly bright. No soft sensuous lighting for him, much more third-degree questions style, but it was fine for the photos.
We did a selection and she slowly divested herself of clothes. She was down to just her stockings when she stopped posing.
“This is not working Trace.”
“How do you mean?”
“I’m not getting as much of a buzz from it as I thought I would. I need to add something. An audience.”
“It’s fine from where I’m standing. Quite sensuous.”
“Good. I expect your fans will like them but it’s not making me wet.”
“There’s an audience outside,” I said pointing to the general office. She thought about it! I’d meant it as a joke but she thought about it! After a second or two’s reflection, she said, “Good idea, let’s see who’s still here.”
You sure?”
“Yes, I am. I need this.”
She slipped her dress back on and loosely did it up, went to the door, quietly cracked it open, and peered out.
“Oh, three of them. Tracy hide the camera. Let’s see how this goes.” I had no idea what she had in mind. Not that I cared. The scene was likely to be horny.
I put the camera in my bag, Mary opened the door and called out, “Tom, can you spare a minute?”
“Sure,” came back the reply and I heard footsteps. Mary had retreated to the front of the desk and stood as she had when demonstrating the dress's failure to comply with its design features. The gap went from her knee, past the welt, and past the metal clasp of her suspender. Close to revealing her knickers. If she’d been wearing any.
Tom entered the office. “How can I help?” He managed to complete the sentence before his eyes replayed to his brain what they were seeing.
It wasn’t a huge deal. A bit of leg but bearing in mind she was the wife of a director known for his puritanical outlook it obviously came as a shock. An extremely pleasant shock by the look in his eyes. To be fair to him he managed to control his facial muscles and avoid allowing a leer to appear.
“Oh, Tom, I just wondered if you know anything about the (redacted-well known company) contract, the one Simon’s discussing next week, only he’s asked me to find some information and I need some guidance about exactly what he means.”
“Er, sorry Mary, I don’t know anything about that contract. You need Sylvia, but she’s gone.” Further credit to him he did manage to keep eye contact with Mary rather than stare at her legs.
“Oh damn. Okay, thank you.” Just as he was turning to leave Mary hoisted her bum onto the desk leaving one foot on the floor. The skirt did what you’d expect and fell open more. Yep, she definitely wasn’t wearing knickers. It was beautifully timed. Tom saw it as he started to turn. To have stopped his movement would have been embarrassing for him. He had no option but to walk to the door knowing what a delicious view was behind him. He turned naturally to close the door and took the opportunity to feast his eyes again. Mary crossed her legs, let the skirt fall off both legs, revealing her pubic hair, then rearranged her skirt demurely, not giving any indication she was doing anything unusual.
“You rotten tease,” I scolded her after the door was firmly shut.
She giggled. “I’ve always had a soft spot for Tom. He’s a good and brilliant worker and I don’t think Simon appreciates him enough. He deserves a bonus.”
“Could he help you with Katie’s demand?”
“She laughed. “Ah, no. At least…” She let the words trail off.
“Helped with your mood though has it?”
“Definitely. Let’s do something totally mad.”
“It’s your office. Whatever you like.”
I was having trouble getting my head around Mary’s seeming about face on who knew what she was doing. It was great and made her more relaxed and more adventurous but I hoped she didn’t come to regret it.
Mary was now re-energised. And so was I and wanting a piece of the action. That action needed to be Mary. Sod the photos. (Sorry guys), I needed real physical contact. I needed my hands up that skirt. Fingers inside her cunt. Her arse. Here in ‘limpdicks’ office. On his desk. It wouldn’t stain. It was glass. A fuck in the office. Never done it. Till now.
Mary was taking her dress off ready to pose. She hadn’t specified what she regarded as totally mad. She didn’t get that far. I’d substitute my own idea. I finished pulling the dress off her shoulders, turned her around and pushed her onto the desk. The minimally furnished desk. It had a post it note holder and a pen pot residing on it. That was it. They didn’t survive the first round. We’d tidy them up later. My need was too urgent. I pushed Mary's legs apart so they hung down on either side of the desk and buried my head between them. Delicious nectar. She needed no preliminary work. The juice was already flowing. I sensed her climax would be a tumultuous one. Her exposure to Simon’s employee had without a doubt got her hellishly horny. Showing her hairy cunt to someone who worked for Simon. Increasing the risk. I knew the feeling. I wasn’t about to waste the opportunity. If there was another knock they could wait or come in and watch. I didn’t care and I doubted Mary did.
My tongue was striving to get deep into her vagina. I pulled her lips apart to help. Used my thumb on her clit. Slurped up what juice I could. Let the rest pool on the desk.
As I suspected Mary came with little delay. I was right about its strength too. A huge spouting stream. Hitting my face. Splashing off in all directions. I was soaked. I didn’t care. It took me a while to realise I was still dressed. I’d taken my jacket off, but was otherwise fully clothed. My suit was destined for the dry cleaners. My blouse now so wet it was see-through. I could feel the dampness seeping through my bra. Was it all love juice? There was so much for a moment I wondered if she’d peed on me. wouldn’t that have been bliss? But I didn’t think so. The taste and smell were wrong.
Mary had managed to keep the volume of her ecstasy down. Whether sufficient to avoid being heard outside was debatable. I had visions of them all gathered around the door ears glued to it
Mary didn’t descend totally from her heights. She stopped in the foothills. Turned to me. “Your turn.” She swung her legs off the table and guided me down onto it. I assumed she’d undress me. I assumed wrong. I was going to look a mess walking out of there. Delicious.
She kneaded my tits through my blouse and bra then moved down. A hand went up my skirt, wormed into my knickers and found a very grateful pussy desperate for attention. Which it got. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing but again I came quickly. I feared that would end our evening but I hadn’t allowed for Mary’s mood. She let me finish thrashing around on the desktop. Allowed me to gain control. “I’ve got a present for you,” she said. She stood up. Over me. A leg either side. Her hands went to her pussy. Pulled aside her lips. Pushed her hips forward. Let go a stream of piss into my face. Over the blouse I still wore. Into the skirt. The surprise, the joy. The debauchery! I came again. Or perhaps it was the aftershock of my earlier eruption. Either way, I was again moaning and threshing around on Simon's desk. Deliriously hot. Deliriously soaked. I looked up at Mary. “Thank you.” Mary looked down at me. “You’ve saved my life. My sanity.” She smiled. “Pissing over you is a small price to pay to say thank you!”
I’m not sure how long it took to calm down, to get into a state where we could actually think about driving home, but eventually we did. Mary dressed. I surveyed the clothes I still wore. My suit jacket was dry and intact. Every other item sodden with Mary's piss or juice. And I had to walk through the outer office. Far from being embarrassing, that excited me. Anyone I passed would know what had been happening. I would take their stares as a reward. A further rung on my ladder down to the depraved life I was embracing.
We tidied Simon’s office. We used our knickers to mop up most of the liquid and squeezed them out into a wastepaper basket and emptied that down the private loo his office had. The floor was wood so it shouldn’t stain. Simon would not be in for another thirty-six hours. The cleaners would have done a once over. Evidence of our visit should be nil. Apart from in Tom's mind image library.
We were ready to go. I braced myself to run the gauntlet of staring eyes. Even though I was relishing the idea it still produced nerves. Mary opened the door. Empty. Everyone had gone! It was later than I realised. Bugger. But perhaps on reflection a good thing. Too many people whispering about the goings on might get back to Simon