Public Fuck number one
You should start the story here if you haven’t already read it:

You should start the story here if you haven’t already read it:
To say my heart rate increased is an understatement. Why, is the question. There were plenty of choices for the answer.
Having a fuck in a pub garden with about a dozen people within viewing distance for one. Screwing my friend’s husband with her sitting there watching was a good second. Coming in third was having sex with the father of my toyboy who I’d been screwing for months. But the actual winner, the thing that was really setting my heart racing was that this would be the first man I’d fucked willingly for many a year and definitely the first since I’d developed my phobia. Yes, I’d had John, but I’d nurtured him from a shy virgin to what he was now. He hadn’t been a man with set tastes and ideas. Tastes and ideas that might be diametrically opposed to mine. But then as Lizzie had so succinctly put it, if Chris got out of line ‘She’d slap him one.’
I was excited though which boded well. I pushed my chair back and went and sat on Chris’s lap. I could feel his bulge. I don’t think I’m being unduly self-centred to say I knew Chris was keen to fuck me and in many ways, it was a relief that it was happening now in front of his wife. I doubted I’d have done it with him behind her back but one can never tell.
I squirmed into his lap grinding down on his cock while his hands came round and linked together under my breasts and his thumbs caressed their underside. A touch I found surprisingly sensuous. I didn’t want to be obvious. (That's a first!) If too many people noticed what we were doing at the very least we’d get thrown out.
As I’d sat on Chris's lap I’d hiked my skirt up so I wasn’t sitting on it. Displaying my stocking tops to all and sundry seemed small change compared with what we were about to do.
Chris’s hand stopped caressing my tit, burrowed into my knickers, and started caressing my pussy. Immediate leakage! Which was a huge relief. Perhaps a strange word to use, but I had worried I’d freak out. A hurdle passed. I pushed a hand down between us to try to reciprocate and massage his cock but it was firmly wedged under me. Instead, I managed to find his zip. I got that three-quarters of the way down but my bum restricted further movement. If I wasn’t so hot I’d have found the whole thing hilarious but none of us were laughing. The intensity of what we were attempting was overriding any other emotion.
I edged forward on Chris’s lap and he reluctantly removed his fingers from my cunt and somehow got his dick out. I felt it, tall and erect, resting against my back. The moment of truth. I looked around. Most people still continued their social interaction but one man on a bench on the other side of the garden seemed to have realised what we were doing. He was ignoring his companions and staring at us. Me in particular. Clearly enjoying the view of my stocking encased thighs. That turned the dial up another few notches and I watched him as I raised my bum pulled my knickers aside and impaled myself on Chris’s cock. Watching that stranger helped me forget what I was doing. Overcoming a phobia that had consumed my life for so many years. It was when I’d taken Chris’s whole length that the enormity of the event hit me. But even then it was mitigated by the sexual arousal it was causing. I was so wet he’d had no problem sliding in. The urge to start fucking, to rise and fall on his member was nigh on impossible to resist but I remembered my advice to Lizzie, ‘Dont bounce too much’
I ignored it.
Although my young toy boy was now a very capable lover I was relishing the idea of a new one. I squirmed a little more on his lap. I had control sitting like that which gave me confidence. I started to rise. Oh, that feel! That first ‘up’ I did as slowly as I could. Stopped with his tip at my entrance. Then sank just as slowly. I was soaking. Chris’s trousers were going to be more than damp. That was it though. I couldn’t control my build-up. My pace increased. Chris did what he could to increase the intensity of our fuck but in the circumstances his options were limited. He had his hands up my blouse and had burrowed into my bra (Ha! In writing this, auto correct changed bra to brain. It knew what I felt!) pinching my nipples.
I checked the voyeur. Now openly starting. The two women he was with were still engrossed in their conversation. His attention made me even more brazen. I gathered my skirt and lifted it. He was a good distance away and the angle may have been wrong but I thought he could see Chris’s cock disappearing into me. An amazing feeling showing my cunt being fucked to a complete stranger.
I checked Lizzie.
Lizzie! How was she reacting to her husband fucking her friend? Positively. Her look! If I hadn’t been there and was looking at a photograph I’d have sworn she was being fucked herself and nearing a climax. The only way I can describe the expression is manic. Yes, manic. Her eyes were staring, her lips parted. I could imagine internally she was moaning wanting more. She was having an orgasm. Remotely. The scene she was witnessing was giving her an orgasm! Like watching porn. But she was watching her husband get fucked by her friend. Being taken by a demon. Without a shadow of a doubt, what was unfolding before her was turning her on big time. She had a hand in her lap and while I couldn’t see what it was doing I didn’t need two guesses.
This was too much for me. Initially, I’d wondered about taking it to a climax. Too public I thought but I’d passed the point where I had the ability to stop. Sod getting thrown out. If we did, so be it. There were plenty of other pubs. I knew it wouldn’t take long. The whole scene was so charged
God, it felt good. In public. Chris’s wife watching. A voyeur watching. A man’s cock filling my cunt. Too much! I wasn’t counting but I think I was only on my fourth downward thrust when I exploded and that triggered Chris. I kept a lid on my moan. Just. How I'm not sure. Lizzie was open-mouthed in a silent moan too. Now obvious her hand was a substitute cock. To me and our voyeur.
As fucks go I doubted it would go down in anyone’s diary as the greatest from the physical side, but the mental aspect! Oh wowie! I had trouble separating what was giving me my high, there were so many aspects. My own mental turmoil or at least the overcoming of it, should have been top of the pile but at that moment it seemed a dead heat between that, the voyeur, and Lizzie’s reaction.
I lifted myself off Chris’s shrinking cock but stayed on his lap. He could have his cum staining his trousers as well as my juice. When I was able, once I’d recovered I climbed off, leaving him to put himself away in his saturated trousers I asked Lizzie, “Still okay with it?”
“Stupid question Witch! Taste!” she put her fingers in front of my mouth. I did as told. Evidence enough there that she was a happy bunny! I turned and looked at Chris, “You?” I asked.
“Sublime, but what about you? No phobia?”
“Amazingly no. I think the audience helped keep them at bay.” I nodded toward our voyeur. “Yes, I noticed him, “ said Lizzie.” It certainly added spice.” She waved to the man who embarrassingly looked away.
“Poor you, having to DIY, how can we make it up to you?” I asked. Her reply gave me reason to believe the evening had only just started.
She looked knowingly at Chris and smiled. “I think what we have planned will do that.”
“What’s that then? Going to tell me now?”
“Yes. Chris is taking me dogging. Want to come?”
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