Professional Suicide? Part 4
Best start here:

Best start here:
Decisions, decisions. I was leading Jacob down the hallway to the toilets to clean up. At least that’s what I’d told him. I had other ideas. I had a spunk covered hand from having it down his trousers when he came in the bar and he had some sticky underpants he needed to deal with. The required decision was the men’s or women's loo.
I decided it was safer in the men’s. I doubted any gents coming in would object to seeing me in there no matter what my state of dress. On the other hand, a naked young nan with what I hoped would be a solid penis on display in the Ladies was another thing.
Jacob hadn’t been phased by coming in public, so rather than take him into a cramped cubicle I thought it could be fun doing it in the main area.
As I say, he didn’t seem to mind what I did, although perhaps he was in a state of shock. If he did object, I’d move into a cubicle.
The toilet was empty when we went in. No time to waste. I thought it would be politically sensible to join the others for the meal when we’d finished, so I needed to ensure my top wear wasn’t too cum (or other liquid — I wasn’t sure where this would go) splattered. I undid my skirt, put it in my bag, and followed it with my blouse. From the last blog, you’ll know I wasn’t wearing knickers so that left me just in bra, stockings and suspenders. Anyone coming in for a pee was in for a treat.
Having divested myself of my clothes as quickly as I could, I closed on Jacob and kissed him. Open mouthed. Hard. He seemed confused and stood stock still, not reacting. I pulled my head back and looked at him. “What’s up?” I asked.
He shook his head. Not so much in the manner of saying ‘no’ as in a dog coming out of a river and shaking water off.
“Shit. Sorry. I’m just sort of… Can’t believe what’s happening.”
“You want me to stop?”
“Shit, no!”
So I started again. This time he did react, and as his fingers in me earlier had shown, he wasn’t a total novice.
I dropped a hand to his groin. His zip was still undone, so I went in. His boxers were clammy. Sticky and chilled from his drying cum. The sort of feeling in a nonsexual situation you’d exclaim “Yuk” to.
Except we were in a hot sexual situation. A degrading one. The gents loo. Not the most lavish of loos either, but that didn’t matter. In fact, it all added to my needs.
My hand burrowed inside those clammy boxers and found his cock. Not a difficult search. I was encouraged to find it semi erect already.
Our kiss had helped me as well as him. Who am I kidding? I didn’t need help to get/feel horny. My libido meter was already smashing against the stop at the end of the red zone. I needed that young cock in me. Urgently. Before I self-combusted.
I undid his trousers and pushed them and his pants south. He’d have to do without me giving him a suck. My need was too urgent, and he’d have to take it as a penalty for coming in his trousers earlier.
“In me. Now!” I growled as I turned, supported myself on a sink, and spread my legs. He kicked his trousers and boxers off. His urgency matched mine. I glanced in the mirror. His cock was fully primed. I was leaking. No need for any preparatory work. I continued watching him in the mirror. An added dimension to the horniness.
The tip of his cock touched my lips. My whole body trembled. He rubbed it up and down the entrance. “Get it fucking in me!” I nearly screamed the words. My near public hand job had elevated me to a whole new level.
He did as told. God, it felt good. Good? An understatement to the power of a hundred. Then he started thrusting. Christ. He was only twenty, but by god he knew how to do it. I groaned, or more like gargled. My head back. Now imploring him. “Harder! Fuck you. Faster!” His earlier eruption was a god send. He had the control. I could sense it, if not feel it. The only feeling I had was of my insides doing backward somersaults of going into maximum juice production. I didn’t want to come. I needed to come. My control over whether I did or not was out of my hands. My body was on auto. It would do what it would do. My wishes irrelevant. It was there. In the cusp. It was going to be huge. Then something happened that made that hugeness triple in size.
The door opened. A stranger walked in. Well, not exactly. He took one step and froze. Issued an expletive. Stood still and watched. Jacob didn’t miss a beat. Probably too far gone to stop. Which, as far as I was concerned, was just as well. His thrusting cock didn’t stop my fountain of juice cascading out of me. The man probably thought I was pering there was so much. But that was it. Being fucked. Watched by a stranger. I lost the last vestige of control. My legs shook like jelly as my orgasm coursed through me. I felt in danger of shaking myself to pieces. Hanging on to the wash basin the only thing that saved me from collapsing in a heap. Which aspect of this tableau triggered Jacob, I’ve no idea. What I do know is that he fired his cum deep, deep inside me accompanied by, “Fuck you, slut.” No way to address your boss even if accurate! His cum load hadn’t been huge like the first, but as it started trickling out, I turned to face the stranger. I wanted him to see everything. But that was all. I knew I wanted to let him touch me. Fuck me. But I also knew I couldn’t. That dragon was not yet dead. But I could go another step.
“Have a wank if you want to. No touching though.” To encourage him, I slid a finger into my cunt, collected some of Jacobs’s cum, brought my finger to my mouth, and made a show of licking it off.
“Fuck,” came the reply, “you look bloody tasty compared to the slappers that usually hang around here.”
I wasn’t in the mood to laugh at the time, I still had a raging need for more sex, but now I think about the remark and laugh aloud. I could have taken exception to it, but really? Standing in the gent's loo wearing nothing but a bra with a young man’s cum dripping out of my cunt was hardly going to get me described as a sophisticated lady. I couldn’t resist replying. “Well, show your appreciation then.”
I was sorely tempted to go up to him. Unzip him. Suck him off. But I just couldn’t. I hate myself for the lost opportunity now, but at the time my dragon was starting to breathe smoke. I stood there gently fingering myself looking at the man. “It’s fucking tempting,” he replied, but I’m on a promise with my girlfriend and if I can’t produce later, I’ll be in dead trouble.”
I managed a laugh. “Fair enough. Enjoy your pee. I turned, found my clothes and redressed. “Come, young man, your curry awaits.”
Since depositing his second load of semen in me, he’d been quietly watching. “I said I don’t kike curry, and I was being serious. I’ll go home.” He hesitated. “I don’t suppose…” it was obvious what the question was going to be. I seemed to be amassing a collection of young lovers, male and female. Lucky me!
“Any time, Jacob, just don’t let on to anyone.”
“I won’t.”
“Good.” He came up to me, we kissed and he was gone. I left the stranger trying to pee through his solid cock and went in search of my troops. My libido was waning and suddenly I was hungry. For food.