Professional Suicide? Part 3
Best start here:

Best start here:
By the end of Dice Tuesday I was steaming. Being felt up by our intern Jacob, in the general office with many of my staff around was reckless but oh so worth it. He didn’t even get his fingers in me, simply rubbing them over my lips through my knickers, but it was the circumstances that made it memorable. And it was the circumstances that made me decide no matter what I’d have some sort of sexual interaction with him at his farewell party. I was confident I could let him fuck me if he wanted to. My demons were unawoken it seemed if I was interacting with a young man.
Friday arrived and I was still in the same mind. Jacob could have me any way he liked. That was an exciting thought on its own but I wanted that multiplying by doing it in close proximity to my coworkers. Madness, but like a drug, sane thinking had no chance of changing my mind.
I arrived late at the party partly by design. Who wants their boss there the whole time, and I had no intention of leaving until I’d had Jacob.
I did the boss thing and walked around and chatted with the couple of groups that had formed. There were about fifteen people there altogether so it didn’t take long. I ended up where Jacob and Helen were chatting to my secretary.
“So, sad to be leaving us or happy to get away and back to the sanity of University?” I asked. It started the conversation at an innocuous level and as I hoped my secretary decided to find a more interesting topic somewhere else.
They both seemed genuine when they said they had enjoyed their time with us although I would have hardly expected them to say anything else.
I detected a certain hunger in Jacob's eyes when he looked at me which boded well for what I had in mind. I’d given up on Helen. I quite fancied the idea of getting into her knickers but she had shown little interest in me and careful enquiries since my last chat with her when I'd flashed my knickers confirmed she had a steady boyfriend.
The three of us chatted on for a while then Helen departed for the loo. I wasted no time. The anticipation was eating me and I hoped my young friend felt the same.
I manoeuvred us into a corner of the bar without it being too obvious and propped myself against a bar stool with my back to the wall and Jacob obscuring me from the attendees.
“I assume you enjoyed what happened in the office the other day?” I asked.
“Fuck, yes. Oh sorry, shouldn’t swear should I?”
I laughed. “I’ll forgive you providing you’re a good boy tonight.” His eyes lit up. No doubting he knew my meaning.
“I promise,” he replied with a huge smile.
“In that case you best put your hand back where it was on Tuesday.” He looked shocked.
“You can remember where it was?” I asked.
“Yes, of course. But here?”
“Are you going to be a good boy or not?” I pouted and tried to look displeased.
He swallowed hard, looked over his shoulder, confirmed no one was looking and put his hand on my thigh.
I’d dressed for this. I was wearing a wrap-over skirt so it didn’t need pulling up for him to gain access.
I took his hand and slid it across under the edge of my skirt to the other thigh leaving his fingers brushing a suspender snap. He didn’t move it.
“That's not where it was last Tuesday,” I admonished him quietly. “Last chance or I go elsewhere.” I had no intention of carrying out the threat but it galvanised him into action and his hand moved north.
The feeling was electric. Looking over his shoulder, seeing my colleagues milling around chatting and laughing. So close. Almost like being molested on a stage.
Then his fingers reached the summit and a surprise. No knickers. I had doubted it possible but his eyes opened wider.
“I thought I’d make life easier,” I replied to his unspoken question. I was already leaking as his fingers gently rubbed up and down my lips. He’d done this before unlike my early experience with John. I was happy about that. The circumstances weren’t right to teach a virgin how to finger me.
I leant forward and whispered. “You can push them in but if I say stop it means someone’s coming. I don’t mean I am!”
He was a bright lad, and I didn’t need to spell out the implications. Luckily no one was coming. Except me! He now had a finger in me, fucking me slowly with it. I could feel a climax building. It would have been insane to let it out and for once I did the correct thing. I grabbed his wrist and removed his hand from up my skirt.
“Too much,” I smiled. “You've done that before.”
“A bit.” He returned the smile. I put my hand on his crotch. A very acceptable solid lump. “Undo your zip,” I told him. Again the shocked look and the question, “Here?”
“Just unzip, don’t get it out.”
Again he complied just as I spotted a colleague wandering over to us. “Hi Steve,” I said as nonchalantly as I could.
“Hi. A few of us are going on for a curry after, fancy joining us?”
“About an hour?”
“Okay, I’ll see. I’m just running some of my years of wisdom past Jacob. If he looks too bored we’ll join you. Usual place I assume.”
He confirmed it was and went back to the already thinning group.
I looked at Jacob. “Your choice, carry on here or go for a curry.” He roared which turned a couple of heads in the group. “No contest. I hate curry.”
My turn to laugh aloud.
I gave things a couple of minutes to settle down before I returned my hand to Jacob's crotch. Unsurprisingly the lump had diminished. Surprisingly not that much. I pushed myself up onto the stool and let my legs drift apart. The wrap over skirt failed to wrap over and my thighs came into view. Risky. I looked over Jacob's shoulder. There were about six of our group left and they were at the other side of the room.
“Come closer,” I told him. He did and was standing between my knees. The madness was returning. But I was too exposed. I compromised, pulled the sides of my skirt back over my legs and told Jacob to hold them there. Ideally, his fingers would be back in my cunt but as a trade-off and as he was gently rubbing his hands up and down my thighs, it was more than acceptable.
Now I thought, let's see how naughty he’s prepared to be. I checked out our crowd again. Still laughing and joking and paying us no heed.
I slipped my hand through his flies. His cock had regained its solidity!
I looked in his eyes and licked my lips. God, I couldn’t be any more wanton.
“How quickly can you recover?” I asked as I ran my hand over his cock and helped it escape down his boxer leg. There was an intake of breath. I was certain he was close to coming. My original plan had been to wank him off early in the bar and then later get him to fuck me in the toilets. The available time gap between the two had diminished though. If I only had one load coming my way I‘d prefer it up my fanny.
He was literally gritting his teeth. My hand was still down his boxers. I dare not move it for fear of triggering him. Then someone from across the bar called out, “We’re off in a minute Tracy. You coming?”
I laughed. It was too much for Jacob. It triggered him. His cock pulsed. I pushed my hand down further to try to catch his load as I called back, “Yes give us a minute, we’ll follow you down.” Jacob's hands had a vice like grip on my thighs but it was to no avail. That delicious warm sticky cum exploded out of his penis into my palm. Gorgeous. In some ways, the satisfaction was as great as if he exploded inside me. There I was the other side of the room to my work colleagues, legs apart, no knickers, hand down a young man’s pants covered in his semen. What stupendous depravity.
I pulled my hand out, looked into Jacob's eyes, put my hand to my mouth and started lapping off that gorgeous cream. Before I finished I passed my hand to my young lover. He took it. Sucked my fingers. He wasn’t shy. Wasn’t embarrassed by his coming.
“I think we’d better tidy ourselves up,” I said as I stood, grabbed my bag and his hand and led him towards the toilets. I had high hopes I'd miss the curry.
Part 4 to follow
Author’s note: Medium has changed the way they calculate the amount they pay us authors for what we post. I’m hardly a J K Rowling but what I did earn kept me in new knickers. Now those earnings have dropped to 10% of what they had been. (To 10%, not by 10%) And we were told it was for our benefit! I don’t like being ripped off, but will for the time being keep posting to see if I can recover those few £s. So please, please if you have enjoyed this little blog, do clap and/or leave a comment. It helps the little algorithm thingy think I’m human. XXX