Professional Suicide? Part 2
It was our interns last week and during my assessment meeting with them a month ago I'd given them a display. I couldn’t wait to repeat it…

It was our interns last week and during my assessment meeting with them a month ago I'd given them a display. I couldn’t wait to repeat it with the young man. The girl had not reacted at all but Jacob had. I’d seen enough in his eyes to know it had given him some very acceptable wanking images. Once they were no longer employees I intended to make his memory more memorable.
It was normal for the firm to have a farewell drink with a leaver and that was the excuse I was going to use to chat with him. I didn’t think it would do any harm to re-emphasise my charms!
He was busy scrolling through a spreadsheet when I arrived at his work station. My A4 notepad was carefully positioned in front of my legs acting as a modesty panel.
“Hi Jacob. I just wanted to check if you had been told about the drinks on Friday.”
As his head swung towards me I moved my notepad out of the way. He was sitting. I was standing. My crotch at eye level. As blatant as it could have been. I can’t wait to have all five buttons adrift rather than the three on that day but the closeness of his face to my stocking tops, suspender, and naked thigh was erotic in the extreme. At least, that’s what his eyes said and what my leaking pussy said.
“Er, yes. Yes, thank you, we’re looking forward to it. I hope I haven’t been too much of a nuisance.”
I had to admire his ability to string that coherent sentence together in the light of what he was concentrating on.
His desk was in an alcove as we weren’t blessed with a huge amout of spare room which meant he was hidden from the rest of my staff and my back acted as a further shield. It was too good an opportunity to miss.
I know, I know. Don’t overlap private fun and professional life. How many times have I told myself that? I placated my conscience by telling myself he only had another three days in the office and he wasn’t strictly ‘staff’ anyway. A weak argument but I didn’t care. Walking around the office like a tart had started my sexual needs going. I doubted he would be talking about it to anyone. Anyway, you only live once.
“You definitely haven’t been. Unfortunately.” As I replied I winked and took hold of his wrist, pulled his hand away from the mouse he was clutching, and pushed it between my legs rubbing it over my knickers. God knows what it did to him but I nearly came on the spot. The touch itself was erotic. The fact we were in the general office and there was a hubbub of noise only feet away made it incredibly horny.
I let go of his hand. Would he snatch it back or continue caressing my nylon-encased pussy? It would tell me if what I was thinking of doing at his leaving do was likely to happen.
It was the latter.
I was happy to remain there but aware that someone might wonder what was going on as we were not conversing. He was most certainly happy to continue but I took hold of his wrist again and pulled his hand out.
“Perhaps we can continue on Friday,” I said, picked up my notepad turned and left him with his thoughts before he could answer.
I returned to my office without mishap. Which wasn’t easy. I was boiling, desperate to sink my fingers in my cunt. It needed some willpower not to do it in the middle of the office. I could picture it, the kick would have been amazing. The ramifications, horrendous. As I walked through my office door my hand was already between my legs. God, I needed something up there. Then my phone rang. I grabbed it with one hand as I sat down and pushed my knickers aside with the other and frigged myself viciously. No idea how I dealt with the conversation. I was probably totally incoherent on the other end. I ended the call leant back in my chair and finished myself off. I’d given no thought to someone walking in. The need to bring myself off after having Jacob’s fingers playing there in the busy office was all consuming. If I’d dwelt on it then I’m sure I would have thought myself a complete idiot. If showing my legs could get me a severe reprimand or even the sack what the fuck did I think getting felt up by a young intern surrounded by my staff would do? I’d not be employable that’s what.
I brought myself to a climax and managed to make it both satisfying and silent, a rare achievement for me these days.
That enabled me to think about what I had done. The stupidest thing I’d done to date. One of my horniest, flashing moments. Insane but the adrenaline kick was mindblowing.
I just needed to admit I’m a sexual deviant. A nymphomaniac. I can’t live without it. The buzz is irreplacable. I need to be philosophical I decided. If I lose my job over it I'll advertise on Adult Workers!
By the end of the day, I’d made a decision. I‘d not worry about the consequences. I’d embrace the risk. Welcome the added adrenaline. And I’d start on Friday. At the intern's farewell drinks do.
Part 3 to follow
Author’s note: Medium has changed the way they calculate the amount they pay us authors for what we post. I’m hardly a J K Rowling but what I did earn kept me in new knickers. Now those earnings have dropped to 10% of what they had been. (To 10%, not by 10%) And we were told it was for our benefit! I don’t like being ripped off, but will for the time being keep posting to see if I can recover those few £s. So please, please if you have enjoyed this little blog, do clap and/or leave a comment. It helps the little algorithm thingy think I’m human. XXX