Office Flashing
I’ve had so many requests to take some selfies in the office that I thought it was about time I did some. I was also so frustrated after my…

I’ve had so many requests to take some selfies in the office that I thought it was about time I did some. I was also so frustrated after my sexless weekend I had to do something and it had to be outrageous.
So I made sure I was wearing some ‘interesting’ lingerie and took in a selfie stick along with my mobile phone. Using the camera I felt would be too obvious, although if caught, literally with my pants down, I doubted the type of recording appliance I was using would affect the outcome!
I would have to wait until lunchtime when most colleagues disappeared, but there was always a few left. My office is a partitioned area in a general office so I have privacy of a sort, but it’s hardly secure.
It’s been a warm day here but I put on a knee-length cardigan that I keep in the office. In an emergency, I thought I’d be able to wrap it around myself. Colleagues might wonder why on earth I was wearing it, but it was most definitely the lesser of two evils!
I used the selfie stick, stuck the camera on video, and did a bit of filming but then wanted to undo my suspenders to take my knickers off (Stupidly that morning I’d put the knickers on first and the straps went over them.) I needed 3 hands! The options were to go and ask a fellow worker to do the camera work or… (Only kidding!) I had to rig up support for the camera on my desk. I missed bits of my strip I’m afraid. I was trying to concentrate on what I was doing but needed to keep an eye on the general office to make sure no one was too close. Looking at the footage I can’t believe how calm I appear. I can assure you I was at the other end of the spectrum.
From where I stood I could see three people still in the outer office, all three junior to me, but I wouldn’t have liked to put their loyalty to the test. One was a woman, older than me and not renowned for her sense of humour, and the other two male colleagues in their mid-thirties. If either of those had spotted me I can guess what the price for their silence might have been! Would I have paid it? Mm. Difficult to answer in the abstract. If it wasn’t for my phobia then probably yes, but I’m not sure I could overcome that even to save my job. Although on the other hand, I had managed to survive Charles's exposure. Perhaps if they just wanted a hand job…
I’m wittering unnecessarily. Somehow I managed to get away with it. Will I be so lucky next time? Oh, yes there will definitely be a next time! The turn-on was huge. Intoxicating. The risk added so much to the actual sexy side, although I suppose that's almost all there was. Stripping off in my bedroom rarely makes me feel sexy! Unless you lot are watching of course.
Anyway, I hope you like the result. Part of the abysmal quality is my shaking hand! I doubt it will rival any of Steven Spielberg's epics but might raise a cock or two! Shooting a video on the end of a selfie stick in those circumstances is not that easy! Most of the footage comprised of floor or ceiling or me whizzing by at breakneck speed. I’ve salvaged what I could. I hope it’s not too disappointing! I’ll try harder next time!
Looking now at myself, I must have been mad to do it. Stripping off my knickers like that with three colleagues in the next room Wow the adrenaline rush though!

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