Sunday, Stables and Sex 2
We wandered back to the stables. It took a while. Every so often we stopped and felt each other up again. Both complaining we felt so hot.

We wandered back to the stables. It took a while. Every so often we stopped and felt each other up again. Both complaining we felt so hot.
I’ve said Mary was in that state because of her gang bang but I’m not clear why I was. Perhaps just sparking off her erotic energy. Whatever was causing it we were in serious need of a hot session.
Unusually for a Sunday, there were few people around. It happened sometimes, just a hiatus in the flow of people, and this one was timed perfectly. When we entered the yard the only two people around were the women I’d seen earlier. Not so much women as girls though, probably early twenties at the most. They were both busy with their horses which were tied outside their stables. Perfect. We could go into our barn and use Jack's stall for a real session.
But as we went to enter one of the girls called out. “Excuse me. Is there any chance you could help? My horse has partly thrown a shoe and we can’t seem to get it off.”
Buggeration! Not in the script, but we could hardly ignore them. I went over to see what I could do. Sure enough one of her horse's front shoes was only attached by a single nail. If I could find a claw hammer I thought I’d be able to remove it easily enough but there was a distraction. The horse’s owner was holding its leg up for me to examine which entailed her bending forward to hold it. That in turn meant the baggy tee shirt she was wearing was gaping. The effect on me was as if I was a randy male teenager. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her tits were not large, but her nipples! Huge. I immediately -urgently- needed to get my lips around them. She wasn’t glamorous but my needs didn’t require that! I wondered how grateful she would be if I resolved her problem! Her friend was prettier and had a larger bust and I was envisioning a four-way lesbian orgy. But first the horse.
I went back to my car and had a rummage. I carry all sorts of bits and pieces. My old ‘horse’ car often needs some sort of attention. I’m no mechanic but if I have some tools and smile sweetly, I can usually find someone to fix my problem.
I found some pincers, and went back to the horse to find Mary chatting with the two girls. Hopefully, she was of the same mind. I’d have loved to have got the owner to hold the horse's leg again so I could savour the view of her tits but the easiest way to deal with the shoe was to lift the leg between mine, hold it there with my legs, and remove the remaining nail. It was easy and came away on the first tug.
“Oh, thanks so much. Not sure what we’d have done.”
“No problem. Sorry, I don’t know your name. I’m Tracy and this is Mary. Her daughter has a horse here, but it’s now being sold as she’s working abroad.” Information overload perhaps but I wanted to get them chatting. I was already fantasising about this young woman.
“I’m Vicky,” replied the owner, “and this is Bella. We’ve only just moved our horses here. It seems a friendly yard.”
Mary joined in and we kept the conversation going. Talking about each other's horses made it easy.
The girls were 21 and 22, They seemed happy to talk and I didn’t get the impression they thought of us as ‘oldies’ but it’s a long stride from that to having a suck on their tits!
The conversation was slowing, so I suggested they might like to join us for a drink at the local pub. I knew that might be a problem for Mary as by the time I’d finished with her she might need to get home to stop Simon losing it on her being out so long, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to try to add to my harem!
Vicky replied, “I think I should buy you a drink for helping me out, so yeah, that would be great.”
“Okay, can you give us half an hour there just something (I should have said someone) I need to do?
“Sure. See you in a bit.”
Mary and I walked to our barn. “Hope that’s okay with you. Will Simon be alright about you being out so long?”
“I doubt it, but sod him. I’ll tell him I found someone who wanted to try the horse. I assume you have an ulterior motive for suggesting the pub.”
“Was it that obvious?”
“Only to someone who knows what a randy sex pest you are.” We were going through the door into the barn as she said it and she turned and grabbed my pussy.
What with the episode in the paddock, the flash of tit from my (hopefully) new friend, and the thought of what might transpire I was already on heat and Mary’s touch triggered my reaction. The location was not ideal, but irrelevant. I pushed her back against the door frame and tried to suck her tongue out of her mouth while clamping a hand over a tit and squeezing. I knew Mary was developing a liking for, shall we say, less than gentle play, and I was in the mood to give it to her. My other hand fumbled with her jeans while her arms curled around me and I felt her nails digging into my back.
I had her trousers undone. A hand down the front of them. Inside her knickers. Rubbing vigorously. Lips and clit. Her head was back. Eyes closed. Murmurs. “Yes. Fuck. Yes.” The climax arrived. Knees buckling. I held her up. Felt the waterfall from her cunt stream over my hand soaking her jeans. I nibbled her neck. Whispered to her, “Your turn. I need you sucking me.”
We were now just inside the personal door to the barn. The violence of Mary’s climax had edged us inside but the door remained open. Our focus completely on each other. The rest of the world had ceased to exist.
Mary dropped to her knees. Pulled my jodhpurs down. With my riding boots on they would only descend to my knees. No time to remove the boots. My needs too urgent. I leaned back against the wall. Bent my knees slightly. Gave Mary access to my pussy. My dripping pussy. The feel of her tongue lapping. The sound of her sucking. The sight of her head locked into my groin. All my senses occupied. Fully. Overladen. Like Mary my climax was swift. Like Mary’s it was tumultuous. Unlike Mary my groan was loud. Thunder clap loud.
Loud enough to carry across the yard. I was dimly aware somewhere on the edge of my consciousness two faces appearing from the other barn. Concerned. Then not concerned. Wide eyed and open-mouthed. The sight was unmistakable. Me leaning back against a wall panting. Jodhpurs round my knees. Mary. Squatting in front of me. No one could doubt what was going on.
A shame they had missed the actual event. I so crave an audience. A growing need.
Whether what they had just seen would encourage the two girls to join us or send them running for the hills was a moot point. I knew though that it had been worth it. An orgasm to leap into my top twenty.
Mary stood up and wiped my excess juices off her face and offered her fingers to me to lick. Which I did.
I hitched up my jodhpurs and glanced over to the other barn. There was no sign of the two young women. I wondered if they’d already fled.
I was disappointed if they had gone because they were shocked or disgusted at what they had witnessed. They had witnessed the aftermath, not the event which is what I needed. If I’d scared them away because they had watched Mary suck me dry I’d have a memory to cherish. Not so much just seeing the result. But perhaps they hadn’t fled. Perhaps they were recreating the scenario themselves! Now I was being fanciful.
I told Mary we’d been spotted as she hadn’t seen anything having her head jammed between my legs. It didn’t phase her and we decided we needed to find the girls and see what their actual reaction was.
We walked over to their barn. They were busy gathering their tack together, clearly getting ready to leave.
I decided to brazen it out. “Hi girls, hope our little bit of fun didn’t embarrass you. Ready for that drink?”
Vicky answered. “I know I said this was a friendly yard but that was…”
“Disgusting,” intervened Bella but with a smirk on her face, “Oldies too!”
If this develops into anything I resolved that comment would bring retribution down on her. In the nicest way possible.
“Cheeky!” Mary answered before I could, “Still coming for the drink?”
They looked at each other. “Yeah,” Bella said cautiously, “but don’t get ideas. Neither of us are lessie.”
Not yet, I thought, but said. “God no. We wouldn’t try to seduce you or anything.” (I had my fingers crossed behind my back) “We do keep it to ourselves.”
“Oh yeah, that’s why you do it in public is it?” The question from Vicky was not just an admonishment but had the tone of wanting a reply.
“It’s a bigger turn on girls, gets the adrenaline going. You should try it.”
“Oh, no thanks. So where we going for the drink?”
She didn’t like the direction the conversation was taking which was unfortunate.
We ended up in the pub, and the conversation was very much horses. The two girls firmly refused to let the conversation change course other than to tell us that they both had boyfriends, Vicky’s was long term, two years or so, Bella's only recent.
They were ‘nice’ girls they were telling us in a coded way. The fact they had still been willing to come for that drink, which Vicky emphasised was as a thank you to me for sorting her horse, told me there might be some reward if I tried hard enough.
But it would have to wait. In the end, we accepted defeat and said goodbye.
Mary and I hugged and kissed, and she went back to face Simon for her extended absence. I went home to plan how to get in either girl's knickers.