Mary’s Monday Missive (3)
I’ve had an interesting few days! I assume you all follow Tracy’s blog so you’ll know what we got up to last Wednesday. Let’s start with…

I’ve had an interesting few days! I assume you all follow Tracy’s blog so you’ll know what we got up to last Wednesday. Let’s start with that.
I have mentioned here that I thought I might like to be demeaned or humiliated and I was in such a mood with Simon when I met Trace that I asked if she’d do it. I wasn’t really sure what ‘it’ was but I asked!
I hadn’t expected her to do what she did-the peeing. When she took me to the bathroom and I realised what she had in mind I nearly said no. I’m glad I didn’t though. It fitted the bill. You can’t get much more humiliated than having people pee on you can you? The whole evening was really very, very, sexy.
What wasn’t so sexy was the cleaning up! When Tracy arrived we were in the lounge and things just happened. We all got really sexy and although we didn’t pee there was an awful lot of sexy juice spilt! I have to admit when I saw the patches and stains in the morning I panicked. In the end, it wasn’t too bad. I cleaned all the cushions as best I could and simply turned them over. He’d never know. As for the carpet, I gave that a thorough clean where necessary and rigged up a fan heater to dry it out. Luckily it was a carpet chosen by my tasteless husband so had a garish pattern and that did help hide the damage. He didn’t notice a thing when he came back.
I’m looking forward to a repeat of the fun when I hope I get the chance to pee on the other two. Having experienced it and watched it, it seems so empowering. Quite the opposite to humiliation but I can imagine I’m doing it to Simon!
Speaking of which there was my conversation with him on the phone during the evening. Honestly. The cheek of the man. Saying sorry for upsetting me as if it was the first time in our married life it had happened.
I’m glad I reacted as I did. I thought when I told him I was having a lesbian orgy with my friend and daughter he wouldn’t believe me and I was proved right. When he got home the next day he totally ignored the conversation as if it had never happened.
That just left telling him about Katie’s job abroad.
We did that yesterday (Sunday) When Katie had first told him she’d got the job he’d ripped her passport up. We’d got a new one and had hidden it away but I wondered what he’d do to try to prevent her from going. I was determined whatever it was I wouldn’t allow it. She deserves a life out of his shadow. She didn’t choose him as a father and if I had to make sacrifices for her I would.
I won’t go into details of the argument but in the end we established a sort of truce. If he didn’t stop Katie from going I wouldn’t leave him! I thought it might be a risky ploy as it was possible he might welcome the idea of me leaving but in the end he just stormed off and shut himself in his study.
I don’t want you to think I’m making light of it. It’s a horrendous situation. One I’d much rather didn’t exist but it does, so I’m trying to keep a smile on my face.
Talking of which Tracy texted me last night with an idea for some outrageous flashing. She’d seen a video of a woman shopping in just a top and knickers! Dare we? I hope so!
I need to keep busy to avoid thinking about Simon and am hoping I’ll be able to sort out a trip with Carol as well to do some flashing photos for you. I’m finished with Simon micro managing my time. I’ll tell him the truth, I was out showing my tits to strangers. He won’t believe me!
Sorry, this email/blog hasn’t been exactly sexy has it? I’ll try to do something sexy today or tomorrow and write about that. Any ideas?