Mary’s Monday Missive
Hello again. Another weekend over. Most people look forward to weekends. These days I can’t wait for Monday to see what you’ve all written…

Hello again. Another weekend over. Most people look forward to weekends. These days I can’t wait for Monday to see what you’ve all written to me!
First, I want to say thank you to those of you who have been concerned because of my absence. As you know I can’t post while Simon’s around so can’t do anything over the weekend and on some days during the week I have work to do for him which I must complete first. So my time on here will always be limited.
Last week was horrible not being able to see Tracy. Simon didn’t go to Birmingham as usual so wasn’t away. I asked him if that was going to happen often and he said he didn’t think so, which is a relief. I can get through one week but more would be a terrible struggle.
We’ve done some things at the stable in the past and did hope we might be able to this week but the weather was so appalling that lots of riders were just milling around the yard. It was very frustrating.
It has given me time to think about things though. I’ve reflected on what I’ve done. I never ever thought I’d do what I have done with Tracy and Katie and now Charles and Carol and I don’t regret one piece of it. In fact I want more. More of everything!
Going out with Trace and flashing is so exciting but our time is limited so when I saw her yesterday I asked her if she would mind if I asked Carol if she’d come out with me. Tracy said Carol won’t flash but was happy to take photos and it would be some moral support so I’ve texted her and asked if she’d do it. No answer yet.
I also had a heart to heart with Katie. It’s the one aspect of all this I’m not totally sure about. Doing what we have with Trace has drawn Katie out of herself and when I think about it that has got to outweigh any concerns I have about being so naughty with my daughter. She thinks the same.
We talked about the orgy which got us both hot and I asked her how she’d liked the peeing. Trace seems to love it but I was not keen. It just seemed too dirty to me but when I thought about that wasn’t that what I wanted, to be dirty? Hence the question to Katie. She said it was a great turn on because it felt very dirty. I asked her about taste and she said it wasn’t a problem although she’d only tasted drops, not drunk a lot. So guess what? I’m going to try it! I think first I might just pee with Trace and Katie, and perhaps Charles and Carol, watching. See how I feel and take it from there. Writing this down helps. Just writing that — that I’m going to pee with people watching-has sent a shiver through me!
What do you all think? Do you like watching women pee? Would you like to watch me pee? If so would you prefer inside or out?
While writing I’ve had a reply from Carol. Yes, she will do it. So peeing and flashing here I come!