Mary’s Missive — The Central Heating Engineer

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Mary’s Missive — The Central Heating Engineer

This is another of Mary’s blogs but one I thought you should see. If you enjoy what you read do go over and follow her at:

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If you want to catch up on my adventures to date, you’ll find the list of all 118 blogs here:

When I’d flashed the delivery driver a few weeks ago with Simon in his study, I’d thought how much I’d wished I’d gone further. Now, having committed adultery with Charles, I had nothing to lose, and we had an engineer coming to sort out a problem with the boiler.

I made a vow to myself. No matter what he was like, I would at least contrive to give him a good view up my skirt. So no matter his age, looks or ethnicity, he’d get a look at my pussy. I’d asked my Twitter followers whether I should wear knickers or not and overwhelmingly, the answer was no. So I decided to not wear a bra either. I also left off my stockings. My thinking was that if I was dressed up in sexy lingerie and I made it obvious, it might make it seem like I made a habit of doing it. I don’t quite know why, but I wanted him to think I was very much a ‘normal’ housewife, not someone on the prowl for a fuck. I chose a loose-fitting dress, not entirely suitable for the time of year but the sort I might wear for doing chores around the house.

It was exciting waiting for him. I was like a child waiting for Christmas morning.

When the bell rang, I nearly wet myself! I went and opened the door wondering what would be facing me. He was white, in his fifties, I’d guess, and skinny as a rake. He wasn’t bald, but his hair was in a comb-over. Not what I’d have wished for but in a way it made it even naughtier. It would prove to myself I was in this for the sex, nothing else.

On the plus side, he was smiling and gave me a cheery “Good morning madam.”

I led him through the house to the boiler which was housed in a tiny room off the kitchen, an area once used as a pantry. It was perfect for my plan as I could busy myself in the kitchen while he worked on the boiler and hopefully give him lots of opportunities to see up my skirt.

I left him dismantling the boiler and started emptying the dishwasher, bending forward with my bum towards him, then going round to the other side and squatting down, letting my legs part a little. He didn’t seem to notice! I needed to attract his attention, so while I was still squatting, I opened my legs a bit more and called out to him, “Alex, would you like a cup of coffee? I’m going to make one for Simon.” He looked up, and I saw from his eyes that he had seen what I wanted him to. He stuttered something and then said yes, he’d love a cup. I stood up and went to make it. While I was doing that, he asked about Simon. Was he working from home? I told him he was, but added that he very rarely left his study except for lunch, which I readied for 1.00 pm.

It was one of those conversations which could have been entirely innocent, or he could have been checking if he had time to do something with me.

He carried on working while the coffee brewed, and when it was ready, I took Simons in. He was well entrenched in a zoom meeting with two others, which looked as though it could last some time. Did I dare go through with this? I felt I wanted to, so much so that my hand was shaking when I set his cup down. Thankfully, I didn’t spill any. I returned to the kitchen, poured Alex’s coffee, and took it to him, bending forward from the waist. The dress was not the best for giving him a view down to my boobs, but he tried to look which is what I wanted. It gave me confidence that he was interested. At least in looking! By then I knew I’d go further. The thrill of doing something with Simon there returned as it had with the delivery driver, but this time I‘d definitely do more.

I’ve watched some videos on the internet of scenes where a woman seduces a workman and always thought it horny and corny and an unlikely scenario in real life. I hoped I was about to be proved wrong.

I left Alex with his coffee and sat at the kitchen table with mine. Having chosen a chair on the far side of the table, it meant I was facing the open door to the boiler room. My heart was beating hard so much so I had to hold my coffee in both hands as they were shaking so much.

Under the table, I opened my legs as wide as I could. In the unlikely event of Simon coming in, they’d be hidden from him, but not from Alex.

I took a deep breath and spoke. “How’s it going?” He looked over to me and this time his eyes didn’t flit over the view. They stayed stuck to it. Now or never, I thought. I put my cup down. I couldn’t trust myself to hold it in one hand and put my hand under the table and pulled my skirt up. I tried to smile, but I’m not sure what expression was on my face with my nerves.

I wanted to say something but couldn’t think of anything appropriate. I couldn’t bring myself to say “Do you want a shag”! So I just sat there, legs apart, with this stupid smile on my face.

Alex spoke, though, and asked if Simon knew I did this. “No,” I said, “it’s my little secret.”

He promised not to tell and went back to working on the boiler!

Oh! I hadn’t expected that. I had to take the initiative. “There’s more if you want it.”

He looked up to see me fingering myself. Oh, lord, I felt so horny. If he didn’t do something, I might end up raping him!

“With your husband here?” He sounded apprehensive, which I suppose was understandable. I assured him it was unlikely, and he seemed to be thinking about it, so I got up, walked over to him, and stood half a metre away from where he knelt and raised my skirt to my waist. I almost pleaded with him. “Please!”

He didn’t move for a second. I wondered if he’d refuse then tell Simon, but then he leaned forward and started using his tongue. I nearly orgasmed on the spot! It was so horny. I was already damp from the anticipation, so took no time to really get wet. He seemed to enjoy that! You know my sexual experience is very limited, so I have little to judge him against, but his tongue was sending me into raptures.

In fantasising about this, I wondered if I’d be able to control myself and I now knew the answer. No, I couldn’t! It seemed like seconds before I came but I suppose it may have been thirty. It was quick, and I sprayed his face. At the best of times, when I’m just using my fingers on myself, I squirt. It seems the added sexuality of the moment added to its strength, poor man! It had come without warning and he took it in the face, although he didn’t seem to mind.

I couldn’t stop there though. He deserved more than thirty seconds licking my cunt. I felt emboldened. I didn’t care now. If Simon walked in he could watch and wank! I told Alex to stand up. I was going to go down on my knees and give him a blow job, but I needed more.

We were now facing each other. He still seemed unsure what was happening or perhaps he didn’t want to break the spell by touching me but I felt wanton in the extreme. “Feel my tits,” I said, as I undid his trousers. He didn’t need asking twice! His touch was a rougher than Charles’s, but I suppose he thought it could all stop at any minute.

I let his trousers drop to the floor and pushed his boxers after them. His cock was already swelling, and I took hold of it and wanked him. After Tom’s small cock and Carol using that huge black dildo on me, I had hoped I’d discover something large. I was disappointed. It was larger than Tom’s but not as big as Charles’s. I’d say about the same as Simons if my memory was right. But that didn’t matter. A large cock would have been the icing on the cake. I squatted in front of him. I was going to give him some oral and then I wanted him in me. I didn’t get that far. My inexperience meant I didn’t read the signs. I should have stopped, but was loving the feel of his engorged cock in my hand and watching it inches from my face. I was wanking it hard and fast, loving hearing his little moans. Then it was there, cum spraying all over my face. One could say he was paying me back for the juice I’d sprayed over him! I caught some in my mouth, but the majority went over my face and hair.

He may have come quickly because he was worried about Simon appearing and hadn’t realised I’d wanted to go the whole way and let him fuck me. But it was better than just flashing the delivery driver!

He quickly hoisted his trousers back up, and I found a towel for him to dry his face and hair from my spraying. I didn’t touch my face other than lick my lips clean. The semen was warm and I loved the feeling of debauchery. I wanted to leave it there, walk in on Simon with my face plastered! I wouldn’t, of course. I went into the kitchen and caught sight of my reflection. My face was plastered! I couldn’t let that go unrecorded, so found my phone and did a quick selfie before rubbing it all off. I looked at my watch. Simon would be out in five minutes! I doubted I had time to wash properly and there was a quantity in my hair. I rubbed hard with the towel which messed my hair up, but at least removed the visible signs of cum.

Alex said he’d eat his lunch in his van and had just gone out of the kitchen door when Simon appeared.

I hadn’t had a chance to comb my hair and hoped he wouldn’t notice, as he hardly ever comments on my personal appearance.

Thankfully, he didn’t. He sat down, consumed his cheese and biscuits while reading some documents, and disappeared back to his study.

I was in seventh heaven. So turned on. Would Alex be fit for another session I wondered, but I decided to stop there. I’d got away with it. I’d given and received a great oral session in the kitchen with my husband metres away. The turn on was huge and I couldn’t wait to do it again and go that final step.

PS When Alex came back from his lunch I asked him if he’d take a couple of pictures of me as a memento and he happily agreed. See my Twitter feed, I can’t post them here! @manicmary666

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