Mary’s Missive — Simon’s works Party
Regular followers will know that my friend Mary is embarking on much the same journey that I had a while ago and she has posted here a few…

Regular followers will know that my friend Mary is embarking on much the same journey that I had a while ago and she has posted here a few times in the past. This is another but she has now started her own blog so if you’re interested do go and register with her for future adventures of which I’m sure there will be many. It’s:
She writes:
I usually dread this annual gathering. It’s always been a ritual to be survived rather than enjoyed but I hoped this year might be different.
Since I met Tracy I’ve been able to put a different gloss on a lot of the things I do and endure. Simon for one. In case you don’t know Simon is my husband but we haven’t had, to put it politely, marital relations for six years. I don’t know why he’s gone off fucking me but he has and it’s put a strain on our relationship. We coexist rather than live together.
There are still some wifely duties I’m expected to perform and attending his firm’s Christmas party is one of them. Other wives are not invited, only me and the wife of his co-director, Zoe. She and I have never really gotten on so there wasn’t much help coming from her. I’ve never been one for small talk but not knowing much about the technicalities of the business that was about all I had to offer.
The reason I hoped this year might be different is that I had recently had some fun with Tracy and we’d taken some pictures of me in Simon’s office. Some naughty pictures! And to add to the fun I’d ended up flashing one of Simon’s employees, a man named Tom. I was hoping I might get the chance to repeat my display so I’d decided not to wear knickers.
It was a delicious feeling accompanying Simon dressed like that. He didn’t know of course, and it gave me the confidence to be much more animated amongst the staff.
To describe it as a party is overstating it really. It’s held in the office and Simon brings in a caterer to produce snacks, canapés that sort of thing, and a sparking wine is served. The quantity is limited so no one can get drunk but with sparkling wine, a little can go a long way to loosening people’s inhibitions although previous years had not borne that out. Everyone always seemed relieved when the party was over.
Apart from being knickerless, I was wearing a suit with a white blouse I’d shopped specially for. It was quite sheer. My bra (also white and half-cup) was clearly visible through it. My nipples stood just below the top of the cup but my areola was visible through the material. I would have loved to go bra-less and jacketless but that wasn’t an option with Simon there although I most definitely will be doing that on an outing with Tracy sometime. I wanted, when the opportunity arose, to open my jacket. It seems pathetic as it’s hardly a serious flash but I felt it might make the men sit up and take notice of me.
I couldn’t stay by Simon’s side. His party chat is no different from any other time. It’s always work related so I left him to it and joined a group of four men including Tom, who seemed to be talking about cars. That was hardly a subject I was interested in but I was in the men! This was so alien to me. I’d never tried to chat up or lead men on in all the years we’ve been married but things are different now.
I’m sure I detected a glint in Tom’s eyes as I said hello to them all. Being a director’s wife meant they were all a bit deferential but I told them to carry on with their chat. I positioned myself opposite Tom. The others in the group were all slightly older than Tom(he’s 29) and two of the men I thought quite attractive. Just thinking about that gave me a thrill! I hadn’t a clue how to go about flirting so just stood for a while listening to their chatter about various cars and their attributes. I was trying to steal myself internally to open my jacket and eventually my courage enabled me to. I undid the button and pushed the coat back holding it there by putting my hand on my hip and pretending to scratch an itch. I couldn’t think of any other reasonable excuse for doing it!
Tom noticed my display! I couldn’t believe what I did next. Rather than avoid eye contact I looked directly at him waiting for his eyes to rise from my chest. They took a while to do that! I can only guess what he was thinking.
He’d worked for Simon since leaving university about five years ago and would have met me on about a dozen occasions. Apart from the last one where I’d given him an eyeful he’d no doubt have thought I was a bit of a mouse in Simon’s shadow. This new version would be puzzling.
His eyes didn’t come up until I let the coat fall back into place. As they met his reflected a look of horror. An ‘OMG! The boss’s wife has spotted me leering at her’ I hoped the smile I gave him would reassure him I didn’t mind, but he quickly looked away and rejoined the conversation with the others. I think it was due to embarrassment rather than a lack of interest. At least I hoped so.
I decided to circulate a bit more and let him think about what had happened. It had made me hot thinking perhaps I might have the courage to do something with him although that presumed he would want to and not just look.
My hot state reminded me though that one of my Twitter friends had dared me to go into the ladies and finger myself off. I was in the mood so decided to do it.
Simon has his own washroom but I decided to use the staffs. I went in and found it empty. There were two stalls and two wash basins with large mirrors above them. I was about to go into one of the stalls when a thought occurred to me. I could watch myself!
I stood back from the mirror and raised my skirt and put a hand between my legs. It took very little to start becoming moist and that soon increased to a wetness. I felt wanton standing there where anyone might walk in. It is the most exciting feeling. My mind was wandering thinking mainly about Tom and whether I had the courage to do anything with him.
I’d done things I shouldn’t with Charles, but that was in a highly charged situation with all sorts of sexy things happening to Tracy and my daughter. Here I was alone. I had no idea how to approach him. Then I had an idea that made me exceedingly hot and with my fingers still working I came. Thank god no one needed the loo. I am a bit of a squirter when I’m really hot and my juice shot across the floor.
I grabbed a handful of paper towels and mopped it up as best I could and had just finished when the door opened and Zoe walked in. Zoe is the wife of Simon’s co-director. I’ve never really got on with her and in the past thought her tarty and a bit forward with the men. We said hello, then she looked carefully at me. “You okay, Mary? You look a bit flushed.”
I’ve no idea what made me say what I did next. Feeling hot, a sense that I was now as flirty as her. I don’t know but I said, “Just been giving my fingers some exercise. The party’s as dull as ever. I needed a distraction.”
She’d been on her way into a cubicle but the comment stopped her dead.
She stared hard at me as I suppose one would. I doubt I’ve ever said more than half a dozen words to her at any of these do’s “Pardon?” she said.
I panicked about what I’d said. What if she told her husband and he told Simon? On reflection that was a one in a thousand chance but I didn’t think that at the time. “Oh, nothing,” I said and hurried out.
By the time I got back to the gathering, I’d decided how unlikely it was to get back to my husband and that I actually felt quite buoyed by having said it to a woman I’d always regarded as being much more sexually liberated than me.
I needed to see if my idea from earlier would have an effect. I’d not washed my hands after fingering myself and I’d checked them. The smell of sex was quite strong. I wanted somehow to let Tom have a sniff and see what effect it had!
I found him on his own at the buffet table choosing some food. An idea of how I might achieve my aim flitted through my mind.
“Eating with one’s fingers is very medieval isn’t it?” I said. He must have wondered if I was going crazy what with my sexy displays then this.
“How do you mean?” he asked.
I replied, rambling on about trenchermen and other vague memories I had about medieval eating habits, and eventually got to the point. “And then there’s the scent from one’s hands. Putting on lotion and so on. I think it stays on one’s hands. Here, can you smell my favourite perfume?” I held up my hand for him to smell.
I wasn’t sure if I was showing a spark of genius or confirming to him I was raving mad. In either case, I doubted he’d be telling Simon.
He dutifully sniffed my hand. I saw the puzzlement in his eyes. “Can you smell it?” I asked in what I hoped was an inviting tone.
He hesitated. Thinking about this now I’m not surprised he hesitated. Your boss’s wife out of nowhere says basically “can you smell my sex juices on my hand?”
His eyes met mine and were clearly asking an unspoken question. Lord, I was at the point of no return with this. I don’t think I was shaking physically but inside I was a nervous wreck. I kept telling myself I shouldn’t be doing this but I then thought about my miserable existence before Tracy had introduced me to this fun and I decided I’d go through with it. Not intercourse, I couldn’t contemplate that, but if he wanted it I’d give him a blowjob.
I hoped the look I returned him answered his question. I assume it did because he then answered mine. “I can certainly smell a divine odour. Did you want to show me where it came from?”
Oh, Lord. Yes, we were talking the same language. “Id love to.” He looked around. Everyone was chatting. Simon was on the far side of the room deep in discussion with two other men. Tom said “Follow me,” and led me through a door, down a corridor, and into what appeared to be a storeroom. He closed the door behind him. Now I was shaking physically. I so wanted to do it but was unbelievably nervous. By the look on Tom’s face he was in the same place. We both just stood there. I guessed this was unfamiliar territory for Tom too and reluctantly decided I needed to take the lead. I was his boss’s wife after all.
He was a lot taller than me so I had a choice to either go on tiptoes and kiss him or squat down and undo his trousers. For some reason that seemed preferable to me. To kiss him seemed too personal!
So that’s what I did. I squatted down and ran my hands over his thighs and his groin. I could feel his penis grow as I rubbed and that made me moisten up. I had a moment’s panic when I wondered if he would force himself on me. Would I resist? I really didn’t know and tried not to think that far ahead.
His cock was now bulging and I rubbed my face over his trousers. Lord that felt wanton. I could hear his breathing get deeper so I guessed he was enjoying it. I took a deep breath and unzipped him. I put my hand in and had trouble finding my way into his shorts I was that nervous. He helped by undoing his trousers and letting them fall to the ground. I pushed his underpants after them and there it was. It wasn’t huge. It wasn’t even as big as Simon’s if my memory was correct and certainly not as big as Charles’s. That was the sum total of cocks I had to compare it to! It didn’t matter. I wasn’t expecting to be fucked and my main aim was simply to do this. Whether I was sexually gratified didn’t seem important.
His cock was hard already but I put my hand around it and gently wanked.
My, I had another man’s cock in my hand. My husband was only metres away. I felt like such a slut. So naughty. Suddenly I didn’t care. What I was doing was wrong but I didn’t care. The feeling it was giving me was unbelievable. Like when Tracy and I flashed, I felt empowered. A woman again after all these years. I didn’t hesitate any longer. I opened my mouth and took him in.
Simon had never been keen on blow jobs even when we were still enjoying sex so I can’t say my technique was rusty it was basically nonexistent but Tom didn’t seem to mind.
I sucked hard on it and cupped a hand round his balls which I squeezed gently. I was loving it, especially the musky taste of his penis. It was sweaty I suppose being locked up all day but that just added to my feeling of naughtiness.
I would have been happy to have spent ages doing what I was but was mindful of the time. I doubted Simon would miss me but it was a risk so I took Tom’s cock out of my mouth and restarted wanking him. I did it hard and fast looking up into Tom’s face. He was looking at me at first but then he pushed his head back against the cupboard door and closed his eyes. I had to make a decision as to what to do with the shower that was coming. If I let him spray it over me it could be difficult to remove traces of it so I decided to swallow it. I’d never tasted Simon’s cum. He thought such an act was far too depraved.
I carried on wanking Tom but put my mouth around the tip. As he wasn’t large I worried I didn’t have enough length left to give him a good wanking. I needn’t have worried as I felt his body stiffen and then his semen spurt into my mouth. I’d enjoyed the taste of Charles’s when he’d emptied in there a while ago and now my second taste. The circumstances were so different but the gorgeous taste was so similar. There wasn’t a huge quantity. I’m sorry if that’s a disappointment to you readers. Talking about a small penis and small loads of cum is not good porn is it but it’s the truth! What I did do which I’ve noticed girls do in some of the porn I’ve managed to sneakily watch, was to open my mouth and show Tom his cum then swallow and re-show him my open mouth. I’m not sure what else one would do with it but the action seemed to please my young stud. “Fuck, Mary. I had no idea you were such a horny woman.”
“Tom, until a few short weeks ago nor did I!” I replied
I stood up, kissed him on the cheek, found a tissue in my bag, and wiped my mouth. “I think we’d better get back,” I said. He agreed and suggested I go back first and he’d go out of the back door and come in at the front to avoid anyone putting two and two together which was very thoughtful of him but did make me wonder if he’d done it before, not that that upset me.
I wandered back in found a glass of bubbly and took a large swig. I needed it. I felt elated but realised he’d not touched me, not even a kiss or a grope of my tits. Funnily enough, it didn’t matter. I’d done something with another man. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Simon!