Mary’s Missive -Flashing in front of Simon
My friend Mary is really lonely. Have a read of one of her blogs here and if you like it, more pop over to…

My friend Mary is really lonely. Have a read of one of her blogs here and if you like it, more pop over to: and follower her.
Also, please do clap or comment. It helps algorithms think I’m worth something!
I hope you’d all agree with me that Simon has issues. I suppose I’ve realised that deep down for a long time, but it’s only recently with so many of you reassuring me I am worth looking at that I’ve accepted it.
As you must know, I did something very naughty during the week and the memory of it has kept me permanently damp since. So much so that I thought I’d have another go at enticing Simon to have a little fun. I suppose, being honest, I knew that was a long shot, but it gave my conscience an excuse to pardon what I’d done.
Most weekends we go for a walk and they are one of the few times Simon seems to relax. Sometimes we end up going for a drink at the end. These were usually rather torturous, as we had little to say to each other and just sat there watching the other customers.
But given my recent outings with Tracy, visits to pubs have taken on a new meaning and I wondered how far I could go with Simon with me and what he would notice.
I decided to start small and see what happened, so yesterday when I went out with him, I went braless. I wore a thin jumper, something appropriate for the walk, with a coat over it. It wasn’t revealing by any stretch of the imagination, but if my nipples were hard, they were clearly visible under the jumper. I know because I checked in the mirror before we left after giving my nipples a hard tweak! and they were still hard when I went down to the kitchen, where Simon was getting ready. My heart was beating hard as I wondered if he would notice and if he did what he’d say, if anything.
I asked him where he’d planned we were going. He looked up and replied, but didn’t react at all. He must have noticed them, they were as prominent as in the photo.
It wasn’t that he’d noticed and ignored them, I’m sure. I took that as good news and bad news. The bad news was that it confirmed in my mind that he just didn’t notice me; had no interest in me, but then I knew that. The good news was that I felt I could push the boundaries even when out with him.
Funnily enough, we had a pleasant walk. He was not his usual morose self. So much so that I decided to have another go at provoking a sexy reaction. Walking through a wood I asked him to take a photo of me, something I could send to Katie. He didn’t even grumble. I slipped my coat off. The chill and the excitement of why I was doing it had my nipples erect again. I pulled the jumper down tight over my boobs, trying to emphasise them as much as possible. After he took the photos, I looked at the images. It must have been obvious to anyone looking that I was braless. Not Simon, apparently. I determined then to see how far I had to go to get a reaction. I have a couple of tops which are see-through; most definitely not designed to be worn braless. I vowed I’d wear them out with Simon when circumstances were right and see what happened. If he accused me of being a slut, well, firstly, he’s right and secondly, at the moment, any reaction would be something!
He was still in a good mood by the end of the walk and suggested a drink. (I should emphasise Simon’s good moods are probably akin to most normal men’s grumpy states.)
We got our drinks and sat at a table in the bar. I ached to have Tracy with me. There was a selection of people scattered around and I could imagine what we’d be getting up to if we were together.
As it was, I wondered if I could do anything. I was in trousers, so nothing there. My only possibility was flashing a boob. But how, sitting next to Simon? Even he would surely notice that? I thought about it. We were sitting side by side on a bench so the side away from him was partly obscured from his view and perhaps enough to avoid him seeing me flash that tit. I was getting a huge kick from just thinking about doing it, and that spurred on my thinking.
I shuffled around on the bench, each time slightly turning away from him. There was a couple on the table next to ours, the man facing the woman who was sitting on the same bench as us but about a metre away.
She might see me out of the corner of her eye, but I hoped if I moved slowly I’d not catch her attention and might get away with it, with only the man seeing. If he reacted badly, then I guessed all hell would break loose, but it was a gamble I decided to take. I leant forward and put an elbow on the table and my arm closest to Simon I laid across my lap. Simon didn’t react as he was studying something on his phone.
I got the hem of my jumper in my fingers and inched it up a couple of inches. I was only going to do this once, so needed to do my best to make sure the man saw me. Somehow, I needed to attract his attention without alerting his partner, or Simon. I just couldn’t think of anything, but then I heard him say to his partner he’d get another drink and he picked up her glass. As he left his seat, he’d be facing me. As he swivelled round, I pulled my jumper up to under my armpit, pulled it in over my boob, exposing my nipple and pulled it back down in one movement. He saw! As he stood up, he winked at me! Simon, still intent on his phone hadn’t noticed a thing. I was on fire! Not strictly because of the flash, but my gall at doing it sitting next to Simon!
I can’t wait for the next opportunity!