Mary’s Missive
You’ll know that Mary now has her own blog here: but as a lot of you aren’t following her, I asked…

You’ll know that Mary now has her own blog here: but as a lot of you aren’t following her, I asked if I could post this blog as I think it marks a massive turning point for her. If you do enjoy it, please go and follow her.
If you want to catch up on my adventures to date you’ll find the list of all 114 blogs here:

No Going Back: Mary writes:-
I don’t know quite where to start with this blog. It was a day like no other and how many times have I said that?
As I had mentioned in a tweet, Carol had told me that Amy and Barbara might not be there and that was the case. I was concerned that it might be because of me, but she assured me it was not. In fact, they were both desperate for me to join in a full ‘party’ with other couples, including men!
At the time, I thought that would be a long way off, but subsequent events changed my mind!
We sat and had a cup of coffee to discuss what I wanted to do and Carol mentioned that Charles was around if I’d like to go with him.
I can’t quite get over the casual way she can talk about her husband fucking other women, but I guess I need to.
Somehow I couldn’t say yes. Committing adultery for the first time is not easy, I was discovering. I know I’d given an employee of Simon’s a blowjob at Christmas, but that was very much a spur of the moment thing. It was spontaneous, and this seemed too contrived and I said so to Carol. She fully understood and agreed I needed to be totally relaxed about the idea or I’d not enjoy it.
We decided instead to go out and see if I could upstage Tracy in the flashing stakes. As an afterthought (or was it?) she suggested Charles do the driving and we could chat in the back.
I was a bit naïve to think chatting meant chatting, but Tracy has always said Carol wouldn’t exhibit herself in public, so I had no reason to think she meant anything else.
When I climbed in the back of Charles car I noticed it had tinted windows. Very private! I had thought about doing something while we drove along, but that wasn’t going to happen. But at least I could change in private if I was feeling modest!
I am so unworldly! Adding together, Charles coming along, Carol in the back with me, and tinted windows I’m sure you can all see where this was heading and I’m sure none of it was accidental.
Anyway, we set off and Charles asked if there was anywhere in particular I wanted to go to flash. I told him I didn’t have a specific place in mind just somewhere with people, but not too crowded. He said he thought he knew somewhere that fitted the bill and set off.
Carol was true to her word in that we did chat. Not about the cost of living though, or any other mundane topic. She started to tell me about the last party she and Charles had attended in graphic detail. I can’t repeat it all here, but all I can say is that they were certainly adult parties and from her description, virtually every kink was catered for. The conversation started my juices flowing and I’m sure that’s why Carol did it. By the time we arrived at the destination Charles had chosen, I was keen to flash my parts.
I’d thrown a couple of changes of clothes into a bag and brought them with me knowing I might be doing this. I’d arrived at Carol’s ready for yoga but had changed before we left. Charles opened the door for me and we walked towards the small shopping parade. Whether it was nerves or the temperature, I wasn’t sure, but I started shivering. Without Tracy to egg me on, it was very different, but Charles confirmed it was the weather. “Come on,” he said, “you won’t enjoy it in this, let’s go back to the car. Sit in the front. We’ll do something there.”
So we went back to the car, and he drove a couple of hundred metres and parked outside the shops. “Okay, off you go.”
There was a constant flow of pedestrians passing the car. Not crowds, but enough. I undid my jacket and blouse, pulled my tits out, and started massaging them. Suddenly, my nerves disappeared. This was fun. The front windows weren’t tinted of course and a number of walkers clearly saw me. Such a turn on. I was contemplating taking my skirt and knickers off when Carol announced from the back. “Oh, oh! The woman in the chemist has spotted you. Looks as though she might be getting on the phone! Best we go. Just give her a parting shot. Get out of the car and come in the back.”
I didn’t hesitate which was probably a good thing because if I’d thought about it I wouldn’t have done it.
But I did do it, jacket and blouse open, bra pushed down under my boobs. I didn’t have time to see the reaction, but I heard at least one exclamation of “Fuck me!”
We drove off, and I started to button up, but Carol had other ideas.
She leant across and kissed me full on the lips. With her recounting of her exploits and my flashing I was now hot and readily returned the kiss. Then her hand was in my knickers and fingers in my pussy.
I’d never done anything like that in the back of a car let alone a moving one and it was an incredible turn on. I think the vibration enhanced everything.
Before I knew it, Carol had her head between my legs and was giving me the most wonderful tonguing.
I was near an orgasm, and another touch of her tongue I thought, and I’d erupt. But it didn’t come. Her head came up and she looked me in the eye. “How about Charlie now?” Looking back, I’ve realised the whole morning had been carefully organised to arrive at this point, but even with hindsight I have no regrets.
I hadn’t even realised the car had stopped moving. We were in a car park, cars either side of us. It didn’t matter. I was so in need so I said yes. Carol straightened her clothes and got out and Charles climbed in.
This was it. I was about to commit adultery. No ifs, no buts. I was going to do it.
Charles had hardly sat down before I attacked him. I daren’t give myself time to think. If I did, I knew doubts would creep in and I didn’t want them to.
I grabbed his groin to discover he was already quite hard. His head came down to mine, and we kissed open-mouthed. I was vaguely aware of Carol twisting round in the front seat to watch, but I had no problem with that. It was her husband, after all!
As our lips ground into each other, I unzipped him. That wasn’t a simple task, as I discovered I was shaking, more nervous I think than prior to any of the naughty things I’d done recently. As nervous as all those years ago when I’d lost my virginity. I was again, I suppose. I was a virgin outside of marriage and had been celibate for over six years. This was a new era.
I now had his cock in my hand. It took hardly anything to get it to full hardness. I didn’t hesitate. My mouth clamped over it and I sucked. My! It tasted so good after all these years. I’ve said Simon even when we were fucking wasn’t keen on blow jobs and I usually had to content myself with wanking him and the occasional kiss. I did sometimes, if he seemed exceedingly horny, attempt to give him one, but it usually only lasted a few seconds before he pushed me off.
With this new era, I meant to enjoy that aspect of sex to the full, but at that moment I only had one thing in mind — his cock in my cunt.
Charles’s fingers were working me mercilessly. I could imagine he’d been as sex starved as I had, but that clearly wasn’t the case. Whatever the reason, his fingers knew what they were doing, and I felt an orgasm rising.
Wouldn’t that have been wonderful? An orgasm from his fingers, then one followed by his cock? I was concerned that the descent from my orgasmic peak might allow the doubts I was harbouring deep inside to surface. Multiple orgasms could wait. I’d get fucked first. I raised my head from his cock and said words I never thought would pass my lips. “Fuck me! Now!”
He withdrew his fingers, and we rearranged ourselves on the bench seat. I had one leg bent up against the backrest and the other on the floor. My skirt was around my waist and Charles pulled my knickers aside as he knelt between my legs. And then there it was. The tip touch my lips and it slid in. He had no trouble sinking into me because I was so wet. I was going to cum far too early, and I did. Poor Charles had hardly got a rhythm going when my climax came. I’ve no idea how loud I was or how hard my hips bucked. All I knew was that I had an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction. I’d done it! And I didn’t feel guilty!
Charles had kept his cock in me and, as my twitching subsided, recommenced fucking me. I lay there for a bit, not moving. He must have thought he was fucking a blow-up doll, but it didn’t take long for me to want to participate.
In the car everything was cramped, but I wiggled my hips enough to help Charlie enjoy me. I was still coming down from my climax when I felt the next building. His rhythmic strokes were sending waves of need through me. He was close and asked me where I wanted it. I was so high, so turned on, I thought I didn’t care, but then realised I did. I needed it in me. Sunk deep up my cunt and I used those words. “Up my cunt.” I was going to get cum shot up my cunt! Sorry to be crude, but that’s how I felt — a crude slut. And it made me feel complete.
Then it happened. He tensed and his load entered me. Tracy had said it amazed her the amount of cum he produced and she wasn’t lying. It seemed to last for minutes, but that’s my imagination. What wasn’t my imagination was the second orgasm it produced, which made the first feel like a mild tremor. It caught me by surprise, as I’d never climaxed twice so quickly with Simon. Ha, come to think of it, I’d hardly climaxed at all with Simon. Now my body convulsed. In the confined space, my knee connected with something hard. Charlie’s head. Oh dear! He assured me he was okay and my mind couldn’t dwell there anyway. The aftermath was too much for me. I was floating. Carol said something, but my mind wasn’t on Earth. Charles was doing his trousers up and the car door opened. He shuffled out backward and Carol came in. “He’s such a messy shooter. I’ll clean you up,” and before I could even think about what she was saying, her head was between my legs, licking Charlie’s cum up as it oozed out of me.
What a morning! And all in a public car park!