Mary’s Missive
I’m sorry that my blog hasn’t been as regular of late but work pressures are extreme so I thought you might like to hear what Mary has been…

I’m sorry that my blog hasn’t been as regular of late but work pressures are extreme so I thought you might like to hear what Mary has been up to recently.
She’s more than happy for you to read this and hopefully, some of you will pop over and follow her or even join her knicker fund! You get loads of photos showing her in all her naked glory too! It’s here if you’re interested.
The blog on her site has more photographs of her flashing!
Flashing the Town!
I don’t think I’m exaggerating to say that this day out with Carol changed my attitude to lots of things. I’ll explain why as I tell you about it.
I can’t believe how brazen I have been. I went out with Carol last week to do some photos and as I was feeling decidedly naughty opted to do some flashing. It was a lovely hot day and the small town Carol suggested was busy with people.
Tracy and I have talked about our excursions showing off and we both agree that the biggest kick is actually being spotted. I have managed to look online at some other girls who say they are doing things in public but they just seem to mean outdoors. I was determined to be more adventurous. Our first shoot a few weeks ago was great fun and a couple of men did acknowledge me but I was determined after that to be bolder and totally brazen. I think I succeeded! I did say after my last effort that I wanted to pee in public and I most definitely do but didn’t last week. Next time perhaps.
Rather than try to describe the whole day what I’m going to do is post the pictures and tell you about each one underneath. I hope that works.
I’d chosen white lacy lingerie under a wide hemmed dress, which was easy to lift up to my waist or drop down to cover up if I felt I needed to. And stockings of course! So there was plenty for me to show and I had every intention of stripping right off in town! The thought of doing that was deliciously exciting.
We wandered around looking for suitable places. I know the town reasonably well but had never looked for sites to strip off at!

Carol took a few regular photos of me. The demure middle-aged middle-class woman out shopping. Dowdy as Simon once described me. Ha. Eat your heart out husband dear. I felt sure if I could do what I had planned he’d have a heart attack if he found out. Mm, there’s an idea! Tut tut. Too naughty!
We started properly when we were walking past a coffee shop with people sitting outside enjoying the sun. I gave them something else to enjoy.

As Trace and I have found people don’t use their eyes! I’m not sure if anyone saw me but if they did it was a typically British reaction — ignore it!
That first shot told me I’d go all the way. I was physically shaking as I gathered the hem of my skirt and raised it but the sheer naughtiness of it overwhelmed any other feeling. I held it up for several seconds then dropped the hem back down. What a turn-on! Tracy and I had been more blatant, but three things seemed to heighten this experience. One that I was doing it alone. Two, that it was in the morning (no excuse of being drunk from the pub) and three that Carol was photographing me. And perhaps others would along the way!
We walked on a few metres. I had people walking towards me so repeated the hem raising, this time ensuring my white knickers could be seen.
I held it up longer this time so there could be no doubt that people saw me. That made me leak! I dropped the skirt before they reached me but a couple of the men smiled. A woman scowled and stared at me but that just spurred me on. I wondered how I would have reacted not so long ago before I started this sexy life. Perhaps I would have scowled. What a wasted life.
We walked on and came to a large grass area with park benches and it was busy with shoppers.
Carol urged me, “Go and stand on the grass and lift your skirt. Show your gorgeous legs. I’m sure that’ll attract an audience.” Oh god! But by now I was aching for people to stare.
I looked around. There were dozens of shoppers walking down one side of the grass area and people sitting on the benches which faced away from the grass so I’d be doing it behind them and, if I faced one way, my back would be to the pedestrians but I’d be spotted, of that I was sure.
I went onto the grass and turned to face Carol and pulled my skirt up beyond my stocking tops. It’s such a simple thing but amazingly empowering.
Carol then called out in a loud voice, “Come on, you can do better than that, up more!” I did as she told me and as I did a man sitting on the bench nearest Carol looked around to see who she was shouting to.
There I was, skirt hiked up to the waist, stockings suspenders and knickers on view. His eyes opened wide. Yes! This was flashing! I didn’t even have the urge to drop my skirt. In fact, the opposite. I made sure it was clear of my knickers. With luck, he’d be able to see my bush through them. I stood there holding it up, staring back at this man, wondering what was happening in his trousers and wondering what Simon’s reaction would have been if he knew. My heart rate doubled and I could feel myself leaking. Without thinking where I was I rubbed my hands over my knickers. I wanted to encourage him to come over. I was so turned on I swear if he had I’d at the very least let him grope me, but then Carol’s voice broke my thoughts. “Come in Hun, too many eyes.” I came out of my trance and realised I had another three or four people gawping and I heard one woman remark. “What a slut. Wouldn’t expect it in this town. Where’s the police when you need them.” I dropped my skirt and smiled at my admirer. Carol grabbed my hand and we hurried off across the green giggling like schoolgirls.
“I assume you enjoyed that,” said Carol when we were safely round a corner and sure no one had followed us.
I giggled again, “Yes, what a turn-on.”
“In that case, we’d better get you stripped off somewhere. I know just the place.”
I couldn’t wait! But on the way another opportunity! Or at least I got the irresistible urge to do something. We were in the high street and there was a very smart man sitting on a bench. Retired definitely, probably an ex bank manager or something similar. I don’t know what it was about him but I just had to give him a show. I didn’t even say anything to Carol so she couldn’t get round to show you what he saw but from the photo you can see I shrugged my dress off my shoulders, down to my waist totally exposing my bra and as I walked towards him I inched my skirt up. I kept walking passed him but the expression on his face didn’t change! I didn’t notice the expressions on the other shoppers! I walked really close to him, between him and the post you can see but all that happened was his head turned to watch me!
The place Carol had in mind was not quite so busy, but had a continuous flow of people walking by. Some singles, some pairs and the odd group. It was a small pedestrian area with a large square brick structure in the middle with a bench for people to sit on. The structure was ideal. I could strip off behind it while people walked by on the other side but the exciting bit was that they were passing by on all sides so it was like playing Russian roulette not knowing if I’d get caught.
A woman was my first audience. I have to either step out of this dress or pull it over my head to take it off and I decided on the latter. I had thought there was no one there but she materialised from somewhere and stopped dead when she saw me disrobing. When the dress was off and I saw her I smiled but couldn’t think of anything sensible to say other than “Hello.”
Carol was some way away so as not to be obviously with me so she could be a bit devious in the way she was taking the photos.
The woman continued to stare at me standing there in the middle of town in my underwear. “You doing this as some sort of bet? Charity fund raiser?” she asked. Now there’s a thought for the future!
“No. I replied. Then, blatantly, “I do it because it turns me on.” I was amazed at myself saying that. I think it was because of the look of distaste on her face.
“How disgusting. You’ll get yourself arrested.”
Fat chance of that I thought, One thing about that town was that I’d never seen a policeman there! How deliciously exciting though that what I was doing might have involved them!
With that, she stomped off.
Then things then got really exciting.
Part 2 to follow. I hope you enjoyed this. Do let me know.
Don’t forget to go and follow her for more sexy adventures. I’m goig to have to up my game! XXX