Mary’s Day Pt2
We arrived back at Mary’s just after eight. There was no sign of Katie. “She said she’d make sure she wasn’t back before eleven,” Mary told…

We arrived back at Mary’s just after eight. There was no sign of Katie. “She said she’d make sure she wasn’t back before eleven,” Mary told me.
I looked at my watch. “Only three hours? We’d better get going!” We were in her hallway and I threw my arms around her and we kissed, but she pulled her head back. “No, let’s go to bed. I daren’t have us leaking all over the house. Simon might spot something.”
She led the way to her bedroom. We both disrobed with speed and Mary threw herself on the bed. She’d prepared it. The duvet was already folded and on a chair in the corner. I climbed over her, let her grope my tits as I leant and kissed her. The urgency of our coupling in the car was gone, but there was no finesse, no love in this, it was raw sex. Beautiful, sordid, sex. For the first time ever I wished I was a man. A man with a cock that I could sink into her. I used what I had. I swiveled around, presented my cunt to her face and tongue, and set to work in her pussy with mine. Lips and fingers. Sucking. Kissing. Nibbling. Licking. Drinking her juice. Inhaling her scent, while she did likewise to me. Our climaxes were timed to perfection. The noise, the bucking, the sighs. All in unison. We collapsed next to each other amused by our choreographed finale.
Mary checked her watch. “Plenty of time before Simon phones. I’ll get some wine.”
She went downstairs and I took in the room. I had seen it before when I brought her back when she was suffering the effects of mixing her pills with alcohol but hadn’t taken it in. Now that I had a chance to I began to realise what a hold Simon had on their lives. I remembered Katie mentioning early on that he insisted on deciding everything. It was obvious Mary had good taste and colour sense from the clothes she wore but the house, while exceedingly neat and tidy, was soulless. No colour; the walls and ceiling were all off-white. The pictures on the wall, the sort you’d see hanging in a dentist's waiting room.
Mary returned with the wine and I asked her about the decoration.
“Anal is probably the best word to describe his interior design skills. This is a lovely house, with a little imagination it could be beautiful but instead we live in an office.”
“Why won’t he let you choose?”
“Control. Pure and simple. He seems to think if he gave way on that it would be the start of a very slippery slope and before he knew it I’d be deciding which car we were having.” I remembered she’d been to test drive one the day I’d met Debbie and I was going to ask her about it when she put her glass down and threw a leg over me, sitting astride my stomach. “Time for round two before the master phones. Can I play with your tits for a bit?” She didn’t wait for an answer.
Ten minutes later I was coming again. Mary had found a way with her tongue. A way of sending me on a journey to utopia. She’d said she had never been with a woman before and from our previous sessions I believed her. So where this Olympic grade cunnilingus came from I’ve no idea. And guess what? I didn’t care. At that precise moment when I erupted, when Mary's tongue had finished sending shivers of ecstasy through my nipples and moved down to repeat the exercise on my clit, I didn’t care about anything. Sheer bliss. So much so that when I erupted I wondered if I’d squirt. The build up in me was monumental, but alas no. Not that there wasn’t a torrent of juice. Mary would certainly be changing the sheet before Simon returned. I just hoped the mattress wasn’t too sodden. No, I didn’t. That thought wasn’t there then, I was too far removed from reality.
Eventually, I could speak. I turned to Mary who had propped herself up against the headboard, knees raised, feet apart, intently looking at her phone screen. “I need to repay you.”
“No. That was me catching up with what I owe you for changing my life. Besides Simon’s call is due in a minute.”
“Mm. Okay, but let’s not waste time.”
I crawled between her legs and started licking. Teasing actually. A gossamer light touch. A tickle. She giggled. “Trace! Stop it! I need to sound bored for Simon.”
“Oh, I can bore you,” I slid a finger into her soaking vagina. She didn’t stop me. Her head went back accompanied by a contented sigh.
Then her phone rang. I felt playful and was tempted to see if I could finger her off while she spoke to Simon but that could have had disastrous consequences so I withdrew my finger and laid still as she answered.
“Hello, darling.” The right words in the wrong tone to paraphrase Eric Morcombe.
“Yes, tucked up in bed.” A look of consternation crossed her face.
“Why do you want to do that?” Consternation turning to horror. What the hell was he saying?
“I’m not sure I know how it works.”
She stared at me, eyes pleading, but for what I hadn’t a clue.
“Okay, hold on, I’ll see if I can get the video call thing going.” More pleading stares.
Shit. I rolled off the bed, grabbed the odd bits of clothing that were lying around, threw the duvet at Mary, and quietly let myself out.
So he hadn’t dropped the idea of Mary playing around. I assumed anyway that’s why he was doing it. He didn’t strike me as the sort who would want phone sex with his wife.
I could hear the conversation continuing but couldn’t make out the words. A few minutes of conversation were followed by a call from Mary. “Okay, I’ve hung up.” I returned to find Mary sitting on the edge of the bed looking at her phone as if it was a bomb. “Well.”
“He actually demanded I showed him the whole room.”
“Did he give a reason?”
“Simon doesn’t give reasons, he gives orders. Thanks for your quick thinking with the duvet.”
“No probs. You want to call it a night?” I could see she was upset by the call and I didn’t want to press matters.
“No. In fact… would you stay the night?” A bombshell of a question but one I loved.
“Yes, of course. I’d love to. But what about Katie?”
“She’s a big girl, she knows about us anyway. I doubt she’d be surprised.”
The sex that followed was intense. Mary was demanding. I could imagine her thoughts. Getting back at her husband by being violated by a woman. And violated is what it was. She gave me no doubt she wanted me to be hard. I knew where she was. The feeling familiar to me, but thankfully receding. I took her. Filled her cunt with my fingers. Jammed my juice soaked fingers into her mouth till she gagged. Used my teeth on her nipples and her clit. None too gently either. Even made progress on entering her anally although I could tell she found the pain difficult. Her climax was a long time coming. I used what little knowledge I had to make it an explosive one. By the resulting scream when she passed her tipping point, I succeeded. There was a smile back on her face. “Now it’s my turn to thank you. Again!”
We lay on the bed and cuddled. Got the duvet and covered ourselves. Spooned together like a couple. Drifted off to sleep.
I’ve no idea of the time when I woke up. I was just aware of Mary’s fingers gently massaging my pussy
“Sorry to wake you. I couldn’t sleep.”
Nor could I for a while! Mary repaid her debt.
I woke to the smell of coffee, a cup sitting beside the bed. I looked at the clock. 7.00 am. Mary was pottering around the bedroom, tidying up from the previous night. “Thank you. That’s a treat I haven’t had in a long time,” I said.
“I thought that might be the case. Even Simon will occasionally bring me one.”
“Not one hundred percent useless then?”
“Ha, no. Just 99.9 percent.”
“Mm, not sure it’s that low. Will you be alright tidying up?”
“It’s hardly anything. Just the bed sheet really. Might do the duvet cover too in case your perfume’s on it. I know he does have a sensitive nose.”
“Nice to know he’s got something that’s sensitive,” I said rather rudely. Mary giggled. “Well, I can tell you his nipples are too. He’d scream the place down as soon as I touched them.”
I laughed. “I’d better get dressed and out of the way.”
“Won’t you stop for breakfast? Katie’s getting scrambled eggs ready.”
“She knows then?”
Mary self-consciously coughed. “Yes, asked if next time we could keep the noise down!”
“Oh my god! When did she get back?”
“Earlier than she anticipated. She was here for the ‘big’ one.” Mary put air quotes around ‘big’. I knew she meant the rough one. “You did enjoy that?” I had wondered if some of the things I’d done were too rough. Too masculine.
“Tracy Parker, for a (redacted) you do ask stupid questions.”
“Sorry, but that’s good. I enjoyed administering it. In a way I suppose we could thank Simon for it.”
“Mm. I’d rather do it without needing him upsetting me so much.”
“How would you feel about me using a strap-on?”
She thought about it. “Okay. No problem at all in my pussy, but not I think up my bum. Not yet anyway.”
“You took my thumb further.”
“I know, but it was painful. I was on the verge of telling you to stop, but you clearly realised.”
The openness of the chat was amazing and we both agreed that neither of us could have been that open with our husbands. (There’s material for a whole blog there).
I showered and dressed. I hadn’t come prepared to spend the night so had no clean undies or makeup. The undies weren’t a problem, I’d go without knickers for the day and my bra had come off before I left work so that could do another day. It was the stockings that had suffered. They’d been on for our first few rounds and had died. Laddered several times in each leg. I’d have to go bare-legged. I doubted anyone would notice that, but no makeup would have been a problem. Luckily Mary and Katie had a selection between them that suited.
I went down to breakfast wondering how Katie would be. She had last night to consider and I wondered if she also knew what Debbie and I had got up to.
She greeted me with a happy smile (I suppose there can be unhappy smiles).
“Good night?”’she asked. It nonplused me. Not the sort of question one expects from the daughter of a woman you’ve just spent the night shagging.
“Er, yes thank you. Sorry if we kept you awake.”
“No you didn’t, not really, but some of the moans were ear splitting.” She said it in such a matter of fact way! “By the way, before Mum comes back, I hear you and Debs had a great time.” So Debbie had told her. Or was Katie fishing? No, I was getting paranoid! I tried to reply in the same matter of fact tone. “Yes, I’m grateful to you for the introduction.” I wanted to see if Katie was truly interested in anything sexy with me.
“I hear you and Debbie have been having fun too.”
She turned from the eggs she was cooking and looked at me. “Yes, thanks to you.”
“Did you enjoy it? Better than men?”
“Definitely better than most boys. I’ve yet to enjoy a real man.”
“Will you do it again? With others? Other girls? Women? Perhaps see if older women are better than girls?” As chat-up lines go it was perhaps lacking in subtlety, but I didn’t have the luxury of time. In fact, before Katie could answer, Mary came in. Katie glanced at me. Said one word, “Probably,” with the hint of a smile, and returned her attention to the eggs.
It was all I would get in the way of clues. The conversation veered to mundane topics, much like any normal household breakfast table, after which I kissed Mary goodbye, waved a farewell to Katie, and drove straight to work.
Hopefully, I’ll see them at the stables at the weekend. I needed time alone with Katie for a chat if nothing else.