Marys day
Wednesday. Fun with Mary day. At least the evening. I’d had a text from her confirming Simon would be going to Birmingham as usual but she…

Wednesday. Fun with Mary day. At least the evening. I’d had a text from her confirming Simon would be going to Birmingham as usual but she was worried about not being at home for his 10.00 pm phone call. She made two suggestions. One, that we had a curtailed evening at mine and she ensured she was back home by ten, Cinderella like, or I went to her house.
The second option was by far the more favourable as far as I was concerned. It meant we would not be under any time constraints and — Katie! Would she be there? Did Mary know about Debbie and her daughter's conversations? I couldn’t ask outright but texted her back saying:
At yours, but what about Katie?”
Mary responded:
She says she’s going to friends so we’ll at least have until 11ish.
I wondered. We thought we had time last Saturday but Katie suddenly reappeared. Not that that was a problem as far as I was concerned, quite the reverse. If Mary was okay with it, or blissfully unaware of the possibilities who was I to argue?
I asked if Mary wanted to go out somewhere first. Somewhere where we could perhaps have a little flashing fun. Her reply:
Try and stop me!!!!! Where to meet?
Our last rendezvous had been quite successful and given a businessman a treat he wouldn’t forget, but I decided we needed to keep moving — a Flash Flash as Mary so eloquently described it.
I gave her the name of a pub near the waterfront that I thought would be suitable. A number of customers, mainly office workers, going home, but not rammed.
Someone put an extra twelve hours into Wednesday. I’ve never known a day drag so much but at last 5.00 pm arrived and I was out before anyone could stop me with a last minute problem.
I wasn’t that familiar with the pub but knew it would be suitable. As seems the way these days pubs are moving away from the small high tables with four dining chairs to low sofas and coffee tables and that was the situation here.
Mary was already there and had bought my drink ready. A soft drink. We’d both been abstemious last time and with the amount of adrenalin we produced showing our bodies, we certainly didn’t need the stimulus.
She was dressed differently this week. A summary wide hemmed dress with a scalloped neck. (Very similar to one I own which I must show you sometime.) It was ideal for our plans. I couldn’t wait to see what her lingerie was like. I’d gone straight from the office so was in my signature business suit. I could have taken something to work to change into, but wanted to try something out in the suit which I might be able to deploy at work!
I leant over to Mary and we kissed. Gone was any embarrassment of kissing another woman fully on the lips in public. Gone from both of us. Given the lack of physicality in our last meeting, we had a lot to make up for. That was a good start!
I sat down and surveyed the room. Two men standing at the bar chatting, a young (30ish) couple at a table, her with her back to us, him facing. Three teen girls off to one side. So we had a couple of targets!
I unbuttoned my suit jacket and let it hang open. Oh, I forgot to mention that before I left the office I’d taken my blouse and bra off.
“I see you’re prepared.” Mary smiled as she said it and crossed her legs drawing her skirt back and halfway up her thighs. Halfway up her stocking welt. Halfway to her knickers. Assuming she was wearing any. I asked. She giggled and raised her skirt to show me. She was. A pale lilac lacy thong. Super sexy. Not totally hiding her minimal bush. She dropped the skirt back on her legs but it was now almost above her stocking tops revealing her matching suspenders. We glanced at our would be audience. Nothing from the two men at the bar. I suspected they were deep in an analysis of the latest football match. But we had attracted the attention of the man with his wife/partner. She was talking to him, but his eyes were firmly affixed on us. I’d contrived to let my jacket swing open a little more and a nipple was now acting as a stop in preventing it covering what it should.
“That’s not fair,” said Mary giving her girlish giggle.
“What’s not?”
“You showing your tits. I can’t in this dress. Look.” She made an effort to pull her neckline down to scoop a tit out but there wasn’t enough give.
“Perhaps if I unzipped you? I asked helpfully. More giggling. “Later perhaps.”
The man was still looking so to ensure he didn’t get bored I uncrossed my legs and left a gap between my knees. I hope his partner wasn’t saying anything important because I doubt he was hearing a word.
Mary asked. “How about you? Are you wearing knickers?”
I repeated her action. Although I couldn’t lift the skirt that far due to its narrow cut I could lift it far enough for her and our attentive voyeur to see that I wasn’t. “Ready for action then?”
“Mm,” I replied, lent across, kissed her and slid my hand up her thigh, leaving it on her skin between stocking top and thong.
“Are you hot?” Mary asked. On our last outing, I’d asked her the same question leading to her taking her jacket off. But she had had a bra on. I was so tempted. So, so, tempted. But to be topless? In a pub in downtown Ipswich? I wasn’t sure the local populous was ready for that. What we were showing so far, we could argue was carelessness. (Yes I know!) To sit in a bar naked to the waist? Mm. I’d have difficulty arguing that in court!
“Not that hot,” I replied with a grin, “but we’ve tripled our audience.”
The two men at the bar had, at last, clocked the floor show. Comments were being exchanged and I doubted they were now about the performance of the Town’s win the previous night. We didn’t make eye contact. The last thing we wanted was for them to think we wanted to hook up, but we kept a surreptitious eye on them. Mary was now stroking my leg too, pushing the hem of my skirt ever higher. Giving them a clearer view of my naked, leaking pussy.
I had no idea how Mary felt, but if she was feeling halfway as randy as I was then we were both in need of sex.
But to leave the pub then? When we had three men that I would have bet all had hard-ons seemed a waste. Since that time on the prom, I craved the satisfaction of making guys cum in their trousers.
But I’d let Mary decide. I could always enlist Carol for another excursion. Mary just had Simon.
“Want to go?” I asked.
“Probably best. Did you mean for a walk or home?”
“Definitely home!” My fingers had ferreted their way into her thong. She was as wet as I was.
We’d timed it to perfection. As we stood up so did the guys at the bar. They had full beer glasses in hand and had decided to make a move on us.
“Not going ladies? We were wondering if we could buy you a drink.”
“No you weren’t,” I said as I stood a safe distance from the pair, pulled my jacket back and planted my hands on my hips. “You were wondering if we were cheap enough that you’d get to fuck us for the cost of a glass of wine.”
The look on their faces! Whether that was due to the fact I was brazenly showing my tits in the middle of the pub or that I had been outspoken enough to voice their thoughts I didn’t know. We didn’t stay to find out. I linked arms with Mary and we giggled our way out.
“Tracy!” Mary admonished once we were outside, “That wasn’t friendly.” She was laughing so much she could hardly walk. I took advantage of her situation, reached up behind her and unzipped her dress. Given it was a dress and not a skirt it didn’t fall to the ground. It didn’t actually do anything untoward other than reveal her bra strap across her back to anyone following us. ( A couple thirty metres away). Hardly the most outrageous of flashes.
“Huh,” she said, “not very good at stripping other women are you? I suppose I’ll have to do it myself.” With that, she shrugged, reached up and pulled the straps off her shoulders. The dress fell to her waist. The bra matched her knickers a gorgeous lacy pale lilac.
So there we were. Holding hands, walking to our cars in Suffolk’s county town. My jacket undone and swinging, giving long glimpses of my tits. Mary walking beside me modelling a very expensive, very diaphanous, bra which did nothing to hide her nipples.
The street that the pub is on is not a main thoroughfare, but it does usually have a reasonable number of pedestrians using it as it’s a cut through from the town centre. I’ll leave it to you to judge whether it was good or bad fortune for us that we seem to have picked a time when there was a hiatus and very few people to see our display throughout our couple of hundred metre walk. Two people clearly spotted what was on display. An older man who was almost licking his lips when he passed us and a young office girl who didn’t react one way or the other. We made our cars which were parked in an open air car park without being either arrested or molested. The walk had brought us both to boiling point. I made a suggestion to Mary.
“Fancy going back to your teen years?” She looked at me quizzically then the penny dropped. “Ha, might have been yours but you’ve met Simon! But what a hoot! Yes, let’s.”
It had to be my car. I’m not as flexible as Debs proved she was the other day and doing it in Mary’s Smart car was not an option. I told her she’d have to fight through the assorted horse trappings that lived permanently in mine. “No need. I’m in Simons, he went with a co-director in their car. I came in his. That way the mileage won’t show on mine.”
I wasn’t going to get into a discussion about that, my needs were too urgent. I simply replied, “Okay,” and she led me to a large SUV of some description.
We climbed in the back. The urgency of my need was overriding any thought of being spotted. I fell on Mary, pushed her bra off her tits and dropped my head to them. Her hand found its way up my skirt and started work on my clit. Briefly, my mind took in the fact the car had leather upholstery. No stained cloth to explain to Simon!
I raised my head from her tits and our mouths locked. My hand copied hers. It took no time before we were both coming. Noisily too. I can’t remember ever being hugely vocal in my previous life. Perhaps it’s the feminine touch that raises me further. Whatever. Mary came first but managed to keep her fingers working on me. My head went back. The familiar shudder went through me. That uncontrollable body reaction. Sheer heaven. I opened my eyes to a shock. There, two cars away, a man was standing gawping at us, his key fob frozen in his hand. God, this must be what it’s like dogging! The thrill! I had no idea how much he had seen. There was a car between him and us but clearly by his expression and his immobility there had been enough of us on view for him to realise what was going on. I couldn’t see his lower half to judge if he had a hard-on, or had indeed come. Mary had her back to him so was unaware of his presence. We kissed again. I shifted my position slightly hoping he’d at least be able to see my tits. I was tempted to wave him over so he could stand outside our car and get a better view but at that moment a woman, his wife presumably, came into view and she pressed his play button. Movement resumed. He unlocked his car and got in. The woman didn’t even glance in our direction. I wondered if I would have had the courage to call him over but I’ll never know. I told Mary about our voyeur. “Oh, piddle. Another woman messing things up!”
We kissed again and got ourselves reasonably presentable. I went to my car and we drove back to Marys. Would part two be as horny? I hoped so and wondered if Katie would feature.
Part 2 to follow