Mary Unleashed
Deja Vue. Here I was again. Same day, same time, same place, waiting for Mary. Not that she was late but I wanted to get there first so I…

Deja Vue. Here I was again. Same day, same time, same place, waiting for Mary. Not that she was late but I wanted to get there first so I could choose where we sat. After last week I was eager to make sure I had the same seat so that if it didn’t go well with Mary, (or perhaps even if it did!) I’d be able to flash any unsuspecting businessmen.
When Mary walked in on the dot of six I was rather taken aback by her outfit. Last week she had worn trousers and a jumper. Expensive casual attire. This week what she was dressed in was no less expensive but was not casual. She was wearing a short pencil skirt, just above the knee, dark sheer nylons, whether stockings or tights I couldn’t tell, high-heeled black patent leather shoes and a blue blouse under a blazer style jacket. And she looked a million dollars. Probably what the outfit cost! Wow. Did this portend well for the evening? Certainly, I felt she had made an effort to appear chic if not downright sexy. Certainly compared to last week.
She strode over with a smile on her face, so different again to seven days ago when she had been so hesitant in every respect.
We kissed each other on the cheek and I got her a drink, “Definitely no alcohol tonight Tracy, that hangover will last me for years!”
Once we were seated Mary apologised again for the previous week.
“That first meeting on Sunday, when we had coffee, left me conflicted. What you’d said had made me start to question myself and I so desperately wanted answers, but then as the Wednesday approached I got cold feet. I so nearly cancelled but felt that would be messing you around so came. On reflection, the alcohol probably did me a favour. If I hadn’t had it I feel sure I would have left after that first drink. I’m so glad I didn’t.”
“Why?” I asked, “It gave you a hangover of mega proportions and we didn’t really talk or do anything.”
“True but I feel it told me a lot about you. You took me home, you could have simply stuffed me in a taxi for a start. You didn’t go off in a huff when I chickened out, you tried gently to help me… no, don’t interrupt, you did, you tried to get me to talk about things which deep down is what I wanted and then there was your… your what shall I call it? Display? I’m certain if I’d seen that stone-cold sober I would have reacted differently but putting it all together I feel I know you so much better and can relax in your company now. So, there we are. Can we start again?’
I didn’t feel I deserved the praise, I only did what I thought any reasonable person would do, but if it had given Mary confidence then that was good news
“I have to say,” I responded, “I was surprised you were so sanguine about my flashing. I thought it might have made you think I was a raving nympho. Although, actually might be correct!” I smiled. It was probably true, even though men were excluded from the menu.
“Weird isn’t it? I would have thought even in my tipsy state that would have been my reaction too. I’ve thought about it a lot since. It’s quite harmless really isn’t it and as you say, what fun to make these stuffy men want to cream their pants! I can only imagine Simon’s reaction if you did it in front of him. Cheers!” She held up her tomato juice and we clinked glasses. I laughed. “What an idea! Want to set it up?”
“Oh god, I wasn’t being serious,” she responded with a look of horror which quickly changed to a knowing smirk. “Actually though… let me think about it”
I’d only said it as a joke too, but it would be fun. He sounded very stuffy.
“So what now?” I asked, “Have you decided what you need to know?”
“Yes and no, I mean yes I’ve decided what I need to know but I’ve also decided that it’s nothing.”
I looked at her. “Sorry, you’ve lost me.”
“I mean what’s there to know? I might be an innocent abroad but I’m not totally ignorant of things. And I have done some research.” She winked at me! I was liking her more and more.
“I assume you mean internet research.”
“Precisely, and it’s an eyeopener isn’t it? I never thought two girls could have such fun!”
I was now tingling. She was so different to last week, bubbly and fun. I could imagine her in bed. I hoped I wouldn’t need to only imagine it for long.
“What do you think has changed your attitude?” I asked. I hoped she wasn’t on another cocktail of drugs and booze. She didn’t sound as though she was but I wanted to be sure.
“Life. The shortness of it. Sex, the absence of it. Simon, ditto. Katie, continuous line of boyfriends…”
I interrupted. “Yes Katie is gorgeous, I should think the boys are queuing round the block. It must be a bit nerve-racking.”
“Nerve-racking? Oh, you mean the sex. Ha, We gave up worrying about that a couple of years ago. I got her on the pill and I think she is reasonably sensible.”
“I wish my parents had been so forbearing. Was Simon happy with that?”
“Hells-teeth! we didn’t tell him! I’m sure he still thinks of her as a virgin.”
The fact that Mary was talking so openly about Katie was a hopeful sign that she’d be open-minded to a ménage à trois. Possibly wishful thinking.
She continued “ There’s no point in fighting an incoming tide, just best to make sure the sea walls are secure.”
“Ha, that’s one way of putting it, I suppose.”
I would have loved to ask more about her daughter but didn’t want to set any alarm ringing. I left it at that.
“So, where do we go from here?” she asked.
At that moment a gaggle of businessmen came into the bar. Freshly discharged from some tedious seminar was my bet. I’m sure many of you know the scene. Spending all day, listening to lecturers who are bored instructing delegates who are equally bored, in the most part only there because it gives them a day out of the office The minutes ticking by at the rate of hours, then like the school bell at the end of the day there’s a mad rush for the bar.
There was a dozen of them. All suited. All eager to release the frustration of having wasted a day of their lives.
I looked and wondered. A dozen. What fun to flash a group like that. But could I? Did I have the courage? After my excursion on the seafront I thought I probably did, but hesitated. There was Mary to consider. The thought must have been written all over my face though because she looked at me and giggled. “Well, there’s a potential admiring throng. What would you do if I weren’t here?”
“What I did last week to start with. Then if I felt sexy enough I’d take my knickers off and leave my legs open a little.”
“Here? In the bar?”
“Yes, wouldn’t that be fun?”
“Have you done it before?”
“Not in a bar, on the promenade in town.”
“Wow. So brave. So sexy. Such fun! Go on then. Dares ya!” she sounded like a ten-year-old daring her mate to jump off a high wall, her face alive, her expression one of anticipation.
“Go on what?”
“Take your knickers off silly! Come on. What a hoot!”
This was so at variance with her demeanour of the previous week, but I wasn’t going to pass up the chance. There was another reason I wanted to do it too. I still wasn’t totally convinced about Mary’s new carefree attitude so wanted to confirm she was happy for me to be so brazen. I’d call her bluff.
“Okay then.” Her eyes opened wide and a smile crossed her face.
I looked around the bar. It was still early and we were the only two sets of people there.
I hitched my skirt up to my stocking tops, pushed my hands under, hooked a finger in each side of my knickers, and tugged them off. Mary let out a little gasp and announced it to the world with a loud “Whoopee!” Up to that point, none of the men had noticed anything being too busy chatting amongst themselves, but Mary’s shout alerted them. Allied to that she’d snatched the knickers out of my hand and was holding them up like a prize! (Before I get asked they were bikini style and red.)
Two or three heads turned at her shout. One seemed annoyed and immediately turned back to his colleagues the other two didn’t! They stared, smiles shooting across their faces. I hadn’t bothered to push my skirt down, it was still rucked up at the top of my thighs, my stockings and suspenders on display. God, I was so turned on. It was tempting to spread my legs but I decided to save that for later. I wanted to see if I could get Mary involved more.
I playfully snatched my knickers back. “They’re mine! Flash your own!”
“Perhaps I’m not wearing any,” came back the equally playful reply.
I was now desperate for sex with her and was equally desperate to show these men more. So there was only one thing I could think of doing. I leant across to Mary and pushed my hand up her skirt. I hoped she was wearing stockings but no such luck. Tights. My hand arrived unimpeded at her crotch. I’d thought she’d stop me or at least make a show of trying. But she just sat there. Her expression a mixture of amusement, fear, and lust. Because of the tights, I couldn’t tell if she was knickerless or not.
I had my back to the businessmen. There was still a hubbub of chat going on so we weren’t the total centre of attention, but I could imagine that changing soon and my priority had changed. I was sure Mary was as hot as I was. I desperately wanted to bed her.
I let my fingers stroke over the gusset of the tights. “Shall we go?” I whispered.
“I think perhaps we should.”
“Where?” I asked, thinking of her house or mine. I didn’t fancy doing anything in a car as I had with Jane. Mine was a tip and Mary’s was a Smart car. Far too cramped.
“Upstairs, I made a commitment to myself. I wasn’t going to be a pussy again, so I booked a room.”
I was speechless but grateful.
I pocketed my underwear and we left the bar. I didn’t want to make eye contact with the men but it was plain that quite a few had witnessed the scene. I could feel their eyes on us as we left. That made me wetter.
Mary had the key so we went straight to the room. This was so unexpected I hadn’t any idea how to play it. I realised Mary expected me to take the lead but I wasn’t exactly a seasoned player at this sort of thing.
We dropped our bags on the floor and both took off our jackets and Mary sat on the bed. “Oo! That feels soft,” she said and threw herself backwards. I kicked off my shoes, followed her onto the bed, and knelt over her. “I should give you a good spanking for doing that with my knickers,” I said playfully.
“Well you can if you want to, but let's try something else first.”
“Anything special in mind?”
“No, just do me!”
I put a hand either side of her head, bent forward, and kissed her. My only experience was Jane and she’d led the whole encounter so I tried to emulate her approach. I was sure once we got going, assuming Mary was keen, it would develop naturally.
I didn’t force her mouth open but kissed her lips lightly. She smelt gorgeous. I made a note to ask what her perfume was, although somehow I doubted I’d be able to afford it.
Her lips were not responsive at first, but she threw her arms around me and pulled me in tight, then her mouth opened and our tongues met.
She was running one of her hands up and down my back and the feeling was increasing my libido no end. She accepted my kisses and returned them with interest! It might be her first encounter with another woman, but like me, she seemed to relish it.
We came up for air. I shuffled back along her body until I was astride her knees and pushed her skirt up. My hands went underneath and found the waist of her tights and pulled them down. She was wearing knickers. Sort of. A very brief thong; black lace. If she wore this at home I wondered how Simon resisted the temptation. I’m glad he could though, otherwise she wouldn’t have been here with me.
She was natural, but not overly bushy as I had been. I dropped my head and touched her with my tongue. “Oh my god!” she exclaimed. I immediately felt her moisten up. Wow, she was starved. My tongue had hardly got to work when I heard her panting, her hips bucked, “Oh no, no nooo!” I hoped the rooms next door were empty or we’d have the management knocking on the door, Mary’s shouts were jet engine loud. Her orgasm was long, noisy, and so satisfying to watch.
I sat back on my heels and looked at her. “You needed that!”
“God did I! Six years is a long time! Oh, I feel stupid.”
“You hardly touched me and I came, I wanted to feel you much longer.”
“Oh don’t worry about that, you’ll be feeling a lot more of me.”
“Should we undress then?”
“Yep, I think that might be a good idea or we might look a bit of a state when we leave.”
“Mm, if I’m getting more of that, I’m not sure I want to leave.” She sat up and gave me a peck on the cheek before she clambered off the bed and stripped.
It’s weird. I don’t know how many women I’ve watched undress in my life, but it had never been something that triggered a sexual feeling. Now, having watched Jane, Carol, and Mary I’m beginning to understand why men like striptease shows.
Her bra matched her thong, black, lacy, and minimalistic. Not that she had a huge amount to support, (A or B cups I should think for you bra size collectors), but her figure was sublime. She had a pinched waist, no fat, but neither was she skeletal. I felt like an Amazonian beside her and an unfit one at that. She watched me step out of my skirt. “Oh, your sans hair! I’ve thought about doing it, but Simon’s not bothered so I’ve not. How does it feel?”
“Okay, took a while to get used to and one needs to keep the lawn mower handy or it is a bitch. So irritating.”
“Mm, I can imagine. Why did you do it?”
I was about to say because my Twitter followers voted for it but realised I hadn’t mentioned my online presence and I wanted to keep it that way for the present. “A girl friend said she preferred not having a mouthful of hair.” I did wonder if the mention of a girlfriend would invoke any reaction or jealousy but she made no comment.
“Oh. I see. Do you want me to shave then?” Interesting. Did she regard herself as a girlfriend? I hoped so.
“Up to you. You’re nowhere as near as hairy as I was. I’ll tell you if it gets annoying!”
“Well, perhaps you could test it again!” She lay back on the bed and spread her legs and smiled. Oh, what a sight. No second invitation was necessary.
Mary lasted a lot longer that time. Not that I was complaining, I loved working her with my tongue and fingers. I loved her moans. Almost constant. A whimpering. Or a whispered “Yes, yes. On please! Oh god.”
I wondered how kinky I should get. I moved my attention up to her tits. Having said they were small, that fact was more than made up for by her nipples. Perhaps it was due to the petiteness of her boobs, but they looked huge and took little work to make hard.
Mary had her eyes closed. Ecstatic. No problem with my giving her nipples a suck. I gripped one in my teeth, gently. I remembered how I’d felt when Jane put the clamp on mine. I couldn’t see Mary’s expression but from her intake of breath, she seemed content!
Dare I explore more? I dearly wanted to touch her everywhere but wondered if I’d pushed far enough. I decided there would be other times so why risk it?
Without asking I sat up astride her and lowered my pussy to her mouth. “Oh god,” was all she said. Her eyes wide open. Her lips and mine made contact. Our eyes made contact. She was seeking guidance. The blind leading the blind, or another metaphor, in the land of the blind ye one-eyed woman is Queen. “Just as I did,” I whispered. “Do what you enjoy.”
It told me she was being honest about not having any girl/girl experience but then my only comparison was with Jane. Not that I didn’t enjoy it. Far from it, she soon had me leaking. She just didn’t quite hit the spot.
I decided to go back down on her. I lifted myself off and plunged my head between her legs.
She was soaking. Her moans recommenced. “Ahhh! Look out!” I didn’t understand what she meant but her hips bucked separating my lips from hers and she squirted! I guess that’s what you’d call it. Like being hit by a fire hose or water cannon. My goodness! I’d never done that and neither had Jane or Carol, not with me anyway. I’d seen it on the net but wowie! I went to push a couple of fingers into her, but she held my hand away. “No, there’s more,” she muttered and started slapping her clit. Her hand a blur. Another, “Ahh!” Another blast from the fire hydrant. And again. And yet another! Wow. Her eyes were shut, her head was back, a continuous noise emanating from her mouth. Guttural. I can’t think of how to describe it. Animalistic? Perhaps. Mary was on a different planet. I thought again about people being in the rooms next to us.
I sat back and watched in awe, remembering the night Jane ended my sexual drought. I could empathise with Mary. Mine hadn’t been as long as hers.
Eventually, the torrents ended. The fire was controlled. I doubted it was out! She opened her eyes and looked at me. Confused almost, as if she’d been in a coma and didn’t know where she was.
“Wow.” One word, but it spoke volumes.
“Wow indeed,” I replied. “Have you always erupted like that?”
“Occasionally, in the early days of our marriage. God, it’s probably a decade since I last did.”
“Feel good?” She gave me a quizzical look. “What do you think?” She rubbed her hand over her pussy lips.
“Let me,” I said as I sat on the bed next to her and helped myself to her juice on my fingers. I licked it off, replenished it and offered my fingers to her. She hesitated, but then sucked them clean. “I’m feeling guilty, you’ve done everything for me but I’ve not brought you off.”
“Time yet,” I replied. She looked at her watch. “God is that the time! I shouldn’t be here.”
My heart sank. I thought as she’d booked the room we’d have all night as her husband was away.
“Why? What’s the problem?”
“Simon said he’d phone at ten.” It was 9.45 pm.
“Is he phoning your landline?”
“No, my mobile.”
“So, what’s the problem?”
Mary looked at me bemused. She laughed. “Haha, I know the expression having your brains fucked out, but never expected it to have a literal meaning. God, what a dolt. Let’s wait till he’s phoned then perhaps I can try and please you. I realise my first go wasn’t much but I think I’ve got a better idea now.”
My turn to laugh. “You’ll be fine and just watching you gush was a turn-on.”
We chatted for a few minutes and on the dot of ten her phone rang. Her persona changed. Gone was the little Miss Dynamite of the last couple of hours. Back was the woman who I’d met last week.
“Hello, darling.”
“Yes, I’m fine thanks.”
“No, nothing really just reading.”
“No, she’s out with friends.”
And so it went on. Quite an interrogation. In that area, I did have a depth of experience. Eventually, she said goodbye. It struck me there was very little emotion in the words. I couldn’t hear his but Mary’s were spoken more as if to a next-door neighbour than to her husband.
“Well, that’s done.” The phrase summed it up. Another chore out of the way. I refrained from asking anything. I knew from my own experience one doesn’t necessarily want to talk about relationships. I didn’t think hers was like mine but nevertheless…
“So my turn, can I touch your breasts? They are so beautiful, I’m jealous.”
“Do,” I said and laid back on the bed. She knelt beside me and gently cradled a tit in both hands. Such diminutive hands. She began massaging and then flicked my nipple with a finger and giggled. Her schoolgirl approach to this was so endearing.
Then her head came down and her tongue replaced her finger and she started nibbling. A sublime sensation. I was loving it, soaking up the attention.
She was sitting astride me and I could feel her leaking, her warm juices running across my stomach. A gorgeous feeling. I wondered how she would react to pissing on me but like my decision to leave anything anal for another day I shelved the idea of asking.
Eventually, she slid down my body to start to lick my pussy but I stopped her. “Turn round so I can lick you too.”
She didn’t hesitate and we both started. Who’d come first? What was turning me on more, the giving or taking? Who cares? I was floating and by the amount of juice coming out of Mary so was she. Mind you I wasn’t waterboarding her as much as she was me! She was drinking it down but as she was on top it wasn’t all pouring into her mouth as hers was into mine. Then I felt it start. I was coming. A slow, slow, build up but it was going to be a huge crescendo. Mary detected it too and increased the urgency of her fingers entering me which had replaced her tongue. Her muscles then clenched. She was on the way too. I intensified my attention.
I came first. I knew it was going to be volcanic. The evening had been one long tease to that moment. I was coming. Coming. Arg! Oh god. I’d worried about Mary’s screams. Mine were as loud. My hips bucked so hard Mary fell off me and nearly off the bed. Shit. That had probably ruined her orgasm but I couldn’t worry about it. My fingers were hard in my cunt. Oh yes, yes, yes! I opened my eyes to find Mary now standing over me on the bed, fingering herself with express speed. It didn’t take long. Her head went back, her knees bent and I received another squirted deluge. Standing on such a soft bed with such violent movement proved too much though and she collapsed on me. We ended up arms clasped around each other kissing and laughing. Kissing in a way that I’d not kissed Jane. Those kisses were sexual, nothing else. This kiss was gentler, a thank you from Mary. A ‘you’ve opened up my life’ kiss.
We eventually parted and lay side by side, not speaking, engrossed in our thoughts. Eventually, Mary broke the silence.
“You’re evil, Tracy Parker. Pure evil. Seducing a married woman like this.” She turned to face me, a huge smile enveloping her face. “Do it again. Please!”
“No, silly.” She gave me a playful punch on the arm. “Next week. Same time same place.”
Deja Vue. This is where I came in.