Mary Says…
Mary wanted to talk about last Wednesday. I said you’d be interested!

Mary wanted to talk about last Wednesday. I said you’d be interested!
I’ve got to put this down in writing. Tracy thinks it’s a good idea and has let me use her blog again.
You would have all read Tracy’s blog about Wednesday, an orgy as she called it. Me, attending an orgy!
I’m in two minds about it. Half of me is disgusted with myself. What have I done? And my daughter too! Me there watching her get a amns cock, an old man at that. How disgusting. What a terrible mother.
But the other half of me! Wow! Fucking brilliant! Oh dear, that word. I hardly ever say it, let alone write it, but it seems the only appropriate one.
I can’t remember it in detail, not like Tracy, and I’ll keep reading her blog for a long time to come to remind myself, but what I do recall, this half of me says was the most satisfying day of my life.
I’ve been married 23 years and have never done anything like that with a man (or woman till I met Tracy. What a terrible influence she is!). I’ve not even kissed one. Not properly, tongues and everything. Charles's touch, his erect penis, sends a tingle through me now while writing.
That moment when Katie called for me to join her in getting fucked. I now wish I’d said yes. If somehow Simon found out about that evening and all the things I did do and let his daughter do, would the fact I’d actually been fucked make much difference? I don’t think so.
It was in the moment though; the sexual feelings we were all generating. (Don’t go asking for a date, I’ll say no! Quite apart from being able to escape Simon's tentacles long enough, I know myself.)
Tasting Charles's cum brought back memories. I did use to suck Simon and in our early years, he seemed to enjoy it. I loved the taste and texture. I still do!
I’m sure you all think how lucky Charles was and I suppose you’re right but I owe him a huge thank you. He was the perfect gentleman and Katie says the same. Every action he’d check first. asking if we were ok with it. In the circumstances and how randy he must have felt I am so grateful. The downside is I haven’t got any excuse. I can’t say I was not willing! Not that I want to. I said I was divided about the evening. That’s not true when I think about it properly. Writing this I know it’s a 90% win for the positive-the sex.
As for Katie. She’s sore! I can’t recall seeing her the whole evening without something up her pussy; tongue, fingers cock. Then him doing her anally! I’m so jealous. 25 years my junior and she experienced that before me. Since Tracy introduced me to the idea and using my butt plug, I'm aching to try a cock up there. Is that adultery? Hehe! Who cares. I’m certain I don’t now.
Then the bathroom ad the watersports! It’s not my thing at all. I enjoyed watching the others and directing Charlie’s cock but no, not for me. Katie on the other hand said she had enjoyed it. Loved watching it and got turned on by being showered by Tracy. She says she wants to try that more! There’s a small bit of me that thinks perhaps if she and I tried it at home, I could see whether it does anything for me.
Finally a huge thank you to Carol too. I wondered if I’d enjoy doing it with anyone but Tracy and Katie, but I can say yes! She was different to Trace. Not sure how or why, but it was. I hope to do it again. The thank you is also for letting us share her husband. Oh, that I could share mine! Or even just give him away.
I can’t go back. I’ve thought long and hard over the last few days. If he does find out. If, and that’s a big if, he then said give it up or divorce I’d take divorce. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but I know this has changed my life.
I hope you are all enjoying me. The thought of you handling your cocks while looking at me does wonders for my self esteem. Keep looking!
Oh and in case any of you missed it you can email me for a chat or whatever. It’s