Mary and Katie
I hadn’t spoken to Mary since Sunday when we’d agreed our now regular Wednesday evening tryst. Our knowledge of town centre pubs was…

I hadn’t spoken to Mary since Sunday when we’d agreed our now regular Wednesday evening tryst. Our knowledge of town centre pubs was limited but as we wanted to avoid country pubs where there were fewer people and more chance of being remembered we’d picked one at random. I was first there and realised we’d chosen badly. I did consider waiting outside and going somewhere else but decided I’d wait to see what Mary thought.
As soon as she walked through the door I realised something was wrong.
My immediate reaction on seeing her was that her obvious mood was related to the pub, but as she came over and sat down without kissing me I feared it was something to do with me. I wondered if Katie had said anything about our chat and Mary had taken exception to it.
I’d bought Mary’s drink when I got mine and she snatched it up and gulped half of it down. “God, I need alcohol,” she said as she slammed the glass back on the beer stained table.
“What's wrong?” I had to ask even though fearing the answer.
The single word reply came as a huge relief. “Simon.”
“Why? What’s he done?”
“He’s just being Simon. Simon on steroids. I’m not sure how much longer I can cope with his control freakery.”
“Oh, Mary. I’m sorry. I know how difficult these things are.”
She didn’t seem to have heard me, so wrapped up in her own thoughts.
“He needs a robotic family. One he can simply say do this, do that to. Not two women with the ability to think.”
“Katie too?”
“She’s still a child in his eyes. A five-year-old to do as she’s told without question because ‘daddy knows best’, well guess what Simon? Tough shit. This woman is going rouge!”
If Mary’s mood had not appeared to be so black I might have been tempted to point out to her that what we had been doing over the last few weeks suggested she’d already gone rogue, but I kept quiet.
Mary turned and looked me in the eye. “This is a shit pub. I’m in a shit mood. I’m not sure I want to exhibit myself. Not here certainly. Can we just go home and fuck?”
“Of course,” I replied. We didn’t even bother finishing our drinks, just stood up and left, retrieved our cars, and drove to Mary’s.
I really did feel for Mary. I knew only too well what being in a loveless marriage was like, but I hoped hers wasn’t irretrievable. More immediately it created a dilemma for me. Now hardly seemed the right time to ask if I could shag her daughter! I’d wait to see if I could raise her spirits, then decide.
As we went in I heard a voice in the living room.
“Katie’s here?”
“Yes, not going out tonight.” Mary saw the look of consternation on my face.
“It’s not a problem Tracy. She knows, doesn’t she? She heard us last week. Besides, I did ask and she said she’s okay with it. Personally, I want her to know. Show her I’m fighting back against her father’s control. I hope it rubs off on her too.”
“Rubs off? Is her controlling with her too?”
“Yes, Debbie came round yesterday. He took an instant dislike to her. After she’d left he told Katie not to see her again. Threatened to sell her horse if she did.”
“Why on earth was he so against Debs?”
“You’ve met her, she’s a bit direct. You’ve met Simon, personal skills of an out-of-sorts Great White shark. I think he commented about her clothes and she told him to do one! Mary giggled. The first sign she was calming down. “Actually, on thinking about it it was very funny. Simon’s face!”
“But her horse?”
“I don’t think he’ll follow through. As I’ve said he tends to forget what he’s said soon after he’s said it. Come on, I’m feeling a bit de-stressed. Let’s see if you can sort me out.
I waved to Katie as we went upstairs and she waved back while talking on her phone.
Mary proved to be in need of a hard session. She threw herself on the bed fully clothed. A bed already prepared for us, as last week. Laid there. Star shaped. “Be a man Trace. Violate me. Everywhere. Take what Simon ignores.” I so wish I’d bought that strap-on I’d promised myself!
But I did take her. Hard and physically. I ripped her blouse open. Buttons flew. I yanked her bra straps off her shoulders and pulled the cups off her breasts. I grabbed her tits and kneaded them together. Hard. I squeezed her nipples. I bowed down and grabbed one in my teeth, Shook my head like a dog. Pushed her skirt to her waist, scrunched up her thong, and yanked. To my surprise the waistband gave and they came away from her. I forced my fingers in. Hardly forced, she was well wet. I finger fucked her with one, two, then three fingers. I turned her over, spread her legs, and pushed a moistened finger up her bum. She moaned. I realised she’d been silent until then. Now her vocal cords were being exercised as much as her vagina muscles. First not words. Moans, whimpers, screams. then words. “Yes, yes.” “Fuck!” “More!” “Hurt me.” “God Yesssss!”
Her orgasm was stupendous. A fountain of juice erupting and cascading across the room. A water canon.
“Oh god god god. That was… that was indescribable. Stuff Simon. I can take his control as long as I can enjoy that on a weekly basis.”
Mary sounded back to her old self. I’d find out.
“Hope you can afford my prices,” I said with a smile.
“I’d mortgage the house if I had to.”
“I’m not that expensive!”
“Come on then, how much?” The question was accompanied by Mary's signature giggle. It was now or never.
“No money. Just permission to spend a sexy hour or two with Katie.” I tried to say it with humour in my voice in case she took exception to the idea.
She looked intently at me. “I thought we’d discussed this? I said she’s a big girl; it’s up to her. I’m not silly enough to think I’m your sole partner. It’s not that sort of arrangement, is it? Has she said something?”
I told her about our conversation at the stables.
“Then enjoy it. Not tonight though I haven’t finished with you yet! Time you undressed. My fist has an appointment with your pussy!”
I was so relieved and happy with her first comment I didn’t take in her last; just undressed as she’d said and lay on the bed.
Her hand clamped over my pussy, she pushed hard and rubbed her palm roughly against my lips. She was taking revenge on the ‘man’ who’d just molested her. I was Simon. That was obvious. Less obvious was whether I’d enjoy it. I was wet enough. My violation of my friend had produced an effect on me. A surprising effect but introspection would wait. She now had two fingers fucking me. Her head was at my tits doing what I had done to her. My nipples were solid. Her teeth clamped on one as hard as Jane’s nipple clamp all those weeks ago. She flicked her tongue over it at the same time multiplying the feeling. A third finger joined the other two. I widened my legs to ease access. I already had an orgasm building. If she wanted her fist in me now was the time. She did. I did! She corkscrewed her hand back and forth. I tried to relax my muscles to help her. No need. The ridge of her knuckles entered me. Sent me over the edge. Oh my god! It wasn’t as dramatic an orgasm as Mary’s. I doubted I’d ever see one so powerful again, but it was satisfying. Oh so satisfying.
Time for a break. Time to prepare for Simon’s call.
We had a quick tidy-up in case he demanded a video call again. Threw the duvet over the bed and snuggled up together under it waiting for the minutes to tick by.
The clock struck ten (metaphorically) Mary's phone rang (literally).
“Hello, darling.”
“Yes. As usual. Want to see?”
“Oh, I’m trusted am I?” Quite an angry tone from Mary.
“Really? Perhaps we should go to video. You can show me your room. Make sure you haven’t got some young bimbo with you.” The angry tone had notched up.
“Well, how do you think it made me feel?”
It was weird only listening to one side of the conversation but being certain I knew what Simon was saying.
“She’s downstairs.”
“Why?” Now I didn’t know what he was saying.
“Very well.” Mary put a finger to her lips for silence, got off the bed and threw the duvet into the corner, went to the door and called out, “Katie, your father wants a word.” I made a sign at Mary asking if she wanted me to disappear into the en-suite. She shook her head. Katie appeared at the door her eyes visibly widening when she saw me lying there naked. Her mother handed her the phone and said loudly, ensuring Simon could hear, “Your father wants your confirmation I’m not having an orgy.” She said it in a flat monotone. Katie looked confused.
“Hello, Dad. What’s up?”
“No. No, she’s not. Of course she’s not! Why would you even think that?”
“Oh, Dad for god's sake. Lighten up.”
“Yes. See you tomorrow. Bye.” She hung up. “God mum, he’s getting worse.”
“Yes, but thank you for that.”
“Why? Wasn’t a lie was it? Don’t you need lots of people for an orgy?” We all laughed.
“Now there’s an idea,” Mary exclaimed, “want to stay?”
“What?” Katie’s eyes got wider. I wasn’t sure I’d heard correctly. “Me, you, and Tracy? Mum! That’s… that's…”
“An exciting thought?” I offered.
“No. It’s not, well yes it is, but that wasn’t what I was going to say. Isn’t it incest?”
They both looked at me for some reason. “I doubt it, especially if you only play with me and not each other. But that’s hardly the point is it?” I desperately wanted this to happen, but only if they were both totally comfortable with the idea. “If you think it’s wrong, don’t do it.” The ball was firmly with them. I opened my legs a little, not trying to influence anyone you understand!
Mary broke the silence, addressing her daughter. “I’ve had fun tonight, I could go and you could stay with Tracy?”
“Shit. I don’t know. This is so weird.”
“Leave it,” I said. “You know I’m ready whenever you are.” She stood there sheepishly looking a lot younger than her years, desperately wanting to do it, I thought, but unable to come to terms with it. Whether that was because of her mother or me and my age I couldn’t tell.
“Okay, I’ll pass-for now.” She turned and went to her bedroom. Shit. But then I was glad I hadn’t pushed it.
Mary came and sat on the bed. “Sorry. Probably my fault.”
“No, let it take its course. What on earth was Simon doing?”
“Being Simon. He’ll probably get me to show him under the bed next week.”
“Is he getting worse?”
“Since you turned up yes.”
“Oh god, I’m sorry.”
“I’m not. I know I was in a state earlier, but honestly, I’d rather put up with him like this and have you once a week than go back to how I was.”
We kissed. Tenderly to start, but that didn’t last long. I’d had a long few days at work and thought I was tired, but I needed what followed. I’d needed what proceeded it too, but the subsequent lovemaking was outstanding. I don’t like using the word lovemaking. There was no love there. Just pure unadulterated sex, but this time gentler, more measured. More kissing mouths and pussies. A gorgeous interlude of rubbing our clits together and finally a mutual fingering to completion.
I had wondered, hoped, that Katie might reappear but unfortunately no.
I was staying the night again, but explained to Mary I’d need to be away early due to work commitments. She understood and let me sleep through without the gorgeous interruptions of last week. I just hope Katie comes through.