Lizzie’s Dare 4

The tea turned out to be coffee even though the last thing we needed was caffeine. I must have looked a sight with my crumpled clothes and…

Lizzie’s Dare 4

The tea turned out to be coffee even though the last thing we needed was caffeine. I must have looked a sight with my crumpled clothes and laddered stocking. I had thought of taking them off (the stockings, not all my clothes, but now you mention it…) but it was a turn on, a medal of honour. Chris was not much better with a very visible stain on his trousers but he didn’t seem to be concerned.

We took our gigantic latte, cappuccino, and mocha to a quiet table to reflect on the day. I had so many questions.

“Okay, you guys, come clean. What have you been up to that got you to happily do what we’ve just done?”

Lizzie replied but simply pushed the ball back over the net to Chris.

“You tell her Chris. It was all your doing.” She said it in an admiring tone.

“Okay, short or long version?”

“Long, it’s a big cup of coffee.”

“Right. This might be a bit crude but after today I doubt I’m upsetting any sensibilities even in my demure wife.” He bent over and they kissed. A long hard sensual kiss. Totally devoid of embarrassment. Beautiful.

When they broke he continued.

“After our last excursion with you, we were on heat for days. I can’t recall being that sexed up even on our honeymoon. We didn’t discuss it much. Just went at each other like rabbits. God knows what John thought, I’m sure he must have heard something..(or even watched I thought.)

“Anyway after we calmed down enough to have a rational discussion we decided we’d try things on our own to see what it was that was turning us on. Neither of us could decide if it was the flashing, the sex in the car, or either or both, or just because you were there. It was fun eliminating them!” Lizzie gave him a playful punch on the arm while I kept quiet excited to hear what they did.

“We started with the flashing. Nothing as outrageous as with you, a bit of a leg show in a pub that’s all, I lifted Lizzie’s skirt, gave a quick view of her knicks, that’s about all, but it did work. We were both excited by it. Then we took off in the car and parked up and Lizzie stripped off. That worked too! Big time. Made us both as horny as hell and that led to sex in the car. That worked too! So we knew we didn’t need you — shit! I didn’t mean that how it sounds!…”

I smiled sweetly and said I understood. I didn’t want to stop his flow.

“What I meant was it showed we were getting turned on by the flashing and sex as well as doing both in front of you. So we decided to do what we’ve done today and see if that was sexier or not.”

“And?” I asked eagerly. Lizzie intervened.

“I can’t speak for this hunk here,” she blew Chris a kiss and squeezed his thigh, “but my hormones have had the time of their life. She took her hand off her husband's thigh and sniffed it. “Mm, perhaps I can speak for him.” She held her hand out for me to smell. The faintest aroma of sex. His semen stained trousers! “I know I keep calling you a witch but you’re definitely a white witch. I don’t think we’ve been this content or horny in years.”

“Glad to be of service,” I replied but I desperately wanted to know more. “Any thoughts where this might lead?” I certainly felt Chris wanted more but I wasn’t sure about Lizzie and wanted to find out before I pushed further.

“How do you mean?” asked Lizzie.

“Well, for example. Our driver friend, locked out. Would you let him in?”

“No way!” An emphatic denial.

“Not even for a quick grope of your tits.”

“No.” But not denied so forcefully and with the smallest of hesitations.

“How about a group of guys locked out like him?”

She glanced at her husband then responded, “that’d be okay.”

That was interesting news. As I said in my earlier blog I love the idea of dogging but would be too nervous to try on my own. With these two perhaps it was a possibility.

“What about the female aspect? Would you do what you do with me with other women?” All my questions were directed at Lizzie. I had little doubt what Chris’s responses would have been.

“I’m really comfortable doing things with you and you know I’ve never been with other women. I don’t know. I think if it just developed, you know we were having a drink and it got sexy I’d let it happen. Not sure at the moment I could just start playing with another woman.” I’ll put Mary on standby!

Now for the jackpot question. “What about Chris? Are you happy for him to have a bit of fun too?”

She held up her hand again for me to sniff, “I think he did!” Was she being naive or deliberately missing my point?

“Ha, yes but I meant actually join in?”

“Of course. He fucked me in the car park with you and we did it in a lay-by on our own.”

Now I was certain she was deflecting. Avoiding answering because she didn’t want to admit what? She wanted the fun but not to allow him? She did want him to have fun but was frightened where it might lead? Chris didn’t say anything. I took his part. Good knows why after all he’s a man and I have a man phobia. Don’t I?

Anyway, I asked, “Would him joining in today have been a problem for you?” She didn’t come back at me saying she didn’t have a problem with him joining in which spoke volumes but said, “That’s what happened last time isn’t it?”

“Not quite, last time I was an onlooker. If he’d joined in this time it would have been a sort of threesome.”

They exchanged glances, each looking to see if they could read their partner's mind I guessed.

“Oh sod this. Why beat about the bush? Yes, we discussed Chris joining in. Hardly surprising but he didn’t have a problem with it. I did, but that’s totally unfair, isn’t it? After all, I’m having fun with another person.”

Suddenly I changed sides. “Yes but it’s same sex. For things to be equal Chris would have to go with a bloke.”

What had been becoming a bit of a heavy conversation suddenly became farcical. Lizzie nearly spat her coffee out and burst into laughter. So much so people at other tables looked around at us. She looked at her husband and dissolved in laughter again. When she eventually got control back she said through tears, “yep, I can really see that. So sexy.” And she was off again. Which was great. I wanted her thinking this was preposterous. I can be a duplicitous bitch at times. You’ll see where I’m heading in a bit.

I kept a broad smile on my face too. Keep it light Trace. Keep it light.

“Me too. What do you think? Find him a BBC to do it with?” I had to explain that to her! After I had her reaction was more laughter and “why only one? He could have a double ender or whatever they’re called.”

“Two would be good,” I replied, “After they’d had fun with Chris we could have one each.” I held my breath.

“Oh wow yes. What I wouldn’t give to have nine inches pushed in!”

Bingo! She was roaring her head off not taking it seriously but that was perfect.

“That’d be fair wouldn’t it Chris? You suck off a couple of black guys then you fuck me while they fuck Lizzie?”.

Now guys that scenario paints a most appealing orgy I’m sure. I had no idea if it had the remotest chance of happening because of two major obstacles. First, would Chris entertain such a thing, and second could I entertain the thought of him fucking me? At that moment I wasn’t bothered with discussing it with myself. It was too many fences down the course. I’d worry about it if I cleared the others.

The huge incentive for Chris was that he’d get to see his wife fucked and I was sure that was a major craving. Whether fucking me was high on his list didn’t bother me. I could always play a substitute. Mary or Carol or perhaps Katie if she was home and he wanted something younger.

My how the human mind can cover so much ground in nanoseconds.

His response was not long in coming. “Shit I’ve never touched men. Be fucking horny though with you two watching. I think you deserve a treat so if that’s what you want, yeah, I’ll do it.”Lizzie looked at him incredulously. “You would? You really would suck off another bloke?”

“Yeah, why not if it turned you on.”

“I don’t know if it would though. I’ve never even thought about it.” She turned to me. “What about you Trace? Would it turn you on?”

“I’m deviant. I’m debauched. I love anything sexual as you’ve probably realised. Well almost everything, so yes I think it would. Not that I’ve ever seen it in real life.”

“I’m not sure I’ve even seen it online. Tell you what, I’ll do some research” she put air quotes around the word, “and get back to you.”

I wasn’t going to push it, they’d ventured further down my rabbit hole than I’d thought likely. I’d let them come to their own conclusion. I did though have one other thing I wanted to try and push.

“Ever thought of taking some piccies of our adventures? Be a grand memory.”

“We did,” responded Lizzie, “when we went out on our own. We didn’t think you’d want photos of you though, given your job.”

That put me in a quandary. I so wanted to tell them about my Twitter account and how much you guys would love to see her but there’s the John situation so I had to rather fudge the truth.

“No, true but I’d love some of you. Something I could use to bring myself off!” I said with a smile and a wink.

“Really? It’s quite horny,” she said, “thinking of someone getting hot over my photos.”

“Well, if you want that, I have a couple of friends who would love to see them too. I’ve trusted them with some ‘personal’ ones of me, they wouldn’t go any further.”

Lizzie looked interested but asked Chris.

“Oh yeah, as far as I’m concerned I’d love to think of people drooling over you. Are they men or women friends?”

“Both,” I replied truthfully.

“You’re sure they can be trusted?”


“Okay,” said Lizzie excitedly, “we’ll sort a few out and send them over to you.”

“Thanks. I’ll look forward to that.”

The conversation had left me slightly puzzled about Chris’s secrecy in the car earlier when he’d videos Lizzie changing, but I left it alone. I’d get some photos and I had permission to share them with you lot and hadn’t had to reveal my secret. But I would. I was certain they would be going further on this journey but softly softly!