Lizzie’s Dare

Lizzie and Chris turned up at 11.00 am to pick me up. I was still none the wiser as to what Chris had dared Lizzie to do, but I didn’t need…

Lizzie’s Dare

Lizzie and Chris turned up at 11.00 am to pick me up. I was still none the wiser as to what Chris had dared Lizzie to do, but I didn’t need to be a genius to deduce it would be something sexy so I dressed accordingly.

When she’d phoned me a couple of days earlier I’d tried to get her to tell me what her husband wanted but she’d insisted she couldn’t. “He said I can only invite you along on condition I don’t tell you. I think he might be worried you’ll try to talk me out of it.”

Talk her out of it? If it was something sexy can you see me trying to do that? No, nor can I.

I was a bit surprised to see Lizzie sitting in the back when I got to the car. The rear door was open so I was evidently meant to join her.

We cheek kissed and I said hello to Chris who smiled at me via the mirror.

“So where are we off to and what’s the plan,” I asked.

Chris replied, “Nowhere in particular and no plan, just a goal.” The smile remained on his face and he was clearly loving the teasing. It was interesting that they were both comfortable enough in my company to be so laid back. At least Chris was. In Lizzie, I detected some nervousness. The two combined reactions made me feel horny and I was certain we were going to have fun.

After our last meeting which ended up with Chris fucking his wife on the backseat in a pub car park while she fingered me I thought anything was possible. I hoped I was right.

We started off and Lizzie delved into her bag and gave me a small package wrapped in tissue. “Yours I think,” she said with a twinkle, “Chris has looked after them, kept them under his pillow at night.” Chris’s eyes flashed to the mirror, “That’s not true,” he said in a mock stern tone. “Well if they weren’t under your pillow they must have been around your cock!” his wife retorted.

I opened the package. My knickers from our last encounter. The ones Lizzie had taken off me in the back of the car and encouraged Chris to wank into. He hadn’t because I’d suggested the greater prize of fucking his wife in the pub car park but I wondered if he had since. I put them to my nose and sniffed although it was obvious they’d been washed.

“I can’t smell him, shame.” The remark brought an open-mouthed stare but no comment from Lizzie as I re-wrapped them and put them in my own bag.

Chris drove while Lizzie and I chatted. I told her about some of my recent adventures although I kept things somewhat censored. Even though we’d ended up last time being pretty much hardcore I still wasn’t sure they were ready for my uncensored adventures. That view would change during the day.

I hoped my tale telling would encourage her to open up but all she said on that front was “Chris and I have had a fun few weeks too.” No further detail was offered. So I decided to see if she was still happy to play. I couldn’t believe she wasn’t considering what they seemed to have planned but I wanted to make sure.

By the time we arrived at our destination I’d confirmed Lizzie was more than willing to indulge in some mutual masturbation to pass the time! The destination we had arrived at was a car park attached to a country park. There were a scattering of cars around and a few people wandering the paths.

“Okay Lizzie time for action,” announced Chris, “You need to change. Go to the boot and put on that black set of underwear.”

I had been surprised by her wardrobe when I’d got in the car. A sloppy jumper and trousers. Not sexy in the slightest but this changing in public was obviously planned.

“It’s a bit chilly,” protested Lizzie.

“Best be quick then,” retorted her husband, “Besides it will make your nipples nice and firm.”

“They already are thanks to Tracy,” she replied, but got out, went to the back of the car, raised the rear door, and rummaged in her case for the outfit Chris had stipulated. He looked at me, put a finger to his mouth in a ‘shh’ motion, got his phone out, and started photographing his wife through the rear hatch.

Woohoo! This was a real bonus. I had no idea if he’d be willing to share but the fact he was even taking photos was a positive move. I had hopes I might get to be able to show you guys what she looks like.

The change in attitude of these two was surprising. Lizzie showed no signs of nervousness standing out in this public car park, pulling her jumper off, removing her bra, showing her boobs and underwear to any interested parties. On that score, we weren’t exactly being bowled over by football sized crowds but there were enough people drifting close by to make it interesting and keep Lizzie checking around. The view from inside the car was horny, her tits dangling free of her bra as she found the black one Chris wanted.

If I’d been sitting next to Chris I have a feeling my hands may have wandered. What would his reaction have been? Positive, I suspect but I wouldn’t be touching him without Lizzie’s blessing. Fucking one man in her family without her knowledge was quite sufficient!

As she finished dressing Chris pointed out to me a couple on the path a hundred metres away, on course to walk right past the car. He simply said to me, “Over to you,” as my friend got back in next to me.

He had pocketed his phone which was a shame as I’d hoped he’d be recording everything during the day but it looked as if Lizzie didn’t know he was taking snaps and video.

Never mind, enjoy the moment I told myself. So I did. As she clambered into the car I pushed my hand up her skirt between her legs. She issued a little scream and admonished me. “Tracy, there’s people coming.”

“Quite,” I replied. As she sat down she trapped my hand but it proved her admonishment was window dressing. I could feel her squirming on my hand to get more sensation. I helped as best I could and with my other hand undid her blouse and clamped a hand on her bra encased tit. Even though she’d just undressed in public I still didn’t want to push too far too fast. Oh, how behind the curve I was!

That’s when the couple walked by. I love seeing people's reactions. I was frustrated it wasn’t me they were gawping at but nevertheless, it was a turn-on. Lizzie was lucky (or unlucky depending on your viewpoint) that she only had her blouse open and bra on display when they got level with the car. I won’t repeat the woman’s words but you could tell she was jealous. (I jest. She said something to the effect of not expecting sluts like that to be out before dark). The man slowed his pace. His eyes locked on my hand massaging Lizzie’s tit. I pulled her bra down as a pressie for him. Just in time! His wife slapped his arm and yelled, “Dean, you pervert. Move!”

As far as I could remember that was the first time Lizzie had been on the receiving end of such derogatory remarks and I wanted to take her mind off them in case they upset her. I kissed her hard.

I needn’t have worried. When we broke she said, “Mm that’s nice, you should have been doing that when that silly woman walked by.”

Chris wasn’t phased by the couple’s intervention. If I were a betting person I’d have wagered his wife being called a slut by a stranger turned him on, the clue being his hand firmly clamped over his bulge. He did though decide we best move and try something else.

Within a quarter of a mile of the car park, we were in town with its stop-start traffic. Action on the back seat was not stop-start. As soon as we moved off I found her tits again and her hand was soon busy up my skirt. Both being more or less fully dressed we weren’t revealing anything other than the occasional glimpse of nipple, but anyone looking in the car window would have watched an interesting scene playing out.

Our concentration was on each other but I was aware of outside noises. The chatter of pedestrians. Traffic, stop starting. The general clatter of town. By the end of the high street, we had both come. Neither tumultuous, but both giving an indication of what was to come.

If you want to catch up on my adventures to date, you’ll find the list of all 129 blogs here:

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