Lizzie ventures to the Wild Side
If you want to catch up on my adventures to date you’ll find the list of all 113 blogs here:

If you want to catch up on my adventures to date you’ll find the list of all 113 blogs here:
We are going to have to change the night I meet with Lizzie and Chris. Going out on a Thursday means the following day is a Friday, a work day, and if the evenings continue to be like this last one my enthusiasm for getting up and going to the office will be severally depleted.
Chris and Lizzie picked me up and as Chris was happy to stay alcohol free we decided it would make a change to drive out to a country pub and see what that brought in the way of an audience.
First impressions were not encouraging. We walked into an almost empty bar. There was a scattering of people in the restaurant area but only three customers in the bar itself. One old man sitting up at the bar and a middle aged couple at one of the tables.
Chris went to the bar for the drinks while Lizzie and I chose a table that gave us a view of the whole bar should it get busy.
We hadn’t discussed the previous week while in the car. I thought it safer Chris concentrated on his driving, so once we were all settled I asked how he had reacted to Lizzie’s report. “I assume she showed you the photo of me at the bar?”
“Oh yes! What a show! But Lizzie said the barman was the only one to see it.”
“Unfortunately yes, the three guys in the bar missed it but they didn’t miss Lizzie’s consolation prize.”
“So she said!”
“She was a real sport doing that.”
“Sport? It was your constant badgering.” Lizzie interjected.
“Oh come on. You know you desperately wanted to do it and just needed a slight push.”
Her response was simply a “humph” but there was a sparkle was in her eye.
Before we got too far into the evening though, I wanted to clear a niggle I had. I hadn’t heard from John. Now I’m not saying I’m the sexiest, most desirable woman on the planet, or even in Suffolk come to that, but I was surprised that he hadn’t wanted to come round for some more ‘revision’ help. The niggle was that Chris and Lizzie suspected something and wanted to nip it in the bud. Judging by their attitude towards me it seemed unlikely but I needed to know. I steered the conversation around to John and asked, “Is he going okay this term with his studies? I thought he might need some further help?“
“That’s really good of you to ask. In fact, he did say to me the other day he wanted to see you but I told him no.”
My heart sank. She did suspect something.
“He’s taken up too much of your time. I told him you had better things to do on your weekends than pour over dull technical books with him.” Perhaps , but I didn’t have better things to do than spend Saturday afternoon fucking like a rabbit with a horny nineteen year old! My initial reaction though was relief. She didn’t suspect. However, I needed to convince her he wasn’t a burden.
“Don’t worry about that it’s good for me. Gives me a chance to exercise underused bits.” I hoped they’d assume I meant my brain.
“Well, if you’re sure.”
“Definitely, tell him he’s welcome any time.”
We left it at that and the conversation moved to our plans for the evening.
No further customers had arrived but I decided to utilise the absence of people to encourage Elizabeth, and perhaps Chris, to go further. Ha! Further. I’d talked poor Lizzie into doing an imitation of a can-can dancer in front of three young men last time. How far was ‘further’?
Given we weren’t driving I thought it might be best to wait until Lizzie had consumed a glass or two before suggesting anything too outrageous. But then again…
The easiest way to start was to ask, “I assume you’re wearing stockings again?” She laughed. “Indeed, Another present from my not very secret admirer.” She turned and gave Chris a kiss on the cheek.
“I thought kissing in public embarrassed you?” I asked.
“You are joking? After last week? And I’d hardly call that a kiss.”
“You’re right. Show me a proper one.” I demanded.
Her eyes widened. “Here? Now?”
“Yes, right in the midst of this tumultuous crowd.” I waved my arm around the room. The old man at the bar was sitting square on, both elbows on the bar, his back firmly to us. The couple were both typing away on their phones. The barman was nowhere to be seen. “Make them jealous.”
Chris looked happy at the idea. Lizzie was weighing up her options or perhaps wondering what devious plans I had to lead on from this. They were sitting side by side and I was at the end of the table.
“Okay,” she said in a tone that said it wasn’t a big deal and in a lot of ways it wasn’t. But for Lizzie it was, like Mary's tumultuous day with Charles, although hardly of the same epic level.
She turned her head to Chris and he bent his forward. It didn’t take long before where they were became irrelevant. Their love for each other was evident. I’m not going all lovey, just saying that the kiss was clearly a loving kiss as well as a sexual one.
I had plans, but wanted the kiss to start their juices flowing, so left them alone. Just as I was about to make a move on Lizzie they broke. By the look on her face, I would have bet my house on her having at least damp if not wet knickers and Chris stretching his boxers to their limit. I may have missed my opportunity, but It didn’t matter. Life was about to get interesting.
“See? The sky hadn’t fallen in. The hoards haven’t thrown a tantrum and you’re now both as horny as hell. Am I right?” Chris did a passable impression of a nodding dog on the back shelf of a car. Lizzie bent her head close to mine and hissed, “You know you’re right, damn you! And now you’re corrupting Chris too.”
“I hope so,” I replied smiling. She was staring intently into my eyes and didn’t seem to notice my hand on her knee so I moved it slowly up her leg and said. “How about a little peck for me?”
We had kissed before but never what I would call passionately. There was a flicker of doubt in her mind. She shot a glance over her shoulder at Chris who simply smiled back. I took that as permission as I leaned in. Our lips met. She was more responsive than I’d expected. I didn’t open my mouth, I’d gauge her reaction first as I recalled my first sexy kiss with another woman. In the back of her car. Totally naive. Remembered how it had sent shock waves — pleasurable shock waves — through my body. How it had changed my life. I hoped the effect with Lizzie would be similar.
I felt her lips part. A fraction of a millimetre perhaps. I took it as a signal opened mine and let my tongue loose. It was received as a friendly invader. My hand was now over her stocking top. Touching her knickers. Much fuller than last week's thong. Another present. A demonstration of his immersion into this game. My fingers inched under them. Touched her lips. Well damp.
I could have gone on with the kiss. I could have gone on fingering her. But I’d noticed Chris over her shoulder. It’s difficult to describe his expression. The one I’d assumed I’d see was lust. The one I saw I’d describe as jealousy. Given that he’d just been doing the exact same thing to his wife (minus the fingering) my thinking was that he must be jealous of what Lizzie was doing to me. If that were the case I had to ask myself what my reaction was and I couldn’t decide.
It made me feel good knowing a real live man fancied me, but I was ever mindful of Lizzie’s comments early on, about a friend of hers coming on to Chris. Perhaps time for a serious talk. I broke the kiss and pulled my hand out. She looked a bit surprised.
“We need to talk,” I said.
“What about?” she asked.
“I need to know where I stand. What you two have talked about. Where your limits are. With me, with you, and with Chris. Have you talked about Chris getting involved?”
She looked at Chris, then back to me. “Yes, we have. Chris has given me carte blanche. If I’m happy, he doesn’t mind what I do with you or him while we are out.”
“And Chris?”
“How do you mean?” That sounded as though they hadn’t thought Chris would play an active part.
“Is Chris off limits? Do you not want me to touch him or him me? It’s perfectly fine if that’s the case, I just don’t want to overstep the mark.”
Lizzie actually blushed.
“Oh. Yes well, we had discussed it, but we’re unsure where we wanted the line drawn.” She continued blushing and Chris reached out and held her hand and said, “This is such a huge step for us Tracy. You know a month or so back we’d never been involved in anything remotely like this and now…
“Look I’m sure you know how it is. In bed talking about it, playing with each other being sexy we’d love to both do anything. But chatting about it over breakfast things look very different. Are you okay with me just looking?”
“Of course I am. I’m only asking so I don’t go trying to grab your cock and wank you off to find it lands you in the divorce court and me in hospital.” I’d managed to inject some humour into my statement and they both smiled, a look of relief on both faces. If the truth be known I’m sure Chris would happily let me have a fondle or more but then that’s men and I fully appreciated Lizzie’s misgivings of going that next step.
“Okay,” I said, “where were we?”
I didn’t wait for an answer, but pushed my hand back up Lizzie’s skirt and asked. “Are you wearing red again?”
“Er, no. My not so secret admirer actually bough me two sets and I think I decided on the white set tonight.”
“Best check then, if you’re not sure.” I raised her skirt to have a look. Stunningly sexy!
“I admire his taste. They look exquisite. I’ll try not to rip them taking them off.”
More laughs. They thought I was joking.
I looked around the bar again. The old boy hadn’t moved. The couple were now in conversation with each other rather than their phones and a couple of men who looked as though they’d been to the gym were now also standing at the bar. Enough people to make it feel exciting for Lizzie. Few enough for her to not feel intimidated.
“Okay, here we go.” I swivelled round so I could get a hand up both thighs and I had a grasp of her knickers before it dawned on her what I was doing.
“What! No! Hey no!” She was trying not to make too much commotion as she attempted to stop me and get my hands out from up her skirt. “Tracy!” she hissed, “No!” But I could tell she didn’t mean it. There was a lack of effort in trying to push my hands down. In addition to which she was shuffling about in her chair in such a way that helped the knickers come off under her bum
Then they were free. I pushed them down to her ankles and she lifted a foot, in turn, to allow me to remove them. I laid them out on the table and she went to pick them up. I stopped her. “No, leave them. They’re so pretty. Be a shame to hide them.”
“God Tracy, you really are the limit. I don’t know why I come out with you.”
“Yes you do. I’ve stopped your life being dull.”
“Huh, that’s for sure.”
Chris had been sitting quietly watching this and I could see he was (or parts of him were) getting excited.
I dearly wanted my hand up her skirt and in her hole but held back and said, “Come on Chris, she needs your reassuring touch.”
He didn’t hesitate. It seems I had been elected Captain and no one took decisions without my say so.
His fingers found the right spot, but then he’d had years of practice. Lizzie leant back in her chair and closed her eyes. I looked around the bar. One of the gym men had a view of us, but didn’t appear to have noticed anything. That needed changing. No way was Lizzie in a position to stop. From her expression and breathing, she was close to orgasm. I helped it along the way by planting a hand on her breast and massaging it. The action wouldn’t have been hidden by the table as Chris’s hand was.
She’d arrived. Her hands grasped the edge of the table. Her eyes opened wide. Her mouth gaped giving room for a shriek to escape, but she kept a lid on it. Somehow. Her body trembled and I could hear that delicious squishy noise from her pussy as Chris’s fingers still worked her. Her eyes widened more. She looked at me. A huge sigh escaped which seemed to deflate her body. “My god. Why did that feel so good?” It could have been a rhetorical question but I answered it anyway. “Because it happened in public. Who knows who saw? Who knows what they think? Welcome to the wild side!
Part 2 follows