Lizzie takes charge
My sex life is suffering from my workload and so is this blog. I need sex to relieve the stresses of work and writing about it lets me…

My sex life is suffering from my workload and so is this blog. I need sex to relieve the stresses of work and writing about it lets me relive the events. The problem is it also takes time and effort. I hope you’ll forgive me these gaps. I’ll do my best to keep you up to date but I don’t want to start posting drivel and writing these blogs with the editing and everything takes time. Time I love, but time I sometimes can’t find. Anyway, hopefully recounting my evening out with Lizzie will be worth waiting for. Oh, and there’s a video of her too!
When we’d fixed our meet, I wasn’t sure if Chris would be there or if it was going to be a girly evening, not that it bothered me either way. We’d arranged a pub and time and I found them both at a table in the garden.
“I’ve brought Chris along for protection,” Lizzie announced after we’d said hello and Chris had disappeared to get me a drink.
“Protection? From what?” I asked.
“You, you witch! Every time I go out with you you end up making me do obscene things.” I thought the smile on her face probably confirmed she didn’t mind doing obscene things!
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I replied trying to keep a straight face, “what would you like to do then? Go and feed the ducks? See if we can find The Sound of Music on DVD? Or do some flashing?”
“See? There you go.” But as she said it she crossed her legs exaggeratedly. I raised my eyebrows. “Actually,” she said, “I’ve brought him along so I can have a few shots of vodka and he can drive me home after. I need the alcohol to relax me to do what he wants me to do.”
“And that is?”
“Let’s chat first. I’ll tell you when I have the confidence or have drunk enough to know I’ll do it.”
“Whatever it is you want to do it, do you? You’re not being coerced into it by Chris?” An alarm bell had gone off in my head. My memory going back to my marriage and how I’d needed alcohol to survive aspects of that, but she laughed. “Chris? Coercive? No way. No. I desperately want to do it, but I need a bit of bottled courage.”
This was exciting. Whatever it was, it sounded as though her boundaries were going to be pushed. I wondered if mine would too.
Chris returned with my drink. “Your wife is being very mysterious about what we’re doing this evening. Will you tell me?” I asked.
“What? And incur her wrath. No way. I’ll just say I think you’ll approve.”
“Okay,” I said, “so until such time what are we going to do?”
“Get in the mood,” Lizzie announced, uncrossed her legs, and left them a very unladylike distance apart. Chris has taken some video of me.” It was exciting that Lizzie was doing this off her own back, no pressure from the Witch!
“Mm. Love your knickers, can I have a closer look?”
Lizzie looked around the garden. We were quite early, so only a couple of other tables were occupied. Apart from that there was just a man tending to a flower border close by.
“Certainly,” came back the reply, “they’ve been off already and as long as I get to see yours.”
I had my back to the occupied tables, which was a shame, but was facing the gardener. Hopefully, he’d glance up. I raised my bum slightly and pulled my skirt hem up as far as I could, so I was barely sitting on it.
“Pretty,” she said. Our conversation moved on while we sat like that. Me with my skirt around my waist, her with her knees a foot or so apart. Enough exposure to get us both feeling sexy. I’m sure the gardener noticed. He seemed intent on weeding close by anyway!
“Had any more thoughts about our inter-family orgy?” I asked to keep the conversation sexy. For those of you not up to speed, the last time we’d met I’d suggested a gang bang with Chris fucking my daughter Kaz, her partner doing Lizzie, and me being fucked by her son. Or at least that was how I wanted it to go down.
She looked at Chris, a little guiltily, I thought. “Yes, and I’m ashamed to say we are both desperate for it to happen but, and it’s quite a big but, I’m still not sure I can do it in front of John.”
“I thought we’d talked about this and that I doubted he’d have any problems with it.” (I knew for sure he wouldn’t!)
“Yes. It’s not him. It’s me.”
“Why? His age or because he’s your son?”
“Both I guess.”
“Okay, so what about my idea of finding one of his friends to practice on first? At least get that aspect out of the way?” Honestly! Can you believe this conversation? We were talking as if it was an everyday minor problem we were resolving. Underneath though the idea was dampening my nether regions. My thoughts were skipping ahead. Lizzie and I getting gangbanged by a group of John’s college mates. Could I cope? I thought so.
Again, an exchange of glances. “Yes, we had thought along those lines too, but we’d agreed when you first got me into this that we’d only do things together and we’re not sure a young man would want Chris sitting in the corner watching.”
“Mm, I could see that being an issue. Let me think about it. Anyway, ready to tell me about this evening yet” She smiled and glanced around again. “After I’ve taken my knickers off. That should get me in the mood.”
So she did. Take her knickers off. And it did get us both in the mood. She still sat with her knees wide apart. So confident now. Brilliant.
I looked at Chris, reached across to him under the table, and felt his groin.
“Getting excited are we?” His cock was certainly not flaccid.
“Naturally,” came back the reply. I took a quick look around the garden. Three tables occupied all with groups intent on their own bubble. The gardener had gone. I could see people in the bar through the window, though. Why not? I thought. Let’s see how brazen Lizzie is.
“Then why not do her now?”
“What fuck? Here? Now?” came back the incredulous reply.
“Why not? She could sit on your lap. Wouldn’t show much. Just don’t bounce too much.” I jokingly said in case they didn’t want to do it, but my, the idea was making me leak. Especially as I had an idea how I could join in. But it didn’t quite work out as I planned.
Lizzie looked unsure but Chris said “I’m game.”
“No surprise there lover boy, but I’m not sure,” replied his wife, “it really is a bit public.”
“No surprise there lover boy but I’m not sure,” replied his wife, “it really is a bit public.” Then she held her finger up in a theatrical lightbulb moment. “I know. Witch — you do it!”
“Me? You know I don’t do men.”
“I know that, but I’ve decided it's time you did. You’re a big girl now. Come on. On his lap!”
I protested. With vigour. I didn’t think I could, I told myself. I knew I couldn’t but Lizzie was persistent. “Come on! Look it’s not like it's going to be an all guns blazing fuck, is it? You said yourself no bouncing. It’ll be like having a dildo up there. And anyway, if Chris looks like he’s enjoying it too much I’ll smack him one.” She’d said it with a broad smile and I knew she had a point. Doing it in the open in a pub garden was going to constrain things and I had to ask myself exactly what it was I had objections to. The answer to that was simple. I had to have control. To know when I said stop the man would stop. No ifs no buts. This scenario was high on perfect to ensure that was the case. I looked at Chris. He had that schoolboy on Christmas morning look again. I felt a tingle. A feeling that hadn’t been produced by the thought of imminent sex with a man (over twenty!) for a decade or more. I found myself saying, “Okay.”
“You are okay with this? I’ll not do it if you don’t want me to.” I added to Lizzie. At the back of my mind, I was praying she’d say no she didn’t want me to but she leaned across and kissed me full on the lips. “Don’t be stupid. Of course, I’m happy for you to do it. Witch.”
So I did.
Part 2 to follow. For those of you who have so kindly bought me a coffee there’s a x minute video of Lizzie taking her knickers off and revealing everything. Link will be emailed. If you’d like to buy me a coffee click here: