Lizzie 3 Tracy 1 — But what a game!

Chris’s hand was busy keeping his wife hot when I returned to the table. An encouraging sign.

Lizzie 3 Tracy 1 — But what a game!
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Chris’s hand was busy keeping his wife hot when I returned to the table. An encouraging sign.

“What were you asking them?” Lizzie enquired.

“Whether they wanted to join us for a closer look.” I put her knickers back on the table. Her eyes widened.

“You didn’t show them those did you?”

“Yes. I thought a close-up might bring them running.”

“Oh my god! That’s so embarrassing!”

“Why? Think about it. They, or at least the old man, saw me take them off you, watched Chris frig you, enjoyed watching you cum and you’ve admitted you got a buzz from that. Why would giving them a close-up of what I took off be any more embarrassing?”

She thought for a minute, took a gulp of her wine, and replied, “Witch! I suppose you’re right. Are they coming?” Her tone was hopeful.

“‘Fraid not. I think they thought I was selling something.” Lizzie looked blank for a second, then laughed. “Oh, dear.”

While we chatted, I noticed Chris had stopped fingering his wife, but his hand was still resting high on her thigh, exposing everything to the world. Unfortunately, the world wasn’t looking.

I was though, and I was getting desperate for action, so decided to be blunt. But Chris beat me to it. “Poor Trace, you’ve not had much of an evening, have you? From what I’m feeling, my wife’s still excited. What say you we go somewhere where you two can enjoy each other?”

I looked at Chris. I couldn’t quite believe what I’d heard him say, but I suppose it followed on from his dare to Lizzie to do whatever I asked. He was enjoying his wife’s display and she’d said she was enjoying the thrill of being led into these things. It made sense. In any case, I wasn’t going to say no.

“Let’s,” I said and stood up. They both followed me and I gave the old man at the bar a wave as we went out. The two from the gym ignored us. I’d have concluded they were gay, but they were wearing wedding rings. Then it hit me. I’m so old-fashioned at times, and still can’t get my head around the idea of gay marriage. I’ve nothing against it, all for it, in fact, just can’t get it into my brain that it’s as normal as heterosexual marriage.

We arrived at the car. There were several potential scenarios how this could go. The most obvious was going back to my house. There was also the possibility of going back to theirs, but there was John to consider and Chris would need to run me home unless I stayed the night. Or we could drive out somewhere and play in the car. I decided to see if a fourth would fly. I was envious of what Mary had got up to with Charles.

Chris unlocked the car and Lizzie went to get in the front passenger seat. “Come in the back with me. We can play!” I suggested. She needed no urging and slid in. I followed her.

Chris switched the engine on and went to drive out. “No, hang on. Let’s play here. If you’re driving, you’ll miss the fun. I assume you would like to watch?”

The pair glanced at each other but no one said no, so Chris went to switch the engine off. “Can you leave it on for a bit?” I asked, “It’s chilly and will be more so once our clothes are off!”

Again, no dissenting voices.

The car park wasn’t brilliantly lit, but there were a couple of arc lamps that removed the darkest shadows. Unfortunately, the chances of anyone seeing us were low to non-existent but that should reassure Lizzie even if it was a disappointment for me.

I enveloped her in my arms and she willingly let me kiss her. I started slowly. Still unwilling to believe that she was as unconcerned about making out with a woman as I was. The kiss lasted ages and our tongues fought an epic dual with no winner. Correction. With both winning. Our hands had found their way up each other’s skirts and hers inside my knickers. I didn’t have that impediment. The competition was now who could soak the car seat the most. I was leaking copious amounts. Lizzie was leaking copious amounts. I needed to taste her. I broke the kiss, which was a disappointment to her. She gave me a questioning look. “I want to kiss your other lips,” I whispered. Her reply was simply, “Oh god.”

“Can I?”

In a husky voice, I got my reply. “Yes.”

I recalled my first time with another woman in similar circumstances, although her husband wasn’t sitting watching. I recalled how nervous I’d been, so I needed to be gentle and take small steps, even though I was desperately eager to be energetic with her.

We shuffled around and Lizzie managed to lie flat on the back seat. I knelt in the footwell and pushed her left leg over my shoulder. In the dim light, I couldn’t see much. Perhaps I’d made the wrong decision. Doing this at home would have been more comfortable and more visual. My worry had been the drive would have given Lizzie time to cool off.

There I was at last. My head inches from her pussy. Her hairy pussy. As far as I could see, natural like Marys. No bikini cut or other sign of trimming. Not that it bothered me either way. I hesitated. How would she react? I kissed her. Lips to lips. Mouth to pussy. She shuddered. I continued kissing her, creeping up her labia. With each kiss, her tremors lessened. By my third pass, there was no movement. Just sound. The sound of her sighing softly. She was enjoying the sensation. She was mine!

I brought my hands to join my lips, rolling her lips outward. Introducing my tongue. Probing as deep as I could. Tasting her. The saltiness sparked my taste buds, My tastebuds sparked my libido. Not that it needed a spark. It was more in need of quenching than igniting.

Lizzie was watching, her hands on the back of my head ruffling my hair, keeping me connected to her love hole.

Her sighs turned to words. A whispered, “Oh yes. Oh… Jeez. Don’t stop. Please!”

Her sexual need was evident. I hoped they didn’t mind the soaking the seat was taking. I hoped they’d regard that as a small price to pay.

I started using my fingers. Easy access. One finger. Swallowed by her cunt. Two fingers eagerly received. Three. Making a difference. The walls of her love nest reacted to my knuckles.

I bend my head. Found her clit. Oh so gently nibbled on it. Her whimpering became more pronounced.

Then she came. Not a violent explosion, but more a long, slow buildup. A saucepan on low heat coming to the boil. Her body didn’t contort. There was a sudden “Arhhh!” And she pushed her groin down hard on my hand. Needing it to explode like a cock. I provided what sensation I could with my fingers. Enough to further the orgasm. To elicit another cry. To bring an expression of satisfaction to her face.

She opened her eyes and smiled. “Witch!”

I returned her smile. “Gorgeous isn’t it? Your turn.” I scrambled up off the floor as Lizzie drew her legs under her and we swopped places. She pulled my knickers off and tossed them to her husband. “Here dear, Trace would love you to wank in them!”

Would I? Definitely, but I had other ideas. “Don’t you dare! Your wife needs you. Come and fuck her while she’s pleasuring me.”

He didn’t object and Lizzie either hadn’t heard or didn’t care.

This was stupid. Three middle-aged people having an MFF session in the back of a family saloon. But it was as horny as hell. As Chris opened the rear door, he was already for action. His cock was out and at full strength. He’d enjoyed watching the show! I was on my back, Lizzie kneeling between my legs, her fingers having started work. She hadn’t kissed me, which was a disappointment, but I’d let her do what she was comfortable with. This time.

As Chris tried to join us, we hit a snag. There wasn’t room. He’d get in but physically he’d not be able to fuck Lizzie. Dare I suggest my thoughts? We were all so hot, but I wondered if it would be too much. Only one way to find out. “Do her standing there. Door open. Lizzie, shuffle back.” My instructions made her look up. She had been watching her fingers in the dim glow of the interior light. I didn’t wait for a response. I put a hand on the back of her head and kissed her hard and sexually. We couldn’t shuffle anywhere but Chris’s need was urgent. He grabbed his wife’s hips and pulled them back. The cold air that was flooding in had no effect on our ardour. As her husband's cock entered her, I felt her react. I wanted to touch it, to feel it entering my friend's body, but that was a physical impossibility. I contented myself with my tongue invading her mouth again and the sensation of her fingers in me. Her body kept rocking as Chris slammed into her. He had needs. Urgent needs. This was no loving fuck. Each thrust was hard and Lizzie groaned.

But I had urgent needs too. The tableau in front of me was too sexy by half. My orgasm arrived. More physical than my friend’s. I bucked, taking her body with me. The movement triggered Chris. “Fuck you!” he shouted. I had no idea which of us he was referring to. Unsurprisingly, I didn’t care. Lizzie collapsed onto me, tremors going through her body again. Her third of the night. I was 3–1 down. But what a match!

Our timing was impeccable. Chris pulled out of Lizzie at the same moment the pub door opened and a couple from the restaurant emerged. Our man managed to tuck himself away and get back into the car before they approached. There weren’t many cars in the car park and only one was beyond us. I doubted it would be theirs, but if it was, they’d be able to see what was going on in the back. We needed to make it interesting. Lizzie was still astride me, sort of doggy style, so I put my hands on her bottom, pulled her up, and slid down in the opposite direction. I arrived under her pussy to be treated to Chris’s cum seeping out. My reward!

Lizzie didn’t object, but whispered, “Oh god, they’re going to walk past!”

“Good,” I mumbled. “Give them a smile.” I carried on eating. All I got from Lizzie was a hissed “Witch!” No way could I see if she did smile.

“They’ve gone. I don’t think they noticed.” That wasn’t a surprise. People are so unobservant. What was, was the disappointment in Lizzie’s tone.

I finished my supper, and we extricated ourselves from each other, straightened our clothes, and set off home.

One wow of an evening.

A footnote. Lizzie had thrown my knickers to Chris, and I hadn’t asked for them back. So she now has a pair of mine and I still had her pair that John had brought me. I wondered if A) she’d wear mine as I had hers, and/or B) what her reaction would be if I asked her to give them to John to bring with him the next time he visited!

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