Who would have thought it? The simple act of taking my knickers off having such an effect. Not only on me, but judging by the responses to…

Who would have thought it? The simple act of taking my knickers off having such an effect. Not only on me, but judging by the responses to my tweet, you guys too.
It was one of those days. I wasn’t really busy, so my mind had time to wander. I’d already decided I was going to take some photographs with my new camera gear in the evening and was feeling hot at the prospect.
I hadn’t planned this. I just went to the loo mid-morning and as I was pulling my knickers up after peeing (god, can’t tell you how naughty it makes me feel giving you these personal titbits) it suddenly crossed my mind about walking around without them on. I had to do it, so took them back off, folded them up, and put them in my bag.
As soon as I exited the Ladies and started walking down the corridor I knew the rest of the day would be hell.
The wanton feeling. Every man I passed I imagined him knowing. Every woman, I wondered if she’d ever done something similar.
By the time I got back to my desk, I was moist. That’s when I realised I had a problem. If I continued to leak and sat down I was going to risk ending up with a damp patch on my skirt. I was in a quandary. I’m fairly certain that if I’d been in a pub or anywhere else, I’d have loved the depravity, but in the office?
I remained standing, working at my desk. No one said anything but I suspect it puzzled one or two of my co-workers.
I tried to get my mind back on business and hope the tap wouldn’t start gushing.
I was managing, so eventually sat down, but then made the mistake of reading some tweets. So many requests to see my knickers! I couldn’t refuse, could I? I tried to ignore the sexiness of what I was doing as I laid them out on the floor behind my desk, took a quick picture, re-hid them in my bag, and tried to return to my professional persona.
At the time of writing, I’m managing. I’m damp, but I think I have it under control. Time will tell.
Hope you appreciate my efforts! XXXX
PS I wrote the above in my lunch break. It’s now, nearly home time. By the feel of it, my skirt is damp, but not saturated. I can’t wait to get out so I can let my mind have free reign. You have no idea how frustrated I feel, desperately wanting to enjoy the wanton feeling, but having to keep a lid on it. I’ve been fighting the desire to finger myself all afternoon, but I knew that would open the floodgates.
I’ll pop this up on the blog before I go.
I have a feeling tonight might be interesting!