Keeping it in the family
‘Visiting Kaz.’ An entry in my diary that had been missing for far too long on so many levels. I know which one you lot regard as priority…

‘Visiting Kaz.’ An entry in my diary that had been missing for far too long on so many levels. I know which one you lot regard as priority number one — the sex — and I’ll admit I was excited by the prospect, but first and foremost she is my daughter and she’s been through a horrendous year with the pressures at work.
I know I go on about my work and the stresses, but it’s nothing like those she has, looking after elderly and frail people with too few staff to do the job as they all wish they could. And I get well recompensed. She gets a pittance for doing something she loves.
Enough of the sob story, (although it has a bearing on what comes later) let’s move on to what you want to hear.
I left early on the Saturday morning partly to avoid traffic but mainly to have more time with her. And Craig! I’d heard from Kaz that since we’d confirmed my visit, he’s been walking around with a permanent hard on. I imagine that’s a slight exaggeration, but it was good to know I was sought after!
The deviant nature of looking forward to playing sexy games, and possibly fucking my son-in-law would have given me a hard too if I were a man. As it was when my thoughts dwelt on it, I found my knickers getting damp.
I had thought of doing some flashing on the drive over but found my mind occupied enough without adding more stimuli. I needed some brain capacity left to concentrate on the driving.
I arrived mid-morning to a beaming Kaz and a full on your lips kiss. (can anyone remember aunts doing that when they were about ten? How revolting it was? Can anyone recall being a late teenager and wishing the aunt would still do it?)
Craig was more reserved. He gave me a platonic hug and a kiss on the cheek. Perhaps nerves, perhaps trying to prove he wasn’t lusting after my body. Unfortunately for him, it failed on the latter point. As I returned his hug and our bodies touched, I felt a large solid lump in his groin area. My, he was keen.
We sat and had coffee and caught up on the last months. Kaz was looking good considering the hell she’d been through, and I hoped my visit would help her forget even more. For now, though, she needed to unburden herself and our chat went on through three cups of coffee! God, all that caffeine. What could I do to get rid of my excess energy?
Craig had excused himself. Whilst I think no matter what the conversation he would happily have sat in the corner wanking while feasting his eyes on my tits, he sensibly realised we needed some mother/daughter time.
Eventually, Kaz had unburdened herself and I related what I’d been up to. So many horny stories to relate. I know she reads the blog but actually talking about it puts a different complexion on things and by the time I’d finished, the mood was very much more relaxed. Well, relaxed is perhaps not the right word. Stressfree? Mm. Not quite. Horny? Nearer the mark.
Funnily enough in all our texts, phone calls, and now this chat we’d never directly spoken about our sex together. Too taboo perhaps for conversation? The only reference to it had been via Craig. “Craig really fancies giving you one.” Or “Craig’s got a huge hard on thinking of you.” Or the one that was nearest to taboo, “Craig looked at your naked photo while I sucked him off.”
I decided I needed to remove the scintilla of doubt in my mind that Kaz might not be up for him having some fun with me.
“You are relaxed about what Craig so wants to do?”
“Christ mum, yes! This new version of him has changed us. It’s got me through these months. Not that we’ve done much fucking, at least not till the last couple of weeks, but what we did before brought us closer and he’s been a rock for me. He can fuck who he likes.”
“And you’re happy to join in?”
“I’d be fucking livid if I couldn’t!”
“Me being your mum and all?”
“Yeah, especially that. So bloody perverted. Makes it all even sexier.”
So the road was clear. I was as horny as a rhino's tusk and fired up. After all, I hadn’t fucked a woman for two days!
I leant across and kissed her full on the lips. (Eat your heart out Spanish football President). She responded with force, eagerly letting my tongue in and exploring with her own. I hadn’t expected this to develop into anything major, but I felt a similar urgency in her. My hand went up her jumper, searching for her tit. Found it. Released it from her bra. Pushed her jumper clear too, and dropped my head to her nipple. Role reversal. Mother sucking on daughter’s teat. She had no objection as she held my head in tight, rubbing her hands through my hair. A tender moment.
I left her nipple and went back to kissing her. My hand replaced my lips tweaking her teat. Her hard teat.
Her hand fiddled with the belt to my trousers and disappeared inside. She used her thumb on my clit, causing me to groan contentedly. I could hear the slapping of her palm as she finger fucked me and the slurping noise of my juices. Before I knew it, she was on her knees pulling my trousers and knickers down and kissing my other lips.
I was losing count of the number of women who had done that to me, but this was special. Two women having sex is hardly newsworthy these days, but mother and daughter? The depravity heightened the sensation. Her tongue was licking my lips, burrowing in, licking the juice up. She held my lips with her fingers, pulled them apart, got her tongue in deep. Changed her attention to my clit. Rubbed it hard with her thumb. Caused my breathing to get faster. My pulse to rocket. Shit, shit, not already! I couldn’t stop myself and came there and then. Sitting on a kitchen chair. Body convulsing.
It wasn’t until I calmed down a little I noticced Craig standing in the doorway, watching. Leaning against the door frame, trying to look nonchalant. Failing miserably. Partly because of the stare in his eyes directed at my naked cunt. Partly because of his hand stuffed deep into his trouser pocket, having a (supposedly) crafty wank.
Now was not the time for shyness. I’d only be with them for twenty-four hours or so. I needed — wanted — to make good use of them.
“Don't be shy dear son in law, get it out and let me get reacquainted with it.”
He didn’t need any further urging, unzipping himself as he strode across to me. By the time he arrived, his pecker was out and at full attention.
The warning signs that my demons were awakening were non-existent. The weekend would add Craig to the list of men whose cocks I’d happily accommodate inside me. But for now, I was going to give him a blow job. I guessed he’d be too excited to fuck me properly. I’d save that for later and just enjoy the taste of him now. Which I did. Sitting as I was, his cock presented itself nicely to my mouth. God, he smelt good. I wondered what he was dowsed in. Whatever, it had an effect. I took his cock in hand, gently wanking to start, then pushing it against his stomach and licking its length. Long, slow deliberate laps. From balls to helmet. I cupped his balls, squeezed gently as I brought his cock down, and opened my mouth. I love the feel. The solid muscle between my lips. My tongue flicking against its head. Feeling the hole. Awaiting the eruption. Warm. Sticky. Satisfying.
Craig was doing well. I’d misjudged him, still thinking of the mouse of a man I had regarded him as. Their sexual awakening had changed his personality and definitely for the better. I know personality and the ability to last a long time when your mother-in-law is giving you a blow job are hardly linked, but I think you understand what I am saying.
I had a rhythm going. Getting his cock as far into my mouth as I could then drawing my lips back down its length. Craig’s face gave every indication he was enjoying it!
Kaz wasn’t idle. She’d gone behind me, had her hands clasping my breasts, working them like two balls of dough. She leant forward and kissed Craig. That wasn’t enough for her. She came round, brought her head down to mine and we shared Craig's member. A family affair. What a sensation. His cock, my daughter’s lips, all intermingled.
It proved Craig's undoing. Looking down. His mother-in-law’s naked breasts swaying, his wife's lips wrapped around his engorged cock. He came. Whether he’d been saving it up or had been down to the corner shop to buy extra supplies I don’t know.Whatever it was he seemed to have an inexhaustible supply. Both our faces became plastered in the delicious substance.
He propped himself against the kitchen table to recover while Kaz and I cleaned each other up.
It was going to be a long and exhausting weekend.
Author’s note: Medium has changed the way they calculate the amount they pay us authors for what we post. I’m hardly a J K Rowling but what I did earn kept me in new knickers. Now those earnings have dropped to 10% of what they had been. (To 10%, not by 10%) And we were told it was for our benefit! I don’t like being ripped off, but will for the time being keep posting to see if I can recover those few £s. So please, please if you have enjoyed this little blog, do clap and/or leave a comment. It helps the little algorithm thingy think I’m human. XXX