Kaz comes clean
At last I’d managed to organise a trip over to see Kaz. Those revealing pictures of her had more than piqued my interest and I’d been…

At last I’d managed to organise a trip over to see Kaz. Those revealing pictures of her had more than piqued my interest and I’d been desperate for weeks to find out what she’d been up to.
I arrived Saturday afternoon just in time to wave to Craig leaving on his way to football which meant we’d have a long uninterrupted afternoon to catch up and I wasn’t going to waste any of it.
I opened a bottle of wine I’d brought with me and we settled on the sofa.
“So, come on, spill the beans.”
You’ll remember what happened on my last visit and Kaz said that after I’d left, Craig was well hot and ended up fucking her twice more that night!
She couldn’t remember the last time they’d had such good sex and it had got them talking. The outcome of which was that they agreed they needed to spice things up although neither was quite sure what that would entail.
Nothing happened for a few days, but then Craig came back from the pub one night saying that one of his mate's friends was a keen photographer and he’d volunteered Kaz to pose for him!
“Wow,” I said, “how did you feel about that?”
“A bit peeved at first Almost like being pimped out! But then I thought about it. He said it was only glamour, bra and knickers sort of thing and he rather fancied seeing me prancing around in front of another man. That led to us fucking again! So, I couldn’t really say no could I?”
“I suppose not, but how did it get to those photos you sent me?”
“No idea!” She answered with a mischievous smile.
“Oh come on Kaz, I’m your mother, you can tell me.”
“Huh, I think mothers should be the last to know about this particular evening.”
“But not this one. Come on or I’ll disinherit you!”
“Oh, piddle, and I so wanted that Ming vase you cracked over Dad's head. Okay. So. We got there, his house, nice. No wife; apparently he’s never been married. Can’t understand why, I thought he might be gay…”
“Kaz!” I interrupted. She was clearly stalling.
“Alright. Alright. Cut to the chase. It started out innocent enough, even when I’d taken my bra off. I’d not been intending to go that far, but when he asked before I could refuse, Craig shouted out. ‘Yeah go for it Kaz’. Anyway, the knickers followed shortly, and there I was opening my legs to this stranger who’s poking his lens up inches from my fanny.”
“Craig was okay with that?”
“Huh, more than okay. ‘Wider Kaz. Get yer finger in’!”
“ Wow. That’s a surprise, but it’s a turn on showing your bits isn’t it?“
“Fuck, yes. I’d not thought I could do it, but once I’d started I didn’t want to stop.”
“I know the feeling and by the look of the photos, you didn’t. Stop that is.”
“No. Can’t remember where the dildo came from. It wasn’t mine. Then fucking Craig says can he have some photos with him in!”
This was news to me, I hadn’t seen any. “Did you agree?”
“Why not? The photographer bloke had seen everything and Craig’s my bloke. so yeah I agreed.”
“He took pictures of you fucking?”
“Can I see?” I suppose a lot would think that a weird request, a mother asking to see photographs of her daughter fucking her partner but given what they’d done in front of me last time I didn’t think she’d mind.
“Yeah sure.”
She opened up her laptop and showed me a selection.
“Did the photographer do this?“ I asked pointing at one. Some of the photos had been made into arty type images with soft focus. Others were left as taken, Craig’s cock sinking deep into Kaz. The images dispelled any lingering doubts I had as to where I wanted this to go.
“He did. We didn’t ask, he just thought we might like them.”
“Do you?”
“Sort of. Depends on my mood. If I’m really horny I prefer those showing it all.”
“Was that it?”
“That night yeah. Craig really loved it. He’d fucked me hard in front of his mate and he did me again when we got home. After, he asked how I was with it and if I’d do more. I thought he meant more photos so said yeah I’d pose again, but he said that wasn’t what he meant.”
“What did he mean?”
“More sex. He asked if I’d have another bloke.”
“Fuck. I didn’t ever think Craig would suggest that.”
“Me neither.”
“Shit. So you said?”
“Fuck mum, I’d been missing a decent screw for ages. If this is what it took to get one why should I worry? If Craig was okay with it, yeah, I’d do it.”
“And have you?” By now I was dampening up. I wanted some fun with Kaz and from what she was saying she was open to sexy games with men. Would she go with me? I’d stopped worrying about any moral aspect. Especially now I’d broken through that barrier with Mary and Katie. The exciting prospect of screwing my daughter far outweighed any other consideration.
She hesitated before answering. “Yeah.”
“Oh yeah, ace!”
“Did Craig watch?”
“Yeah. Proper cuckold! I asked him after the first time if he wanted to have a threesome or even fuck someone and he said he was happy watching as long as he got to fuck me after.”
“The first time! You’ve done it more than once?”
“Yeah, four times now.”
“All with the same guy?”
“Nah, I’ve done it with first guy again, but other two were different.”
“Who are they? Where did Craig find them?”
“Mates of his from the football club. Ha, I’m being passed around like a club mascot. Strange thing is though, I find it as horny as hell.”
“Christ Kaz. I’m speechless.”
“Yeah, cos you’re like a virgin princess!”
“Well yes, okay, I’m having fun too, but not with multiple men.”
“Only cos dad screwed you up over them. ‘Sides what’s the difference, doing it with men or women?”
“Nothing really,” I saw an opening, “What about you and women? Have you done that?”
“No, but I do want to give it a go, Craig certainly wants me to after seeing us play around.”
“Well, I’m happy to do that. And more,” I said. I didn’t want to leave any doubt as to how open I was to fuck her. I leaned in to kiss her. She backed away. “Whoa! With you? My mum? I know we did a few sexy things before but… but actually… actually frigging each other? I dunno.”
“Why not? As you say we did some sexy things before, so where’s the difference?”
“Don’t you think that’s weird?”
Kaz’s reaction was understandable, but I had to try to talk her around.
“Yes. Very weird, but that adds to the excitement. Don’t you think it’s ‘weird’ having your partner watch you being fucked by other men? Offering you around like a mascot?”
“Yeah, I suppose it is, but…” Her voice trailed off. I wondered if she was persuadable.
“Be honest, isn’t a large part of the thrill you get from letting strange men screw you with Craig watching and wanking away the fact it is deviant, ‘weird’?
She thought about my comment. “Well, yeah, I suppose to an extent it is.”
“You wouldn’t be doing it would you, or at least I suppose you wouldn’t if Craig wasn’t watching?”
“Yeah, one thing me and Craig agreed. I’d not do anything unless he’s there.”
“So, being ‘weird’ adds to the sensation, or is the whole purpose.”
I deliberately kept using her word, hoping she’d see what I was wanting was not really any different.
“No. The whole purpose is to spice up our sex together. We’re doing these other things to give us more, can’t think of a word, more urges, to fuck each other.”
“Exactly! Doesn’t matter what they are, fucking another man, flashing your bits in the street, drinking someone’s pee, frigging your mother! If the result is you have better sex with Craig it’s a result!”
I hoped I was almost there. She was sitting thinking about it.
“But, isn’t it illegal?”
Here we go again, I should be charging for this legal advice.
“Not between women. There needs to be a cock penetrating something. Haven’t you read my blog from earlier this week with Mary and Katie? They were fine with it. Besides exposing your pussy in the street or pissing on someone in public could get you arrested.”
“You haven’t done that have you?” Kaz almost shouted the words, an incredulous look on her face.
“Not actually peed on someone. Not in the street. Not yet. But the other, yes.”
“Fuck.” She was silent for a while. “I know seeing you like that last time did for Craig so I suppose he’s got no hangs ups about it.” She hesitated a few seconds more. “No, I can’t see you fingering me or kissing my fanny. Sorry.”
I had a thought. “Tell you what then, how about using a dildo or a strap-on? It’s not actually me then is it? Just a bit of plastic.”
She thought about it. “Yeah, that’s an idea. I could probably live with that.” So could I! I felt sure it would lead to other things.
“Do you have either?” I asked, “I don’t, not with me and I don’t have a strap on although I’ve been thinking of getting one.”
“Yeah, I do. We splurged out on a whole selection of toys when we decided we needed to spice things up. Not used the strap-on yet though, obviously. You alright with Craig watching?”
“Christ Kaz, yes. Kinkier the better.
“When’s he due home?” I asked.
I was boiling, desperate now.
Kaz looked at her watch, “About half an hour I should think.”
While we waited I looked through Kaz’s photos. Explicit for sure, but Kaz was clearly enjoying it. Her expressions genuine.
“You going to show your Twitter followers?”
“I might once I sort out the account so I can control it properly.” I explained how mine was set up and how good all my followers were at honouring my no retweet request. “Yeah, have to say it’s quite exciting thinking of all those blokes drooling over me!”
“Oh, believe me, they’ll do more than drool!”
I’m not sure what Craig was expecting on his return. If you remember my last visit he was greeted by the sight of his semi-naked mother-in-law having a cushion fight with his partner similarly attired.
If he was expecting the same he was sorely disappointed, but he didn’t show it. Perhaps he could see into the future!
The shock was mine when he did return though. Gone was the reticent, shy, monosyllabic young man, replaced with a smiling much more confident version. “Hi Tracy, great to see you. Have a good holiday?” He came straight over, held my shoulders, and kissed me on the cheek. Discounting what had transpired during my last visit I couldn’t remember him ever touching me, even to shake hands, let alone kissing me. It could have been partly due to Kaz’s warnings about my man phobia but I always got the impression he was slightly fearful of me or in awe perhaps? Ha. Such self grandiose thoughts!
Anyhow, the new version was much preferable and I appreciated why Kaz was happily going along with his sexy requests.
After greeting me and offering us another drink (we’d finished the first bottle) he sat down and politely asked about my holiday, but before I could answer Kaz, intervened.
“It’s okay Craig, she’s as randy as she was last time, if not more so. We don’t need small talk. She wants some sexy fun and we’re going to try the strap-on. You okay with that?” By the look on his face, Christmas had arrived early. I looked at Kaz. Any reticence about making out with me had seemingly disappeared.
“Yeah!” Craig’s single word reply was the starting gun. Kaz disappeared upstairs and returned holding the strap on.
During my week of isolation, of walking deserted hillsides, I’d begun to wonder if my sexual activities were really necessary. Were a part of my life I needed. Perhaps an aberration brought on by the pressures of work and the emergence from the black hole of my divorce. The urge had seemed to dissipate as the week went on. I’d fingered myself using my multiple memories for the first couple of nights, but then by the end of the week, I’d been simply switching the light out and going to sleep.
The events of the last week had dispelled such silly notions and now, with Kaz sitting on my lap, her randy partner watching and eagerly awaiting action I knew that had been a brief interlude. A holiday from the sex, which like the holiday from work had refreshed my body and brain and simply made them eager to experience more lewd and deviant sex.
Having only a few days previously had that threesome with Mary and Katie screwing my own daughter held no reservations.
She tossed the strap-on to me. “You’re the expert.”
“Hardly. Never seen one for real. So who’s going to be manly?”
“I dunno, Craig, what you think?”
Craig almost looked in a trance.
“You do your mum. After all, she’s not had cock lately.”
I stood up and held the contraption up. It was like a 3D jigsaw version of a suspender belt and I can remember the first time I put one of those on. It shouldn’t have been complicated but we were already into our second bottle of wine and I’d not eaten since breakfast. I helped Kaz strip off. Then things got hilarious. Probably wouldn’t have been if we’d been sober but we weren’t. At one point somehow we had Kaz strapped in but the dildo ended up around by her bum. Tail like. We decided that wasn’t right. It was like our pillow fight. And we were like a couple of giggling schoolgirls.
Eventually, Craig couldn’t stand it anymore. He managed to stop laughing long enough to come over and sort it out. I am sure it was a hardship! I didn’t miss the fact his hands seemed to go places on Kaz’s body that were totally unnecessary and even brushed against me more than once. I coped though and it did help make us feel a bit sexy again.
Kaz was now strapped in. Both Craig and I did what no doubt everyone does and gave the dildo a tweak and a slap. As I did so Kaz pushed me back into a chair. “Right randy mother. Time for you to get screwed.”
I lent back and opened my legs. I was still fully dressed having worn a skirt to drive over in.
“You need to get your knickers off. Craig help her.”
Whoa! Craig. A man. Taking my knickers off? In the dark ages, the very suggestion would have frozen me, but I realised whilst my brain had shouted a warning, my body had taken the announcement with aplomb.
The man in question came over, kneeled between my legs, put his hands up my skirt, found my knicker waistband, and pulled them down to my ankles in one smooth action. I’d even raised my bum off the chair for him. I hadn’t freaked out or screamed. Progress.
He slipped the knickers off my legs and sniffed and licked them, then undid my skirt and removed that. This was not going to be a run of the mill mother in law comes to visit, visit.
The hilarity had all gone. Suddenly it was all supercharged sexuality.
“How you doing me?” I asked. At least I thought it was me. The voice I heard was husky and broken. Craig’s closeness and the fact I was going to have a cock, albeit a plastic one forced up my cunt was getting to me.
“Let’s try like you are. I want to watch your face.”
I edged my bum forward, Kaz kneeled and I felt the tip touch my lips.
My daughter was taking it gently putting hardly any pressure to push it in. I was well lubricated and didn’t want ‘loving’ I wanted ‘violating’. Which in the cold light of day was revealing. I leant forward, managed to get my hands on Kaz’s hips and pulled her into me. Hell yes! The dildo sank deep. A gorgeous feeling. I didn’t need to help Kaz anymore. She took the hint and started fucking me. Oh god. Sublime. Remember it was years since I’d had a real cock willingly up there and fingers or a self operated vibrator are a poor substitute. I wasn’t sure where Craig was but I wanted him to have the view. To watch his mother in law get truly fucked by her daughter. It wasn’t how I’d seen the evening working out but I wasn’t about to complain.
My first orgasm arrived. My hips bucked energetically but somehow Kaz kept the dildo traversing my vagina. Eventually though I climaxed and we lost contact.
I thought perhaps we’d switch places, that I’d give Kaz a seeing to, but she had other ideas.
“Turn round. On your knees. Let’s do you doggie.”
I did as told. I was dripping but wanted more. And I got it. That way round Kaz was able to get deeper, travel faster. I couldn’t believe this was the first time she’d used a strap on. She seemed a natural. Perhaps she had latent desires to be a man. I didn’t care. I wallowed in the sheer extacy of being brought to another climax in the space of a few minutes.
Kaz pulled the dildo out and let me subside into the chair. I looked around. Craig was naked from the waist down slowly wanking his cock. I looked at it. Could I? Could I take it? Regretfully no. It was close, I sensed that, but I knew my body would freak.
Kaz released his pressure though. She unbuckled the strap-on and sat astride him impaling herself on his cock.
I watched and fingered myself. I didn’t come again, but it was a pleasant interlude! Craig lasted longer than I thought he would. Watching his mother in law being fucked by his partner I would have thought would have taken him to the edge, but it seemed that now he was used to watching my daughter get fucked by others he’d learnt to control it. Perhaps that’s part of being a cuck, I’ve no idea.
Kaz seemed happy too after Craig had exploded in her! She dismounted came over to me, climbed on the chair, and positioned her pussy over my face. “Open wide,” she instructed with a broad grin. I did as told just as Craig’s cum started sliding out of her cunt. I left my mouth open until the flow stopped and Kaz climbed off. In best porn movie style I opened my mouth wide to show the pair my full mouth then swallowed.
I keep using the words depraved and debauched. Sometimes I don’t think they are strong enough. Now was just such a moment.
I hadn’t touched my daughter, something that I desperately wanted to do but what had occurred was hardly run of the mill everyday sex.
It was not yet late. I wondered what else was on the menu.
Craig told me. “Get dressed Tracy.” I looked puzzled. “I want you dressed, I want your daughter sticking her head up your skirt.”
Wow, who the hell was this? Not the Craig that had been Kaz’s partner for the last few years, but what the hell. Sounded fun! I did as he requested sat back on the chair and pulled Kaz towards me,kissing her full on the lips. Someone plugged us into the mains. There was an immediate spark, no, more a lightening bolt of sexual energy. To my surprise Kaz responded with equal intensity. We ground our lips together, opened our mouths and our tongues danced, pranced, fought together. I clamped a hand over a tit. Squeezed. She followed my lead.
Her fingers found my nipple. They didn’t make it hard. It had already arrived at that state. The anticipation being enough to stimulate all parts of me.
I reluctantly pulled my head away from hers and directed her lips down, down towards my pussy. A young man sitting feet away heightened the sexual feeling. Her head went up my skirt, just as Craig wanted. Kaz started licking me, lapping my juices. God did I need this! Little stimulus was needed to boil my libido.
In some cases I might have been disappointed to come so quickly but I knew with absolute certainty it wouldn’t be the last orgasm of the night and I was eager to taste Kaz.
As I controlled my body and twisted Kaz so I was now on top, I noticed Craig. His trousers were around his ankles and he was stimulating his cock. Hardly surprising. What was surprising was that rather than an adverse reaction I felt my body twitch in appreciation of what it was seeing. Not that I dwelt on the feeling I was too intent on enjoying Kaz.
I started on her tits, doing what she had done to mine. The only difference was that her nipples appreciated the stimulation and became erect. Very erect. I gave them a tongue lashing and squeezed her tits together. She enjoyed the sensation judging by the sounds emanating from her.
I moved down. At last about to taste her. Depraved in the extreme but glorious in its debauchery. Her trousers and knickers went the same way as mine had earlier, I pushed her legs wide and sunk my head into her pussy.
She was damp. Not soaking as I had been by the time her tongue found me. I had work to do. In best feline fashion I started lapping. Her ‘milk’ stimulating and satisfying me as much as a cat with a bowl of cream.
I detected the flow increasing. I heard her moans getting louder and more staccato. I changed my approach. My thumb found her clit and my fingers slid into her now soaking hole. I finger fucked her. My eyes inches away watching her lips contract to my touch. Then the buck. The scream. The torrent of juice! Another squirter. I missed the first, my head was to one side but by her second eruption I was ready and it sprayed my face. Heaven.
Kaz clearly didn’t want me to stop so I continued but my cunt was aching for something, anything , to violate it.
“Someone! Finger me. Please!” I couldn’t think about the words. What they meant. My need at that point was too great. Whether it was Kaz or Craig I didn’t care. Craig didn’t move. Or at least I wasn’t aware of him moving, Was I relieved or disappointed? No idea. Kaz leaned over my back and her fingers found my hole and filled it while I continued finger fucking her. The position was awkward and we ended rolling off the chair and squirming around on the floor into a sixty-nine position. Our tongues like dancers in perfect time with each other, licking and probing. Our bodies seemingly competing to out produce the others quantity of love juice. Fingers and lips and tongues working feverishly to bring each other another climax. Our timing fell out of synchronisation. My climax arrived first, announcing its arrival by a tremor in my legs. I had to stop licking Kaz, my body now contorting too much.
I closed my eyes. I was enveloped in the euphoric feeling of the building eruption. Something brushed against my shoulder. I opened my eyes. Craig was standing astride me! His hand a blur as he wanked. His eyes on Kaz’s head still locked between my legs. The sight was too much for me. The volcano burst. Oh, how I wished I could spurt like Mary or Kaz. But the river burst its banks. Kaz tried to swallow it all but failed. Then the rain. I looked up. Cum issuing from Craig’s engorged cock was falling onto my face. Man’s cum. But I didn’t freak. Instead, I moved my head. Opened my mouth. The cum found the offered target. How long? How long had it been since I’d tasted cum voluntarily? Three years? Four years? Whatever. It tasted sweet. Craig was moving. Was going to kneel over me. Was going to offer me his cock to suck. A step too far. I vigorously shook my head. Bless him he didn’t hesitate. He stood, turned and offered Kaz the prize. She hungrily devoured it, cleaned the drops of cum from it then looked at me, my face liberally covered with semen. This time it was her turn to imitate a cat. Licking the sticky substance. While she did my fingers found her cunt, went to work. It took only seconds. She gave up trying to clean my face. Her head went back, her eyes locked on mine, a moan, as if giving birth, a groan, a grunt another torrent, this time totally wasted on to the floor, Craig having collapsed back into his chair.
We kissed. Not passionate. Not platonic. How would I describe it? As a loving mother and daughter perhaps.
I felt I owed Craig an apology for not wanting his cock. I stood up wandered across to him, bent over him and let my tits sway across his face, the nipples grazing his lips. He seemed to like that!
“I’m sorry Craig, I’m still not ready for that.”
“Not a problem. The rest was ace!”
“Yes, it was!”
Before I could move Kaz said, “Stay there don’t move.” I was bent forward tits swaying over Craig’s face. I glanced at Kaz. She was putting the strap on on! I’d forgotten about it.
The dildo slid in; so much lubrication I barely felt it. Kaz started fucking me. The action rocked me back and forth sending my tits crashing into Craig’s face. The feeling was not unpleasant! I’ve said I’m not one for enjoying toys but this was proving me wrong. The rhythm creating a feeling deep in me. I closed my eyes. Let my mind wander. It didn’t take me back to dark days. It didn’t bring pictures of men to mind. It brought an image of Katie. The thought of me doing this to her. Was I being unfaithful to my own daughter? Imagining screwing a younger girl even than her? I doubted it was a problem. I’d not dwell on it.
It didn’t end there. We had a break, changed into some dry underwear, and played for hours. Happy families!