I met Katie at the stables this morning! (Quite accidentally I assure you!). I checked with her that her mother wasn’t suffering any ill…

I met Katie at the stables this morning! (Quite accidentally I assure you!). I checked with her that her mother wasn’t suffering any ill effects after her cocktail of drink and drugs and she assured me she was fine and went on to say that she was grateful to me for taking her mother home and that she was looking forward to having me help with her competitions.
I had no idea how it was going to pan out with Mary (sex-wise) or come to that her daughter, but I did know that I desperately wanted to bed either or both of them. Individually or together. Imagine a foursome with me, Kaz, and them! I decided to see what I could learn about her sexual preferences to see if there was likely to be a chance.
Listen to this! Really? Seriously what did I think a nineteen-year-old girl was going to tell a middle-aged friend of her mother’s? She’d hardly open up and tell me she attended gang bangs every Friday night would she?
I asked if I could see her horse-stable name Archie, full name I’ve already forgotten-and she was only too happy to show me. He is a chestnut gelding, aged eight, 16.1 hands… Sorry you don’t want this rubbish, do you?.
We were standing side by side looking at Archie over the stable door talking about the time and effort she was putting in.
“It’s a shame your father’s not more interested,” I ventured.
“Oh, I don’t know. He’s a bit controlling and if he came along he’d want to organise everything even though he knows nothing at all about anything horsy.”
“Is he controlling in everything?”
“Pretty much. Mum can’t make any decisions about anything. We had a room redecorated recently and mum had chosen some great colour combinations but he vetoed it and we ended up with a bland cream.”
“What about your personal lives?”
“Even worse. Mum has to tell him who she’s meeting and why. That’s why she wanted to meet you on Wednesday while he was in Birmingham.”
“Surely he wouldn’t object to me helping with your horse.”
“Oh no. It’s just control. If he knows about something we get the third degree so we try to keep as much as possible quiet.
“I should think that makes having boyfriends difficult, although I would imagine you have them queuing up.”
“Yeah, on both counts. It’s easy getting a boyfriend, but if they get to meet dad they get interrogated like it’s Guantanamo Bay and can’t hack it so don’t stay.”
“That must be frustrating. Still no doubt you have ways of making sure they avoid him.” I smiled what I hoped was a conspiratorial smile.
“Yeah, you could say that,” she replied with a similar expression.
“Mind you,” I said, “if memory serves me well, the back seat of a car is not the most comfortable place to, what do you call it ‘make out’?” I used the Americanism as it didn’t sound so crude as ‘get fucked’!
Katie looked at me. This was the type of conversation I’d have with Kaz, very open. More like siblings chatting than parent/child and I hoped it would get her to relax.
She laughed. “Not sure I should answer that on the grounds it might incriminate me.” I laughed in return “Regard me as your lawyer,” I said, “anything you tell me would be subject to client confidentiality.”
She giggled. “In that case, you’re right, the back seat of a car sucks.”
I pushed my luck. “Are you looking for romance? Or just a bit of fun?”
“Both I guess although, with some of the boys, it’s definitely just fun.”
“You call them boys? I’d have thought you were into men by now.”
“We’ll, they think they’re men. Mentally they are definitely boys!”
“You’re right there, just don’t expect them to ever grow up.” Sorry guys. I only said this to get her to accept me. Honest!
“Oh god, really?”
“Yes really! That’s why I prefer girls.”
I watched closely for her reaction. Nothing outwardly. No sharp intake of breath. No exclamation of shock. I wondered if it was generally that that generation did take it in their stride or if Katie was that way inclined too. Certainly, Kaz hadn’t been outwardly shocked.
“This lawyer confidentiality thing holds good for anything does it?” She asked, smiling broadly.
“In that case, yes, I have been thinking that way.”
“Have you ever, to use the American phrase again, made out with a girl?”
“No, but honestly the last couple of boys I’ve been with were so up themselves. I’d hardly started wanking them than they came. Then they didn’t seem to think I needed anything. Oh god!” Her hand shot to her mouth and a look of horror crossed her face. “I really shouldn’t have told you that, should I?”
I laughed. “Don’t worry. It really is safe with me and it’s hardly news that a young girl as stunning as you is enjoying sex.” I decided to be bold. “I lost my virginity at fifteen. Mind you, I’m not sure I ever really enjoyed sex until a couple of months ago.” Possibly being a little economical with the truth, but I hoped it would tempt her to talk more. She was being far more open than I’d expected and I hoped to plant a few seeds.
“Take my advice, give it a go with a girl.”
“Are you saying you never enjoyed sex with men? With your husband?”
“Well, that depends on defining enjoyment, doesn’t it? Sure I did get satisfaction most times but not mind-bending type satisfaction as I have with girls.” I deliberately used the word girls rather than women. Planting seeds!
“But you do with girls-women?” Her correction of girls to women was possibly telling. Was she uncomfortable with the idea of me with younger women? I hoped not.
“Oh yes,” I said emphatically.
“I might well give it a try then if…”
“Oh Katie, sorry I’m late. Oh hello Tracy, good to see you.”
Mary had arrived. Bustling in full of energy. Less than brilliant timing but perhaps for the best. I didn’t want to overplay things.
Katie looked at me, a little stricken that I might not keep my promise but I reassured her with a look as best I could.
Mary apologised yet again for last Wednesday but didn’t make any mention of our meeting this coming week so I didn’t either. I thought it possible she hadn’t told Katie.
I asked about the competition next weekend in Colchester and confirmed I was free to help. I liked both these women on a personal basis so helping was hardly a chore, but the thought of what might transpire after Wednesday's meet with Mary was giving me tremors of anticipation.
I wondered if Katie would try going with a girl. At least I knew it was in her mind, although it was a huge stretch from there to sharing my bed. Time will tell.