I really did have a super relaxing day on Saturday. It was lovely and sunny and warm and I simply lounged around.

I really did have a super relaxing day on Saturday. It was lovely and sunny and warm and I simply lounged around.
Which meant I was feeling fit and horny today, Sunday. I hoped I’d meet Katie at the stables and get a chance to talk to her. I was desperate to find out whether ‘possibly’ meant probably. (You’ll need to have read my previous blog to understand that statement. It’s here if you would like to: https://medium.com/@TracyTrouble/marys-day-pt2-86b97f1b80d6 )
I was not overly early so by the time I arrived the stables were quite busy, but there was no sign of my friends. I groomed Jack saddled up and went for a long ride. It was a perfect morning and I could wax lyrical and describe the ride in detail but I know it’s not the sort of ride you want to hear about. Suffice to say I was feeling good when I returned.
As I entered the yard I saw Katie schooling in the sand paddock. I waved as I went by, sorted Jack out, and took him back to his paddock. I hit a quiet spot and was able to do my ‘exercises’ on the way to his field which improved my feeling of well-being a further few notches. (Explanation in earlier blogs!)
On my walk back I stopped off to watch Katie. That young body in tight jodhpurs rising to the trot! Oh, my word. Another few notches on my randy scale.
She finished her session and I opened the gate for her. “Hi. Where’s Mary?” I hoped she might be off doing something with Simon so I could speak to Katie but that was a selfish thing to wish for.
“She’s up at the house. She had to sort something out with Naomi.”
“Okay, want a hand with Rebel?”
“Please, if you’re not rushing away.”
We returned to Rebel's stall and started untacking him.
“No Debs this week?” Katie laughed. “No, she’s not really interested in horses, just wanted to meet you.”
“Have you seen her again?” I put the emphasis on ‘seen’ trying to use it in the biblical (!) sense.
“Not since I saw you on Wednesday.”
I couldn’t skirt around the subject any longer. I’d be direct. See where it led. Motorway or cul-de-sac.
“She’s so sexy. I hope you enjoy her as much as I did.”
“We talking about Debs or my mum?” Can she seriously think I could think she may have enjoyed her mum?
I laughed. “Your mum’s certainly sexy, but I wouldn’t have expected you to enjoy her.”
Katie blushed. “Oh, no. Didn’t think that comment through!” Shame. Still...
“But you did enjoy going with Debs?”
“Yeah. It’s different, isn’t it? I mean, it’s sexy and everything, but I felt different to when boys have done it.”
“So do I,” I replied. “Although I haven’t had a man of any description for over two years, so perhaps my memory of the feeling’s faded. At the moment your mum and the others are satisfying me completely. Perhaps it was the strangeness for you, or did you feel guilty?”
“Guilty? That’s interesting. No, don’t think that’s quite the right word, but there was something lurking in my mind.”
“You need to let yourself go. Just enjoy the feelings your body is experiencing. Not worry about why.”
The conversation wasn’t getting me where I wanted to be. I’d go for broke.
“Perhaps if you experienced another woman you’d have a better idea of how much you enjoyed it?” Hell, this was pathetic Tracy! Worse than a teen asking a girl out on a first date. Sod it. “In case I’m not being clear, I am offering!”
“Oh, you’re being clear all right!” Said with some force! I waited for her to continue. To say either God what a perverted old cow you are. Get away from me, or I’ve been dying for you to ask, let’s roll in the hay. But nothing, she just continued brushing Rebel. After what seemed an hour, but was close to twenty seconds she looked across the horse at me.
“You used the word guilty a minute ago. And yes, perhaps I did feel that a bit. And that was with my mate. How do you think I’d feel doing it with, sorry this will sound awful, someone of my mum's age and who’s a friend-a lover-of hers?”
I detected, perhaps wishfully, a tone in her voice that suggested she was trying to convince herself she shouldn’t do it although she wanted to. My next action could have torn my relationship with this young lady and her mother apart but I had a need and I am usually good at reading people. I walked round to Katie. She was still brushing the horse but her demeanour said her mind was elsewhere.
I didn’t touch her, simply leant forward and kissed her gently on the lips. If the rolls had been reversed, if a woman of my age had done that to me at nineteen I’d have probably slapped her face and thrown up. I realised I was taking a huge gamble. I didn’t leave my lips there long. I took a step back. The next move had to be Katie’s. She stood stock still. Another freeze-frame in my sexy video. I waited.
“You there Katie?” Oh, shit, shit, shit. Another girl, a rider with a horse at the stable. Our conversations seemed destined to be interrupted at critical moments.
“Oh sorry. Not interrupting am I?”
Whether we looked guilty or whether that was just politeness I don’t know but I replied, “No, not at all I’m just helping Katie with Rebel.” The girl didn’t look phased or shocked and simply asked Katie about an upcoming event. They chatted for a bit while I carried on with the grooming. Eventually, the girl said goodbye and turned to leave. Now perhaps! As she left I heard her say hello to someone and round the corner came Mary! Oh, fuck!
I was beginning to think I’d never get an answer but perhaps the interruptions had stopped Katie telling me what an evil old cow I was.
Mary was still about thirty feet away and Katie turned to me. “Alright. Text me when.”
I didn’t have time to reply, Mary was saying hello to me and kissing me. Which made me feel a bit of a heel, as if I was two timing her. I suppose I was. At that point, I made a decision. I wouldn’t go with Katie until I’d told Mary what I was planning. That would be an interesting conversation for sure.
Put a note in your diaries for Wednesday! See what happens. XX