John,Debbie and a day of revelations
Ever since suggesting this meeting, I’d been excited, although I’m not sure why. Three in a bed was not exactly new to me or these days…

Ever since suggesting this meeting, I’d been excited, although I’m not sure why. Three in a bed was not exactly new to me or these days something I’d regard as outlandish. I assumed it was the fact they were both teenagers. It made it just that bit naughtier.
I’d arranged for John to arrive an hour before Debbie as I’d made up my mind to ask him if I could tell his mother about us. I expected some resistance but had my laptop handy to show him the pictures and video of her. I was confident that once he realised she wasn’t the demure mum he seemed to think she was, he’d play along.
I was going to have to be more careful when opening the front door. I hadn’t given it much thought and was dressed just in bra, knickers and stockings but managed to time it just as my peeping Tom neighbour was walking up his path. Not that I cared what the neighbours thought of my sexy games now, but I was aware they might take exception to the age of my visitors. Given it was the pervert, I doubted he’d be mentioning it to anyone though. Just use it as wanking material.
John seemed unfazed and as soon as the door closed, he was on me. This was now routine. Scrummy!
Any hint of shyness had long gone. Our lips clashed. One of his hands went straight down my knickers. The other behind my neck forcing our open mouths together.
My hands fumbled with his zip and pushed his jeans and boxers clear. His cock was primed. I did wonder if he’d actually been wanking on the way round to get it ready!
Anyway, I took over wanking duty. His hands had now pushed my bra off my tits, and he was nibbling my teats, which were as solid as his cock.
As Debs was coming, my use of his cock was going to be shared, so I wanted to make sure I had a good fuck to start.
I led him into the lounge, pushed him on the sofa and mounted him. I wanted control, just as I’d had with my first fuck with his father. Unlike that one, I didn’t need to disguise what I was doing or keep the volume down. So I didn’t.
The best way to describe the next few minutes was like riding a bronco.
I’ve no idea if he knew what was coming, but he was demonstrating an urgency I’d not noticed before.
I had planned to be sitting quietly when I asked to see what he knew of my night dogging with his parents, but the atmosphere was so hot I decided to ask while I rode him.
“Did you hear your parents fucking the other night?” Lizzie had said she’d been particularly noisy when Chris did her after our dogging. Surprisingly, John didn’t seem shocked by my question, although perhaps his mind was partly preoccupied with trying to hold back his climax.
“Christ yes. As horny as hell.”
“Did you wank off over it? The thought of your father's cock stuffing your mother?”
My question didn’t get a verbal answer. Just an increased thudding from his cock. My climax was now close. In my mind's eye, I could see his mother being gang banged by the three men in the car park and could imagine the force of Chris’s penetration at home. Much like his son’s now. My lewd comments about his parents had the effect I’d anticipated. I’d stopped riding him. Was holding myself some inches above him. Allowing him to thud into me full length. The combination of physical and mental stimulation took me over the top. My scream on coming probably helped the next door neighbour’s wank! It triggered John. He’d held on so well. Nothing premature about this ejaculations now!
I sat on him while his cock unloaded his semen into me. It was a shame there was no third person to suck it back out. Jack would have to do it. Oops! Oh my god! Freudian slip there typing that! John would have to do it. (I said I was horny and in a perverted frame of mind didn’t I? Perhaps I didn’t. But I was!)
As he finished pumping, I sidled up his chest and straddled his head, letting his cum slowly dribble out.
He didn’t object. The first few drops landed on his cheek. “Open your mouth,” I ordered. The rest found the target. He didn’t swallow so I kissed him open mouthed and explored with my tongue, savouring the mingled tastes, then licked the few drops from his cheek.
Still he hadn’t swallowed. “You can drink it now,” I said, and he did. I thought I saw a glimmer of hesitation, but it all went. I kissed him again.
“I hope you’ll recover in time for Debs,” I said as I climbed off him, pushed my tits back in my bra and straightened my sopping knickers.
“Debs? She’s real then? I thought you’d just told Mum that as an excuse for me to come over.”
“It was when I first said it, but then thought you might like to meet a real girl I know.”
He looked crestfallen. “You don’t want me coming round any more?”
“Christ, no John. I just thought you might like some variation. You seemed to enjoy Carol.”
His face relaxed, “You mean she’d join in with what we do?”
“Most definitely.”
“Shit. You sure? Without meeting me? Girls usually run a mile. She okay with that without seeing me?”
I had forgotten what a geeky persona John showed to the rest of the world.
“She’s said she is and I know she likes games. She’ll love you. Just be like you are with me.”
“You’ve had her then?”
“Oh, yes.”
“Okay. Is that what you wanted to talk about?”
“No. I want to ask if you mind if I tell your mother about us.”
“Shit! No! Why would you want to do that? She’d freak out!”
“I don’t like lying to her and it’s getting more difficult in the circumstances to not lie.”
“What circumstances?”
I told him. The whole caboose. Our flashing, our sessions in bed, my public fuck with his father, the dogging.
“That’s why they had such a noisy fuck the other night.”
He sat there, naked from the waist down, his cock limp in his lap with a look of total incomprehension on his face.
Suddenly he laughed. “Your having a laugh, aren’t you? Teasing me. My Mum? No way.”
There was only one way I was going to convince him. I got my laptop and opened up the video of Lizzie flashing at the pub and then one you haven’t yet seen. His face! A mixture of disbelief at what his eyes were seeing and lust for what his eyes were seeing. Pictures of his mother stripping in public, letting people see. Showing off her sexy underwear.
When the second video came to an end, he continued staring at the screen. Shell shocked.
“If you let me tell her about us, I think I might be able to convince her to have a joint sex session. You and me. Her and your Dad or possibility even another man. Wouldn’t you like that?”
He still stared at the screen. My words didn’t seem to have penetrated.
“John!” I said sharply. The shout brought him round. His cock had preceded him. No matter what he said, what he’d seen had turned him on.
“Would she? Shit. I dunno. I mean. Shit.” His cock twitched. He looked back at the screen visualising his mother's body, I imagine.
“Yeah, okay. I guess. I mean if she’s done all that she can hardly throw a fit over you and me, can she?”
With perfect timing, the doorbell rang.
Round two.