Jane Revisited
I’d had a full-on week at work which was good because it stopped me fantasising about my meeting with Jane arranged for Friday evening…

I’d had a full-on week at work which was good because it stopped me fantasising about my meeting with Jane arranged for Friday evening. However, by the time Thursday arrived, I couldn’t get her out of my mind. It wasn’t her as such. It was the sexual aspect that I craved. I wasn’t, and I very much doubt Jane was, looking for a relationship beyond sharing some sexy moments. Or to be blunt — shagging.
Having broken the ice at our first meeting I wasn’t nervous about this one, just incredibly excited. The last meeting had been my first experience of sex with a female. A lesbian coupling. I still couldn’t bring myself to think of myself as a lesbian. An ingrained attitude I suppose. But I should accept it. Or at least, that I was bi. Accept it? That’s stupid. Makes it sound as though I had a permanent disability and needed to ‘accept’ it. No, I should embrace it. Especially given my reticence to date men, to have sex with the male of the species. I wanted to but something inside me still prohibited it. As I’d said to someone the other day I love cock, just not necessarily what it’s attached to. (There are exceptions and if you're reading this you are probably one!)
Reflecting on what Jane and I had done, all be it hurried and cramped in the back of her car, I couldn’t hide the fact from myself that I had loved every minute. Both receiving and giving. I assumed Jane at least partly felt the same, she had seemed eager enough to invite me.
Her flat was a ten minute drive from my house and I parked up and presented myself at her door a few minutes early. Oh dear, was I going to appear too eager?
I wondered what her greeting would be. Given how she’d happily felt me up at the stables I anticipated-wanted, craved-something similar, but was preparing myself for a more traditional welcome, a kiss on the cheek and an “Oh Tracy, how nice to see you again, come in, have a drink, the meal’s nearly ready.”
I had a lot to learn about Jane.
She opened the door to me with a broad smile, invited me in, closed the door, and enveloped me in an embrace while her lips met mine. God! I was taken by surprise but managed to respond. Not that I needed encouragement. Our tongues were immediately doing gymnastics in each other’s mouths. I felt her hand on my breast and responded with one of mine on hers. Both groping with intensity.
We eventually came up for air and Jane looked me in the eye. “I’ve been looking forward to this. Come, let's have a glass of wine, there’s lots I want to discuss with you.” Not quite how I’d imagined it.
She led me into the lounge, sat me down on the sofa, and organised the drinks. She handed me mine and sat next to me. She was wearing a plain black dress with a single row of pearls. Very elegant, but sexy in its simplicity.
“Now,” she said, “I want to know lots about you. Sexually, I mean. We, at least I hope it’s we, had a great time last week, but I feel there’s more to you than just wanting a quick fumble with an old hag like me.” I had to interrupt; for Jane to describe herself as an old hag, couldn’t go unchallenged. She protested and I suppose, perhaps compared to how she looked twenty or thirty years ago she might be showing a few wrinkles, but no way was she an old hag, and I said so. She smiled and graciously accepted the compliment but said, “Notwithstanding that, I am older than you. I’m sure you could find many younger women that would be more than happy to have a relationship with you, but that’s beside the point. What I meant was I don’t think your sexual requirement is just a quick roll in the hay with anyone. I have a feeling your requirements are more complex.”
I had no idea I was that easily read and said so. “So, I’m right. Tell me, I’m not shockable I assure you.” I hadn’t anticipated this. I took a large gulp from my glass and decided to be totally honest. She had said she was unshockable and I’d soon find out.
So I told her. Everything. When I’d finished she put down her glass clasped my head and kissed me again as she had done when I’d arrived, but with greater intensity. An urgent need.
When our lips finally parted Jane looked me in the eye. “I assume we can dispense with supper?”
“Yes,” I replied somewhat huskily. She took my hand and I stood up but before we’d gone anywhere I found myself kissing her again. Her hand reached up and undid my dress buttons. I kept the kiss going as she slipped the dress off my shoulders. A hand started kneading a tit while I tried to return the favour and remove her dress. My hands were shaking. Not from nerves, from the sheer thrill and anticipation of the next few…the next few what? Minutes? Hours? DAYS?
Her dress zip seemed determined to thwart me. With the tremors our kiss was sending through my body I wondered if I’d ever control my hands. Eventually, I managed and the zip descended to her waist. I slid my hand in across her back. She wasn’t wearing a bra. I moved my body back so her outfit could follow mine. She wasn’t wearing knickers either. I felt overdressed! I’d chosen what I hoped she’d think a sexy set of lingerie and as usual wore stockings.
Jane’s hands traveled behind me and I felt the clasps of my bra parting. A strange feeling having it done by a woman. She then broke the kiss, removed my bra, took my hand, and simply said, “Come”, leading me into her bedroom. A double bed. An old fashioned iron bedstead with a headboard and tailboard of metal railings. It was bare except for a sheet over the mattress and a pair of pillows.
I must have hesitated. God knows why, I wanted her so much, but somewhere deep in my physic there must have been reservations. Was this all too quick? Too intense? Oh god grow up, I screamed at myself, you're not a teenager giving away your virginity.
Jane had sat on the edge of the bed and, pulling my hand, seated me next to her. She looked into my eyes.
“Tracy, I said before, I know exactly where you are. Relax, enjoy it. There’s no comeback. I’m not after a wife. We’re here because we both have a need. Let’s enjoy it.”
So we did.
Our lips met again and we fell back on the bed. Jane's hand disappeared into my knickers. A sudden jolt and her head pulled away from mine. “You’ve deforested! How lovely! I much prefer that.” Thank god. One decision I’d got right. She removed my knickers and her head went between my legs.
The intensity of the feeling. She’d done this in the car, but now with my legs spread wide, and her hands exploring, I was rapturous and already felt myself boiling up. Her thumb grazed my clit and that was it. I felt like an idiot, coming so quickly, a novice in sex. Almost. The joy of the feeling suppressed other emotions. I heard Jane lapping my juices. I felt her tongue on me, cat like, lapping at milk. I hoped I’d soon get to taste her.
“My, my, young lady, you are in need. Tonight is going to be a long one.”
Jane's comment came as she withdrew her head, lay beside me, and pushed my head towards her pussy. I would have liked to have recovered more from my orgasm, but her hand was insistent. She was already wet when my tongue entered her. I tried as best I could to replicate her actions and I guess I was doing them right as her flow of juice multiplied. That gorgeous taste again. I let my hands run up her body and felt her tits and tweaked her nipples.
I brought a hand away from her breast and used my fingers in her pussy, rubbing her clit with my thumb as I continued licking. If I was turning her on half as much as I was turning myself on, she should be happy.
A long simpering sigh escaped her and I felt her body twitch. I’d given her an orgasm. I was relieved. And elated. At least this wasn’t all one way.
I scrambled from between her legs and lay beside her. I wasn’t sure what to do. Thinking back to when I’d been with a man, I’d spoon in next to him or gently run my hand over his chest. Somehow neither seemed right, but Jane solved my quandary. She half turned and looked into my eyes. She had a way of doing that that made me feel as though she was reading my mind. Or my soul.
“Your confession. Your wish list. It’s so good to meet someone so honest and open. I’ll be equally frank. There’s things you mentioned that don’t interest me at all, the peeing or the flashing. I want my life private; but the other. The need you say you have to be humiliated, to be dominated, that I can help with. If you wish me to.”
It was disappointing to hear her say peeing or flashing weren’t her thing, but it would have been the icing on a very large delicious cake. I was more than happy to simply be fucked by her or even to be involved in other ‘games’ and I said so. “Good. Would you like to try something now?”
“What? I asked.
“How about I restrain you and administer some light punishment? See how we go?”
I nodded. I couldn’t utter a sound. This was facing demons in some ways. It was the kink I couldn’t understand myself wanting to enjoy. It was close to what my ex had inflicted against my will but in the months leading up to my decision to resurrect my sex life and particularly in the weeks since I’d announced it on Twitter the need, the desire to be dominated and humiliated had grown.
Humiliation was easier for me to understand. There is a huge overlap, as I see it, with my exhibitionism. People, particularly women, see me displaying my underwear or publicly peeing are pretty much guaranteed to react in a certain way such as those that saw me in pee drenched jodhpurs. It was the fact I could accept that humiliation and found it sexually stimulating that was so empowering.
The pain and the restrictions Jane was about to inflict on me were something else. Perhaps I wanted to prove to myself my Ex hadn’t succeeded in whatever perverted masculine desire he sought to inflict on me.
Jane was thorough in her preparation. We decided on a safe word should I feel the need for her to stop although she assured me the pain she was going to inflict would be minor.
She came to the bed with four sets of cuffs and proceeded to attach each to a corner of the bed.
As the last went on a wrist I felt a moment of panic. I couldn’t do it. I was about to say stop, to use the safe word before we’d even started when Jane knelt across my body bent her head to my mine, and oh so gently kissed me. A kiss that I just adsorbed. Let run through my body. The fear disappeared. Replaced by a longing for this woman to do what she wanted with me.
She had seen in my eyes the fear and now could see the desire. She sat back on her haunches “You’ll be okay,”
Then she started. A gentle slapping of my tits, a tweak of my nipples, a slap of my pussy, pulling my hair back and kissing me hard. The feel of her hand was like a caress rather than a slap and each touch sent shivers through my body. Not of fear, or of pain, but of lust. Of a desire to please this woman. Soon that desire was overwhelming and I heard myself saying, “Harder. Please!” Jane obliged. Not huge slaps administered with force, but harder than previously, gradually increasing in intensity. How this could be producing the effect on my body it was I didn’t understand. Neither did I care. I was loving it. Then I felt something different. An object touching my clit. I opened my eyes and looked. A huge black dildo! Jane looked at me. “May I?” I nodded. Speech had become impossible.
I’ve said many times I’m not a fan of toys, that I’ve never got true satisfaction from them. Utter drivel! God the way Jane used it! Speech may have been impossible, but screams weren’t. Soon, too soon, my hips were bucking and I was shouting, “Oh, god! Yes! Yes! Oh, fuck!” Or something similar. My memory is hazy. I was euphoric. Sex at its wildest(at least for me) Sex at its most satisfying. I can’t ever remember so much juice flowing out of me. Jane was doing her best to drink it all, but I felt it must be like waterboarding for her. How long the tremors went on I have no idea. They seemed to last minutes but I doubt it. All I knew was that I had experienced the deepest orgasm of my life.
Then I began to feel guilty. Poor Jane. Again she read my thoughts. “Don’t worry about me, young lady. It’s your turn now.”
With that, she straddled me and lowered her pussy over my face. She was already wet. Administering those slaps to me had turned her on nearly as much as me. I experienced what she had; a cascade of juice that needed drinking, an aroma of sex that needed inhaling, a pussy and clit that needed touching, sucking, nibbling. I did all I could and soon Jane was repaying me with a orgasm that matched mine.
We collapsed next to each other. I couldn’t think of anything sensible to say. Jane simply said, “You and I are going to have heaps of fun.”
We cuddled and drifted off to sleep for a short while, but the scenarios were repeated. How many times I’ve no idea, I lost track. My mind was in so much turmoil.
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