I’ve had to think long and hard about posting this.

I’ve had to think long and hard about posting this.
On one level it’s very personal, something I wouldn’t normally have dreamed of talking about. Also, it involves another, who at the moment isn’t aware of this account. I have though, I hope, disguised her details enough to ensure her anonymity.
On the other hand, I get so turned on describing my exploits I can’t-or at least don’t want to-miss the chance to tell you about it and visualise all those hard appendages!
On the third hand (!!) I owe you lot. Without your support and encouragement, I’d not have done it.
So here goes: (I wrote most of this last night)
I’m just back from my ‘date’ with Jane. I’ve got to write this all down now. Perhaps edit it a bit in the morning, but need to commit my thoughts to paper ASAP and I’m too buzzed to sleep anyway.
The week had dragged interminably as you probably realise from my tweets etc.
The first problem to resolve was what to wear. I knew the pub we were meeting at and it was a typical country local, so I didn’t need to dress up for that, but did I for Jane? I asked on Twitter what my followers thought and that helped not one jot. A range from slutty chav to sophisticated lady. In the end, I decided for myself and wore the outfit I’m wearing in the photo above. I put on some sexy undies too.
I arrived a few minutes early and there was no sign of Jane. I had an immediate panic she wasn’t coming. So childish. I bought myself a glass of wine and found a table. The pub wasn’t particularly full, so I chose one not near any occupied ones, telling myself I didn’t want our conversation overheard. Why not for god’s sake? It would probably only comprise two middle-aged women rabbiting on about their horses.
Jane arrived five minutes late looking flustered. She spotted me, came over apologising profusely. We kissed cheeks. Well, I air-kissed her, her lips actually touched my skin, but there was no hand down my back. I was being stupid; I was micro analysing every little thing. Every gesture for clues.
I bought her a drink and we sat and started chatting. She was easy to talk to and it was horses.
That continued for a good while, thirty minutes I should think. (If any of you know horse people you’ll know that to be quite a quick discussion.)
Abruptly, she changed subject. “Let’s talk men.” That threw me a bit. After our mutual disparaging remarks at our previous meeting regarding the male of the species, I’d have thought it was one topic we’d avoid, but I went with it.
She launched into a soliloquy about the men she’d known and their respective faults. There were a lot. Of men and faults; and I was wondering what she would think of my much shorter list. At least of men.
Jane finished relating her litany of faults and I prepared to launch into mine but she continued.
“Robert finished me with men. Since him, I’ve found I much prefer the company of women. How are you finding things?”
She’d used the word ‘company’ which didn’t help resolve my indecision, but I couldn’t stand it anymore and having eaten little during the day due to nerves and having consumed two large glasses of wine (I’d already decided I’d be calling a taxi to get home) I threw caution to the wind.
“With men? As I said before, I’m not comfortable in their company socially, although if I could just borrow their cocks that would be a perfect result.” Jane laughed, and I continued before I lost my nerve. “I’m now where I think I want to try something new. Something sexy with someone who has no need to prove they’re leader of the pack.”
I hoped my message was clear. I thought if she were interested it would be. If she wasn’t it was obscure enough to avoid embarrassment.
Jane leaned forward, placed a hand on my knee, and, looking directly into my eyes, said, “Let me see if I can help.”
I didn’t reply. I couldn’t. My emotions were all over the place. But her gaze remained on me and I held it. What was being left unsaid was obvious. I was moistening.
She broke her gaze and said, “Let me get more drinks.”
Shit, shit, shit. Half of me wanted to grab my bag and run. The other half didn’t. It wanted to stay and see if in reality my drought of real live physical contact with another human was about to end.
Jane returned from the bar and sat down.
“I assume from what you’ve said you’ve never been with a woman?”
There it was. No more doubt. We were definitely talking sex. Oh god. It was like thinking about losing one’s virginity. And look how that ended up for me!
“No. Not till now.” My god! Did I really say that? It’s clear in my mind I did, but putting the words down on the screen I can’t believe it. I’d offered myself, hadn’t I?
A tiny smile crossed her face.
I decided to be honest.
“I’m desperate to have some fun and I like you a lot.”
This induced another laugh from her that attracted the attention of other drinkers in the bar.
She lent forward and put her hand on my knee again. “I know exactly where you are. You’re where I was a few years back. Let’s go.”
She was still looking intently at me. Her hand was still resting on my knee. Then I felt it move. Slowly up my leg. I nearly died. My body started trembling. This was so stupid. Her hand stopped when her fingers touched a suspender.
“All prepared for a sexy date then?” Now the smile on her face was a broad one. I managed to stammer a yes.
“Good.” With that, she stood up, picked up her bag, held her hand out to take mine and we headed for the door.
Holding hands. God, a month ago if anyone had suggested I’d be in this position thirty days later I’d tell them to see a doctor.
“Your car or mine?”
It took me time to realise what she meant. Now it was exactly like losing my virginity. Except I didn’t have a car then.
“Yours. Mines a tip.”
She pressed the key and opened the back door of her car. I’ve no idea what it was. I’m no petrol head at the best of times and my mind was certainly elsewhere then, I just know it was quite small.
She clambered in after me, threw her bag on the front seat, and turned to face me. This was it!
“You’re very attractive Tracy. Relax.” She put her hands either side of my head and kissed me. Full on the lips. I didn’t respond. I couldn’t. I hadn’t been kissed on the lips passionately for three, four years? And never by a woman.
My lips eventually parted. I felt the tip of her tongue on my lips. On my teeth. On my tongue. That’s all I felt. The sensation had been removed from every other nerve in my body. But the sensitivity of those nerves still working had increased by the power of ten.
Then the dam burst. The pent up feelings of the last years. The realisation I wasn’t about to be molested by a man I hated. That I wasn’t about to have to suffer the stinking breath of a beer filled male who might on a good night manage ten seconds before he exploded inside me.
I responded. It didn’t matter that Jane was female. She was a real live human being who was causing a sexual tsunami in my body.
I hugged Jane to me and willingly returned her kiss.
Then there was her hand. It returned to my knee but didn’t stay there. That light touch I’d felt down my back last Sunday was now happening up my leg. Past my stockings and suspenders on to my knickers. So gently rubbing-no, caressing, my bush through the material. A touch so different to the groping grab that I’d been used to.
It’s dawned on me that Jane, through her own experiences, knew what I needed and she was providing it.
Her fingers were soon inside my knickers. Touching my lips, moving to my clit. The touch of her thumb produced an orgasm! I bucked as the wave swept through me. “You do need this don’t you?” She whispered. Never a truer word. I needed to repay her and put a hand tentatively on her breast, still unsure of my role in this encounter. She placed her own hand over mine and pressed it into herself.
I needed to try to do what she was doing to me. To feel her sex. To find out if she was as wet as I was. I vaguely remember thinking it was a good job her car had leather upholstery the amount I was leaking onto the seat.
I used my other hand to undo her jeans and slid it down under the waistband of her knickers. She was shaved. I momentarily became embarrassed that I was so hairy. I’d not got round to shaving my pubes but resolved to do it as soon as I could. I hoped it wasn’t something that would put her off. Judging by the way she continued to finger me it didn’t appear so.
My fingers replicated her actions. I know what I like down there and Jane's fingers were providing it for me, so I responded. I’d been wondering, obsessing, all week as to whether I’d be able to do this let alone enjoy it, but it felt natural.
Our kissing had stopped and we were both concentrating on what our hands were doing. I felt Jane's body tense and I was rewarded with her climaxing on my two fingers. Thank god. I thought this might be a one-way street. The feel of her climax induced me to follow suit. An orgasm as strong as the first.
I left my hand down her knickers but Jane took hold of it and drew it up to her mouth licking her juices, then passed it to me to do the same. My first taste of another female. No way will it be the last.
We leaned back on the seats to recover and I became aware of how uncomfortable I was. Not that I cared. Jane saw me squirming around.
“Yes, not the best location for this is it? Let’s find a bed next time.”
Next time! I hadn’t dared let my mind consider there might be a next time. But did that mean that was it for this time? Jane answered my unasked question.
“Want to stop?”
“God, no!”
With that she pushed my legs apart, pushing my skirt up at the same time and dropped her head to my pussy. I felt her lift my knickers to one side and then her tongue touched me. It opened my tap even more and I could hear and feel Jane lapping at my juices. I thought I ought to be doing something to her, but couldn’t. I lay back as best I could, closed my eyes, surrendering to the sensation.
Whether Jane is an expert female lover I have no idea. All I know is that her tongue technique was in a different class to anything I’d experienced before, especially from my ex.
I was moaning. Loudly probably, and I didn’t care. It was heavenly. Then it came. Another orgasm. This one building deep and I couldn’t help but scream when it erupted. God, I could have died happy at that moment.
Jane surfaced and sat next to me, her face glistening with my juices.
“Now your turn. Lick me out.”
Quite a demanding voice, but what I needed.
I unzipped her jeans and pulled them down along with her knickers, a red thong. I didn’t need to spread her legs, she did that without prompting. I dropped my head to her naked pussy and began what I hoped would be the first of many lickings. Her bare skin felt smooth to my tongue. I had wondered if it would be like my ex-husband's face after a couple of days of not shaving, but this was as smooth as a baby’s skin.
I tried to visualise what my actions would be doing. To replicate what I had enjoyed. Judging by Jane's moans I was succeeding. Her juices flowed. I lapped them up. I was relaxing, enjoying what was happening.
Suddenly her legs went behind my head, pulling it in tight to her groin. She locked heals. I could hardly breathe, but the feeling was electric. She started thrusting her hips back and forward. She was fucking my head! Her thrusting suddenly stopped and a long moan filled the car as her juices cascaded out. I couldn’t lap them up, my head was still locked into her groin but the feeling of them washing over me was sublime. Like someone peeing I thought. The flow was near to triggering me again, but I needed fingers in me.
Jane seemed to realise and pushed me back, so her hand could frig me. It took no time for me to erupt again. Oh wow.
We both collapsed on the back seat, sated.
“Shit, Trace, you’re not bad for a beginner. Hope you enjoyed it. I fucking did!”
I managed to stammer out a yes and some other words. I’m not sure what I was saying. I was trying to absorb what I’d done and how much I’d enjoyed it. But that had to wait.
A further sudden realisation dawned. We’d done that in a pub car park!
An added bonus, not that we’d been spotted. At least I don’t think we had. I was too preoccupied to be sure.
I must stop there. It’s late and I’ve run out of adrenalin. There are a hundred questions tonight has raised in my mind, but for now, I’m off to bed, no doubt to exercise my fingers some more!
I’ll tweet sometime tomorrow. Take care. Xxx

Part Two
Jane date aftermath
So many thoughts arising from my ‘date’ with Jane. I’m not sure I’ll cover them all in this blog but we’ll see how it goes.
First and foremost: Did I enjoy it?
Unequivocal answer-yes! Every second. (Almost-see below) Having been without physical contact for so long, the sheer joy of having the touch and smell of someone I liked was huge.
Second. Would I do it again?
Try and stop me! With Jane or, I think, any other woman.
Third: What was my attitude to doing it in the car?
I was shocked when it dawned on me that’s what was going to happen. The exhibitionist side of me was not functioning, I was so intent on Jane and I had thought when we went out she’d suggest going to her house or mine. My teens and early twenties might well have been spent being groped in the back seat of a car but I’d really thought in my forties those days were behind me. It was uncomfortable and that did register. On the other side, by the time I could think about it, the thought we could have been discovered and watched was a huge turn on.
Thinking about it now I wonder if Jane was concerned about getting too close by visiting either house in case she didn’t like me or I chickened out. Or perhaps she has an exhibitionist streak too. She did say next time would be in a bed so perhaps I’m right.
When she locked heels behind me and forced my head down into her pussy, I did have a moment's panic. Most of you will know from my tweets I’m open to hard sex, alienated at least on a fantasy level. That sex needs to be totally consensual, not as it was with my ex, (when he could be bothered). Jane did what she did without any warning or seemingly any regard for me. Perhaps I’m being naive and what she did was totally normal (in the circumstances) but it has sown a little doubt in my mind.
Being used WITHOUT CONSENT was one factor that alienated me from my ex. The last thing I need is to return to that.
I’ll stop there. The positives far out way that last point which may only be a point in my head anyway. Your thoughts are more than welcome.
Moving on, the fact that I’ve done that, that I’ve been fucked by a woman has somehow released a whole load of inhibitions.
I don’t want to raise your hopes (unlike your cocks), but I feel much more relaxed and inclined to show you more of my body. I need to sleep on that idea for a bit, but watch this space!
Please if you enjoyed it do ‘clap’ for me below and if you want to be notified of future blogs do register. That helps me too, as it pushes my blog higher up the algorithm (or something!).
Also if you haven’t read earlier blogs click on Tracy_Trouble below to see what I’ve been doing. XXXX