I’ve decided — I like Dogging!
You might want to start reading here if you haven’t followed my evening out with Lizzie and Chris until now…

You might want to start reading here if you haven’t followed my evening out with Lizzie and Chris until now: https://medium.com/@TracyTrouble/lizzie-takes-charge-eb310c861425
And if you want to see the video of Lizzie flashing at the pub you’ll need to buy me a coffee here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TerriTopsF
Two satisfied men. Two shrinking cocks. Time to tidy up. Two birds with one thought. We stood up and embraced and kissed. The smell of sex increased our libido. I broke the kiss and licked Lizzie’s face. Felt the drying cum on my tongue. Felt the effect it had on my pussy. A cat that had the cream. A strange man’s cum but it didn’t awaken my phobia. I stopped and allowed Lizzie to do the same to me. While she did, our hands pushed each other's skirts up. found each other's cunts. Fingers working. Equally wet. Equally horny. Needing sex. I had no idea what the two men were doing nor did I care. I was steaming from everything that had happened in the last few hours and needed my need satisfied. I fumbled with the back door of the car with one hand while I fingered Lizzie with the other. Her fingers still worked me, our mouths were glued together. We tumbled onto the rear seat. My head went down between her tits smothering her with kisses. Biting. Nibbling. Licking. We somehow manoeuvred ourselves into a sixty-nine position. Urgent. Bliss. Fingers and tongues working each other's pussies. Neither climax was long in coming. Lizzie beat me. Her bucking triggered mine. I would say we collapsed on each other but we were already well entangled and simply lay as we were, recovering.
“Fucking horny,” a voice said. I assumed it was our dogger. I looked around. It wasn’t. Shit. There were three strangers standing there. All with their cocks out and wanking. Chris standing beside them blending in, his cock out too. Not as hard as the others, but recovering.
My euphoria of the evening evaporated. The sight of three/four rampant cocks was too much. My phobia awoke like a dragon breathing fire, arguing with my sane self and fighting for dominance.
I’d had John. I’d had Chris. What difference other men’s cocks? They weren’t going to do things I didn’t want done. With my new self in my dreams and fantasies, I couldn’t bring to mind anything in that category but my phobia still screamed. “Stay away.” I had an excuse. I told myself this was Lizzie’s night. A ‘coming out’ night. Demonstrating she was a true hot wife. She’d said she was only doing oral. She’d done that. Would she be satisfied with that three more times? Would Chris? Our original dogger had gone. Satisfied I assumed. But the three rampant cocks all being wanked all leering at our entangled, part naked, part underwear revealing bodies were champing at the bit for action. I looked at my friend wondering if this would prove too much. Her open mouth and sparkling eyes said not. I had to tell her. I had to say I would not be joining her. All three were hers. I managed to get the words out. “I can’t Lizzie. Too much.” She looked at me and understood. She simply nodded, kissed me, shuffled down the seat, and got out.
I lay in the back seat. Watching. Wanting to be with her. The dragon preventing me. I needed St George.
Once Lizzie was out of the car she hugged and kissed Chris and whispered in his ear. I saw him nod and kiss her back. She bent forward and kissed his now almost erect cock turned to the three men, squatted in front of them, grabbed a cock, opened her mouth to take it, and wrapped a hand around the other two.
I couldn’t comprehend what I was seeing. How long ago was it that I’d had to work hard to get her to show a bit of keg in a pub? Now here in the dark, she was going to get a facial from three complete strangers. A bukkake. Is this how teachers feel when their pupils rise to greater heights than they have? Proud, but jealous. That’s how I felt. I’d opened up Chris and Lizzie’s life but that I couldn’t share it was hurting. The comments from the doggers weren’t helpful. The language was colourful but complimentary. My concentration had been on the three, watching my friend alternate the cocks between her hand and mouth. My fingers were working inside myself. Helping, but not satisfying. I realised there was an answer to my dilemma. Something that would go a long way to satisfying me. I slid out of the car, stood next to Chris and placed my hand over his with which he was still wanking himself. “Want another fuck?” I asked. His cock was ready. Like father like son. Perhaps their ability to recover was genetic rather than as I had assumed with John, his age. Couldn’t be that with Chris anyway. What the hell, who cares? He had a cock ready for action and I knew I could cope with it inside me. I didn’t wait for a reply. I led him by the hand to the front of the car and bent over the bonnet. From there we could both still watch his wife. I knew that would be paramount in his mind. I also hoped that seeing me being fucked by her husband would encourage Lizzie to let the men fuck her. If she did I knew both her husband and I would be turned on beyond belief.
So for the second time that evening, Chris’s cock sank into me. This time we could be more abandoned in our fuck. We had an audience again, but not one that was going to be complaining about disgusting behaviour. I wondered how I’d cope. The earlier fuck I’d been able to control, but with this one Chris would be in charge
Lizzie, although well engrossed in her three cocks, had seen us and had time to smile and say, “Enjoy her darling.” As much to give Chris a message that she had no objection as anything else I thought.
I’d never been taken over the bonnet of a car (such a sheltered life!) but the time and place had little bearing on my thoughts and feelings. Chris had wasted no time in sinking right in up to his balls. I hardly felt him, I was so wet. My legs were wide apart, my tits squashed against the cold metal of the bonnet. I waited for him to start fucking. He didn’t. He’d already come twice that evening, but I guess he felt himself close to exploding again, given the tableau in front of him. Lizzie standing up. Going to the car Leaning against it, arms outstretched. Opening her legs. She was going to let the men fuck her. I nearly came on the spot. No wonder Chris daren’t move.
I was torn. I desperately wanted, no, needed, pummelling with cock. My hole shrieking to feel a penis thudding into me, but I knew Chris wanted to experience his cuckold state.
The answer, the simple answer, for anyone in my state would have been to ease Chris out and use one of the rampant cocks awaiting their turn with his wife. I looked at them. Neither was huge. Nothing that was likely to rip my vagina apart. I could do it, I told myself. My sane self was winning. St George had turned up.
Then things changed. The first dogger came. In Lizzie. His final thrust almost lifting her off the ground. Producing a shriek and a moan. It goaded Chris into action. His cock started pummelling me as the first dogger withdrew and the second took his place.
Chris wasn’t taking prisoners. His thrusts were as violent as the first man’s final one into his wife. Each pushed my body up the bonnet. My flattened tits dragging across the metal. Not that I cared. I was soaring. The cock producing feelings I’d missed for so long. More satisfying than those at the pub. Longer. Harder. Faster. I was climaxing before I knew it. Somehow, presumably because he’d already come twice, Chris didn’t. His eyes still on his wife, I assumed. Taking her second cock. Being filled with a second load of cum.
I’d gone through my climax with Chris’s cock still thudding deep into me. The third man was now taking his wife. I guessed he didn’t want to come until they’d finished. Didn’t want to experience the deflation before his wife’s cunt was free of strangers' cocks. And he almost made it. His final thrust into me brought another wave over me and my groans seemed to trigger the dogger.
I was exhausted. God knows how my friends felt. The doggers faded away. I assume they’d said thank you. Perhaps not. Perhaps not the etiquette. Chris had backed off and helped me stand up. Lizzie had turned round and was sitting sideways on a car seat. In the dim light, I could see the cum dribbling out. A waste, but I couldn’t bring myself to lap it up. Somehow the curtain had come down. End of the show. Three very exhausted people. Three very satisfied sexual appetites.