Family Fun?
Part 2

Part 2
If you haven’t read Part 1 start here:
I arrived at about eight and John opened the door. “Hi,” I said.
“Hi,” he said in reply. He had a nervous energy about him. Something I hadn’t seen before. I was used to his nervous timid side although I hadn’t seen that for a while and I was used to his confident laid back side. This was different. The sort of energy you have just before an exam or a sports competition.
He was wearing a plain blue tee shirt and jeans, not that that is particularly relevant. He’d hardly be in white tie and tails but I suppose I was half wondering if he would have answered the door naked or just in his underpants.
We didn’t kiss orfondle. The atmosphere was decidedly different. Odd. But then so were the circumstances. It was hardly a main stream family get together with mother and son having sex even if not with each other.
He led me into the lounge. Chris leapt up and he did kiss me but platonically on the cheek. Considering how I’d bounced on his cock until he came while sitting in a pub garden I found that reserved! To say the least. I went over to Lizzie and bent down to her. At last a proper greeting. The men might be a bit reticent but the women weren’t! We exchanged an exceedingly wet sloppy open-mouthed kiss. I sat on the sofa beside her and Chris handed me a drink.
I can’t recall accurately the next few minutes because they were non-existent. A stupid phrase. Time can’t not exist but I mean they were bland. Non memorable. Chit chat. Inconsequential.
We were waiting for the big bang. Someone to say “Go!”
So I did. Being the outsider I suppose it was easier. John wasn’t my son. Someone I’d suckled. Someone whose nappy I’d changed. Taken to school for the first time.
So I attacked this mother. She was mid-sentence about something and I leant in, pushed a hand up her jumper and sealed my lips to hers. Clearly a relief. She responded by feeling her way up my leg. I’d come sexily dressed although I wondered if it would prove overkill, but my hand up Lizzie's jumper had discovered a lacy bra that I could tell without seeing it was sexy. John would be happy.
I assumed the easiest way to get everyone relaxed was going to have a bit of lessie sex, so we had a bit of lessie sex. No. I lie. We had a great deal of lessie sex. In fact, it was one of the horniest sessions I can remember and without a doubt, due to the fact we had an audience. I can speak for Lizzie too as we talked about it afterwards. It will be repeated. Tickets will go on sale on…
Sorry. You want detail. I pulled back from our kiss stood up undid my skirt and let it drop to the floor. (I’ve got to do that more often with men watching. In a pub, on the train, perhaps even in the office. Somehow just dropping my skirt with those male eyes on me letching after my body was such a turn on). I pulled Lizzie's jumper off. I’d been right about her bra. Very sheer. Her nipples showing through trying to bore their way out. Standing proud already.
I remained standing and pulled Lizzie's head into my knickers. Lizzie didn’t lick. She munched. Taking my satin knickers in her mouth, chewing on them almost. There was urgency. A rawness. It moistened me quickly but this wasn’t about me. It was a means to an end. A depraved end.
I dropped to my knees between Lizzie's legs. Pushed them apart. Replicated her actions on me. Her knickers were already damp. I wanted them soaked. It didn’t take long. Lizzie was heading full steam to an orgasm. I planned to leave her outside the station. I pulled my head back and dragged her knickers down partly with my teeth, partly with my hands. I pulled them over her feet and turned to the men. If she wanted to come she had her fingers.
I looked at her husband and son. Chris’s trousers were bulging but still firmly done up. He had a hand shoved down his waistband. The answer as to why he hadn’t released himself, I guessed, sat across the room from him.
John was mesmerised. An eight-year-old coming down on Christmas morning, every present he’d ever wished for piled under the tree.
His jeans bulged but he didn’t have a hand anywhere near them. Both were clamped on the arms of the chair. Preventing him from being spun off this inconceivable sexy world.
I shuffled across to him, pushed his legs apart as I had done Lizzies. I didn’t dare touch his crotch. No way did I want him filling his pants with his semen. I had other ideas for it.
I raised his mother's knickers to his mouth. “Taste,” I instructed. “They're still warm and wet from her.”
He did. Tentatively at first he put his tongue out but as soon as it touched the fabric and he smelt her odour and tasted her juice he closed his lips around them and sucked.
I hoped the diversion would give me a chance to extract his cock before he exploded. I gently unzipped and pulled his cock out of his boxers. I had a quick glance at the other two. Chris now had his cock out and was wanking. Slowly and controlled. Lizzie was in the same state of trance as her son had been a few seconds earlier mesmerised on seeing her son's engorged cock. but her fingers slowly worked her cunt.
I returned my attention to John. Grabbed his cock. Gave a tug. Asked, “Does your mother taste good?” The combination proved to much. I felt his cock twitch. His load expelled. My face inches from the end was plastered. In my hair, across my forehead, cheeks, nose, temptingly on my lips. I did nothing, just made sure I milked every last drop of his cum out of him. Treated myself to licking his helmet clean. Then moved on. Wondering if what I planned would be too deviant for Lizzie. It wasn’t.
I scrambled back across the floor. Climbed onto the sofa and kissed Lizzie. Pulled her hand out of her pussy and replaced it with mine.
I’d wondered if she’d bulk at kissing me covered in her son's cum. She didn’t. Our lips met and John's semen on my lips transferred. I pulled back ran a finger down my cheek pickup up a load of cum, pushed it into Lizzie's mouth. She sucked hard on it. Cleaned it. No reservation. I didn’t need to do it again. She helped herself. I put two fingers in her cunt. Her sopping wet cunt. Her tongue did a thorough job cleaning my face. My fingers did a thorough job bringing her to the boil.
She was nearing the end when I felt someone join us on the sofa. Whichever nan it was he had a double-decker of cunts to choose from. I was lying on Lizzie my pussy over hers.
I felt a cock touch my lips. Solid. Chris’s I guessed. No hesitation. Not that I needed lubricating. What I needed was filling. And he did. Long hard thrusts. Banging me. Literally. Pushing my whole body up Lizzies with each thrust. Our tits rubbing together. Nipples clashing. Then he was gone. But into his wife. The same urgency. The same result. Then back to me. I came. Flooding the sofa. He went briefly back to his wife while I convulsed. As I calmed he produced the same result in Lizzie. Lying on top of her was like being in a row boat in a force nine gale.
As her convulsionss lessened his cock found me again. He’d managed not to come. That didn’t last. As Lizzie and I hugged and kissed, I felt his load coming. Fuck! Fuck! I would have come again too but I wanted his semen in me. I held back somehow. He finished. I wondered how big a load I had.
I reluctantly pulled myself off Lizzie and went over to John. No surprise there. His cock was fully inflated again. I climbed on the armchair a knee on each arm my cunt over his face. I pulled my lips apart. Let his father’s cum start to dribble out. He had swallowed his own cum from me. Would he Chris’s?
Yes. No hesitation. Opened mouth. Swallowed. All I could release. His tongue them cleaning me. Then his cock fucking me. Another load. Another orgasm. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
What to do with this load? Chris! He hadn’t had a taste of cum. The rest of his family had. He was on the sofa, Lizzies head on his shoulder as they watched their son fuck me. Lizzie’s hand was slowly awakening Chriss’s cock again. I stood in front of him raised one leg and put a foot on the back of the sofa. Repeated opening my kips letting the semen escape. Dribbling out. Landing on Chris’s cock. On Lizzie’s hand. She licked it off. Kissed her husband. Pushed his head under the slow drip from my cunt. He opened his mouth and took receipt of the nectar.
You could say I suppose that I was the only one not being depraved but I had set the scenario. Done the rounds. Delivered the seeds.
So was I right? I started this blog by saying it was a depraved kinky taboo evening. Was it?
Well, it had hardly started.
Part 3 to follow.
Author’s note: Medium has changed the way they calculate the amount they pay us authors for what we post. I’m hardly a J K Rowling but what I did earn kept me in new knickers. Now those earnings have dropped to 10% of what they had been. (To 10%, not by 10%) And we were told it was for our benefit! I don’t like being ripped off, but will for the time being keep posting to see if I can recover those few £s. So please, please if you have enjoyed this little blog, do clap and/or leave a comment. It helps the little algorithm thingy think I’m human. XXX