Hotwife Lizzie — No Question
This blog marks another milestone, my 150th! I hope you all still are enjoying my journey as much as I am. XXX

This blog marks another milestone, my 150th! I hope you all still are enjoying my journey as much as I am. XXX
It was a couple of days after Lizzie became a hot wife that I got a call from her.
“Hello Witch, I need to see you.”
I could tell from the tone there was nothing wrong. It was light, laughing almost. Definitely happy. Definitely no lingering regrets.
She arrived bearing a bottle of bubbly.
“Celebration time!” She announced as I opened the door and hugged me as she stepped in.
I got the glasses, and we made ourselves comfortable in the lounge.
“So?” I asked.
“So you are an evil, conniving witch.” The words again spoken with a broad smile. “You knew that would happen, didn’t you?”
“No, honestly,” I replied. “I hoped it would, certainly, but the fact that it did was down to you wanting it.”
“But I hadn’t. Wanted it, that is. Not when I turned up. It was the way it just sort of got hornier and hornier.”
“So? You’re obviously happy it happened. You don’t look as though you’re about to hit me over the head with that champagne bottle.”
“That would be a waste. If I was going to do anything I’d wait till it was empty, then stuff it up your pussy, seeing as how you refused to let my man do you.”
What a sentence! I felt a tremor at the thought of her doing that. Could be fun! But I wasn’t sure she was being serious. The bit about me refusing her husband, though. Her tone was slightly different, although I couldn’t quite define it. Regret? Annoyance? Relief even? I’d let the first bit go, for now, and ask about the second.
“I’m sorry about that. You know my problem, but I’ll be honest. If he hadn’t asked and had just done it, I’d have let him but have no idea what the consequences might have been. I might have coped and enjoyed it. Equally, I might have freaked out and thrown you all out. I didn’t want to run the risk.”
“I guessed that and fully understand. It’s those with cocks that can’t! Oh, don’t think Chris is upset by your refusal, but I can tell deep down he took it as a rejection.”
“Oh god no! Not in the sense he clearly thinks. Hell, I probably shouldn’t say this given you’ve only just got into this, but if and when I feel capable of taking a mature man, he’ll be a contender!” I kept it light. It was true, I could fuck Chris in my fantasies whereas some other men, when I imagined the scenes, still produced shivers. Also, you might have spotted my use of the word ‘mature’. I didn’t want to outright lie to Lizzie about John, but unless the conversation went to him I didn’t feel inclined to tell her just yet.
Lizzie smiled. “I’ll tell him. Keep his ego unshattered.”
“But what about you? Come on. Tell me your feelings about doing it.” I asked.
Again her smile. “It’s why I’m here, in part. I know you were there and witnessed it but I’m bursting to put my feelings into words ‘cos I need to utterly convince my inner self I did it without regret. I’m positive I did. It’s just that I can’t believe deep down I should have enjoyed it. Oh, I’m wittering. Listen. When we got to that point of no return, my husband going with Carol, I couldn’t get my head around my thoughts. My husband committing adultery in front of my eyes and I was leaking at the sight! Then Charlie asked if he could fuck me. I’d only just cum hadn’t I? Yet the atmosphere in that room! I tried to say no but couldn’t. So there I was. Looking at my husband, not really seeing him. Thinking, ‘what am I doing?’ But then Charlie entered me. I saw Chris’s reaction. I realised I was enjoying the feeling. Ha! Enjoying! Stupid word. I couldn’t believe the sensation. After all, it was just a cock. Not much different to Chris’s, but the feeling! Obviously all in the mind but wow! I just absorbed it. Soaked up the mental side. Hardly even noticed when he came. It was Chris’s face that did it for me. I know he was fucking Carol but his eyes! Not on me. Not directly, anyway. Watching Charlie’s cock thud into me. His expression! I have never, ever felt so hot.”
“And Chris? Was he as happy about it as he’d expected?”
Lizzie looked at me as though I was an alien and didn’t bother to reply.
“That’s good,” I said with a smile. “So what’s next?”
“Shit, Witch. You don’t stop, do you?”
“Do you want to? Stop?”
“You bloody well know I don’t! This slippery slope you’ve pushed me down. I’m nowhere near the bottom, am I?”
That was music to my ears. I wondered how deviant I might be able to make my friend and her husband.
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
“We talked about it. Obviously. It’s all we’ve done. Well, that and you know… Neither of us has a problem with doing it again. With Carol and Charles or actually anyone else but we’ve made a rule. Always together, so there’s no possibility of us being jealous.”
Bugger! There goes my idea of having Chris and John together. Unless…
“Good idea,” I replied. “Keep it in the family.” I’m not sure why I said that. A Freudian slip, I guess, but it steered the conversation. For good or ill, I was about to find out.
“So, anyone in mind for next time?” I made the question innocent.
“No, that’s another reason I’m here. We wondered if you had any friends who might be interested.”
“Lizzy love, every man in the county would be willing to fuck you.”
Another laugh. “Thanks for the compliment, true or not, but I think I’m not ready to go with a perfect stranger. I need someone who someone I know knows.
“Mm,” I replied, “my address book is not so full of men. What about age?”
“Don’t care.”
“Well,” I took a deep breath. I thought we’d consumed enough of the wine to dull any adverse reaction. “I’m sure John will know plenty of randy young men who would oblige.”
“John? My John?”
“Yes. I bet you feature in his friends' fantasies about MILFs.”
Thank god she giggled! “Oh, what a delicious thought! A class full of randy teens!” She wasn’t taking it seriously which was fine. At least the idea was planted.
“And John might think it’s ‘cool’”
“Or he might think I’m disgusting and perverted.”
“You are,” I helpfully suggested.
“Haha, yes perhaps I am but, no, I can’t even contemplate the thought, not in reality. I’ll do all I can to make sure he doesn’t find out.”
Bugger on steroids! One more try then I’d leave it.
“Not in reality then. Let’s do fantasy gang bang. Which of his friends do you fancy letting fuck you?” If I could get a name, I could then get John to set something up and hopefully, that might lead somewhere.
“I haven’t met many, not from college.”
“One surely?” I felt she was holding back, even with the wine not prepared to admit she had an urge for a young man.
“No. Sorry. Can’t you think of anyone else?
“Okay, so if teen boys are out of the reckoning, who do you fancy screwing?”
“No idea. Chris was suggesting a stranger, but as I’ve said, I’m not sure about that. It was easy with Charles. We’d had a pleasant evening, and he’s a friend of yours. I can’t see me being so relaxed with someone I just picked up although it does add a certain excitement to proceedings. Mind you, I’m not sure I need more excitement!”
“If it’s somebody you know, have you anyone in mind?”
A thought occurred to me. Two birds, one stone.
“How about my son-in-law?”
“Jeez, Trace you do come up with them, don’t you? Friends of my son, your son-in-law. Who next? Your dad?”
“Now there’s a thought.” She thumped me on the arm.
“Stop it! Can’t you think of anyone that’s not related?”
“There’s the bloke next door. The one who keeps spying on me when I’m in the garden.”
“Oh wow. Yes, the local peeping Tom. That’s going to make me feel so comfortable. If that’s the best, I think I’ll take an earlier option.”
I was pretty sure we were talking hypothetically, but it would be interesting to see where this went.
“And which option in particular? A 20 year old friend of Johns, my 28 year old son in law or my 70 year old dad?”
She theatrically screwed up her face and put a finger to her lip’s pretending to think. “Done the sixty age group so no. Don’t want word going round college John's mum’s a slut, so I guess your son-in-law gets the prize.”
I’d said it as a joke. With Kaz’s workload, I guessed sex would be on the back burner but then I began to think about it. I was concerned for Kaz and had tried to make her take some holiday last time I’d spoken to her. If she did, they could come and stay with me and they might be happy to play. Chris and Craig (why is it so many of the people I know have names commencing with C?) have a similar fetish for watching their women play. It could be fun. But I deflected.
“Think of the street cred it would give John, his mum a real live MILF available for any classmate who wants to stick his cock up her cunt.”
We were well into a second bottle of wine and my language was deliberate. I saw a flicker in her eyes. The idea appealed at least on a fantasy level.
“You keep saying he doesn’t have many friends. I bet he would if word about you got around.”
She actually thought about it! Took a large gulp of wine and sat there looking at me.
“You’re serious aren’t you?”
I’d pushed it enough
“Partly. Possibly. Look if you want me to see if Kaz and Craig would play I’ll talk to her, but she’d need a week off to give her a chance to relax. Let’s do that but in the meantime, if another possibility turns up then take it.” The other possibility I had in mind was me asking John to engineer a scenario with a mate going round to his house. Lots of hurdles but a plan was forming.
“What’s Craig like?” A question that surprised me. It showed definite interest! My wine consumption had now passed the point where my brain could tell me the things I shouldn’t do. I took out my phone scrolled through the photos and showed her one of Craig. No problem there, it was just a portrait.
“Oh, he’s looks cute.” She’d definitely had too much wine. Cute is not a word I’d have used! As we all tend to do she flicked the photo to look at the next. Not so innocent. It showed Craig fucking Kaz. Lizzie’s eyes widened like a cartoon character’s. “That’s your daughter?”
“And she sent you this?”
“I took it.”
“You were there?”
“Well, yes. Why the surprise? I thought we had just agreed to try and arrange a meet with them?”
“Yes, but I didn’t think you’d be there!”
“Is that a problem?”
“Yes! No! Oh, Christ. God, Witch, you do push boundaries, don’t you? No, I suppose it’s not a problem. After all you’re not…”
Her voice trailed off. She was looking at me and clearly saw the answer to her unasked question in my face.
“Oh god. You haven’t? Have you?”
I nodded.
“And Craig?”
“Not been fucked by him, no.”
“But, done other things?”
“Yes, like you and Charles.”
“Yes, but we’re not related.”
“Nor are Craig and I.”
“But you and Kaz?”
The conversation was exciting me due to Lizzie’s body language and tone of her words. She was squirming a little in her chair. Something inside was awakening. The tone had a hint of excitment. I hoped I wasn’t projecting my wishes. I still had no idea where this conversation would lead but was reasonably confident it wouldn’t end in disaster.
“We’re both grown women and before you ask it’s not incestuous. You need a cock for that.”
That actually made her laugh.
“That’s good to know. Best I steer clear of John then.”
It was lighthearted. A throwaway comment but more than interesting that it had occurred to her.
“Best you do. I’ll deal with him while my son-in-law services you and your husband fucks my daughter.” I used the relationships rather than names as I felt it added to the perverse nature of what we were contemplating but also slightly hid John's involvement.
The second bottle was empty which was probably why Lizzie’s reply was what it was.
“Sounds like a plan.” It took a while but her alcohol addled brain finally translated what I’d said and she sat bolt upright.
“We are talking fantasy aren’t we?”
“Not if Kaz and Craig are up for it.”
“No, I mean John.”
“Up to you.”
“I thought you didn’t do men?”
I was getting more excited by the minute with this conversation. She hadn’t just blocked the idea.
“Mature men darling.”
She drained her glass and accepted a refill. She was leaning back in her chair holding her empty glass looking intently at me.
Part 2 to follow